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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    2020: Who the H*** Won?

    by Phil Erwin

    It’s the 22nd of November. A full 20 days since we had an election.

    Twenty days. A shade shy of three weeks.

    Who the Hell won???

    Don’tcha wish you knew?

    (If you’re a Democrat, you undoubtedly think you already do know. But… Not so fast! As I wrote earlier – the Fat Lady ain’t sung yet!)

    But I mean, come on! Here we are, a fifth of the way into the Twenty-First Century! We got computer technology so good we can calculate celestial motions and rocket trajectories well enough to toss a monster rocket into space with such accuracy that it can drop a dune buggy onto the surface of Mars nine or so months later.

    But we can’t even count up a few million votes?

    What the Hell?

    That misguided (and frankly just a bit immature) perspective describes the energy behind our current national angst to a “T”. Americans just aren’t very patient with things. Any things.

    Europeans think in terms of thousand-year histories. The Chinese have 50- and 100-year plans.

    But Americans behave as though, if they have to wait until an election has started before they get to know the result, they’re being cheated somehow!

    Americans thought the polls were telling ’em who won before the polling booths even opened!

    Of course, the Democrats – and their lapdog national Media – are all behaving as if the outcome were known. That’s their playbook: Control the narrative by insisting you know The Truth. Even though no one really knows!

    ‘Cause the states haven’t certified yet. And the electors haven’t even been chosen, much less convened in an Electoral “College” in order to vote. And obviously, Congress hasn’t received an official electoral result to certify. So again, obviously: No one knows who won!

    So here we are, in the midst of an election with more uncertainty than we’ve seen in our lifetimes, and we just don’t know what to do with ourselves.

    Here’s what I suggest: Call your favorite news personality and tell ’em to quit yakkin’ ’bout it!

    We have fifty states that each run their own election. (And there’s Puerto Rico, the Marianas… Maybe there’s some other little island paradise we don’t even know about yet, some classified postage-stamp of an island that gets to run their own election for… bragging rights?)

    When you think about it, the incessant Media chatter, the on-air angst, the ridiculous hand-wringing about who is the new President is, like, WAY jumping the gun. ‘Cause our current President is our President until the 20th of January next, at Noon! It’s in the Constitution! No deviating from that schedule!

    And that’s a full two months away!

    What’s the rush?

    Of course, the reason Democrats are so desperate to have Joe Biden “declared” the “winner” is because they are so incredibly emotionally invested in their pathological need to send Trump packing. Have been for four years now. I guess they think his fading-orange presence is harmful somehow to the Socialist-Leftist milleau.

    Come to think of it, it has been.

    Trump has really shifted the energies of the country away from growing Government, and back where it belongs – toward preserving, protecting and promoting the health, welfare, livelihoods and the future of We, the People.

    What a dastardly thing to do!

    No wonder the Democrats are so Hell-bent (and a more appropriate use of that term I’ve never encountered!) on getting Trump GONE!!

    He’s the only thing standing between them and complete domination and ownership of the nation’s future.

    Who’d-a thunk a real-estate-reality-TV “clown” would turn out to be smarter, stronger, tougher and right-er than the entire Democrat Party, together with its Stockholm-syndrome Media?

    I wouldn’t count him out just yet.

    And Trump has gathered several of the highest-wattage attorneys in the country to wrestle with the legal and Constitutional ins-and-outs. And they all sound utterly convinced that they’ve got the goods, and are about ready to present the goods, on electoral frauds and fraud-ers.

    If I were a Democrat… Well, that would never happen, I’m just not that closed-minded and ignorant – but if I were, I’d be worried that my Party is about to be blown apart by evidence that my leadership colluded with… wait for it… foreign actors and influences – in order to bring about a takeover of the American political system.

    That’s not gonna look too good on the ole resume…

    We might have to spend another three years and $48 Million shining some real light down into that swampy cesspool.

    On the other hand, maybe it’ll be clear as crystal in just a very few weeks.

    Phil Erwin is an author, IT administrator and registered Independent living in Newbury Park. He would like to support some Democrat ideals, but he has a visceral hatred for Lies and Damn Lies (and is highly suspicious of Statistics.) That pretty much eliminates supporting most Democrats, and a bunch of Republicans to boot.

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    Naomi Fisher
    Naomi Fisher
    3 years ago

    Good Job Phil. Funny but to the point. I agree with you completely.

    We’re in a zoo right now and I can’t wait to get rid of all the bad-acting monkeys and close the door on them!

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