On a recent call, the General Counsel or the California Republican Party claimed there was NO fraud or corruption in the November 2020 election in California. The CRP Chair, Jessica Patterson has not refuted that claim. By NOY suing to stop live ballots, 440,000, going to dead people and those living outside of the Sate, the California Republican Party has normalized corrupt elections in California. We also found that 3500 Californians voted in the November election is California and Nevada—but neither government nor the GOP can find any corruption. Now this:
“Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.
Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.
This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.
It also means these ballots were fraudulent.
Even if all 1300 beds were filled, this dorm provided 3,000 votes! Will those in charge of our political parties wake up and move aside so those that want to end the fraud and corruption can sue.
The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal
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I love Stephen Frank’s coverage, but honestly, the guy’s misspellings and poor copywriting REALLY undermine what could be solid political coverage…
Re-read the article and count the misspelled or incorrect words….
It’s embarrassing….
If I’m at my sick mother’s home in Kansas can I still vote from my permanent residence in California?
You have alternatives:
1. Absentee ballot for your California registration and NOT registered and not voting in KS. This assumes temporary residence in KS.
2. Switch residence to KS and register there, unregister in CA.
My point exactly. 1300 unfilled beds means nothing