Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster”

    Commentary By Wayne Allyn Root

    Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaxxed. Every one of them.

    This is a “vaccine death and disease cluster.”

    This is like the “Love Canal” cancer cluster of the 1970s. It can’t be ignored when you see so many people dead, or very ill in just one group.

    But it has nothing to do with our wedding. Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere. Non-Covid deaths are up dramatically in the United States (and all over the world). Life insurance companies report non-Covid deaths are up 40% or more among young, working age Americans. Lincoln National reports death benefit payouts are up over 163% in the year since Covid vaccines came out. These are death increases not seen during World War II.

    Read the headlines- every day a new celebrity, actor, rock star, athlete or CEO is dropping dead “suddenly and unexpectedly.” Most of them are way too young to die, or suffer strokes or heart attacks. I’m betting they all have one thing in common- they are VACCINATED.

    I surfed over to one night this week. Here were the headlines:

    *American Pickers’ Frank Fritz hospitalized after stroke.

    *“Little Women: Atlanta” star Ms. Juicy suffered stroke, out of ICU.

    *Hailey Bieber (Justin Bieber’s 25 yr old wife) had mini-stroke, underwent heart procedure.

    *“Elvis” actress Shonka Dukureh found dead in apartment at age 44.

    *Sopranos Star Tony Sirico dead.

    *”AGT” & “Voice” contestant Nolan Neal dead at 41.

    Add to the list…

    *Paul Duncan, 35, former Notre Dame football star died of heart attack while jogging.

    *The autopsy of Sam Bruce, former Miami Hurricanes football player, was released. He died of a heart attack while driving in April at the age of 28.

    These were all headlines in one day this week!

    Have you ever heard of anything like this in your life? This is a tsunami. This is a plague. This is a REAL pandemic. These are all relatively young Americans either suddenly dead, or very ill with the two most common side effects of the Covid vaccine (heart attacks and strokes).

    Everything I have warned about on my national radio show since the first day of the vaccine has (sadly) happened. The chickens have come home to roost. The Covid vaccine is dangerous and deadly. It is the biggest disaster and failure in the history of healthcare. It is a nonstop death and injury machine.

    I’ve personally compiled a detailed list of studies released by governments and medical authorities around the world that all point to three absolute conclusions:

    A) The Covid vaccine is a horrible failure.

    B) The Covid vaccine is dangerous and deadly.

    C) Those who take two or more vaccines are much more likely to get Covid…to be hospitalized with Covid…and to die from Covid.

    But it gets much worse. The vaccinated are dropping like flies from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cancer, and being disabled by a multitude of illness and disease.

    Two of the latest credible studies show…

    *The Covid vaccine damages and destroys the immune system like a form of AIDS.
    *91% of those in the UK who have died of Covid this year are triple or quadruple vaccinated:

    Have you heard about these studies in the mainstream media? Why not?

    Want to see all these credible studies pointing to a Covid vaccine disaster? I’ve compiled the most extensive list of anyone, anywhere. I’ll send it to anyone who asks.

    Now we come to my personal story. It’s been only eight months since I wed my beautiful bride Cindy Parker Root. And in that time, people we know and love have been dying and suffering deadly non-Covid illness in huge numbers.

    33 of them.

    33 dead, or injured, crippled or disabled in only eight months. That’s a lot of friends and relatives. That’s a “death cluster” that should be investigated by scientists, MDs and the CDC. That’s a story that should garner media headlines. But wait, there’s more…

    All 33 were vaccinated.

    It’s important to note, I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one. So, my friends are overwhelmingly conservative and unvaccinated too. Yet the few friends I know who did choose to vaccinate are almost all dead or ill.

    Just think about those percentages. The ranks of my few vaccinated friends are decimated like a platoon of Marines shredded by an enemy ambush, who came home in body bags.

    Wait, here’s the clincher. Among my friends and family who are unvaccinated, not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.

    Do you detect a pattern here? Even Democrats have to notice a pattern, right? Even Dr. Fauci has to notice a pattern, right? Even Joe Biden has to notice a pattern. Well let’s not get carried away. Nursing home patients with dementia can’t be expected to understand simple patterns.

    Something is very wrong. Anyone can see it in the headlines every day. Americans are dropping dead at the highest rate in history. These are all non-Covid deaths. These are young working age Americans. And I’m betting they all have one thing in common: they’re vaccinated.

    But in the end, nothing is more telling than my personal story. Call it a “vaccine death and disease cluster.”

    The media needs to report on this disaster. The FDA and CDC needs to admit it’s happening. The vaccines must be stopped. But instead, they’re doubling down. Remarkably, they’re recommending Covid jabs for babies, toddlers and teens.

    This is either the biggest health scam and cover-up in world history, or mass murder on a grand scale. Or both.

    Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new #1 bestselling book is out, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.”Wayne is host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at



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    Pence for Prez
    Pence for Prez
    11 months ago

    How cum no buddy’s dying from the jab? Cuz you all were wrong, thats why.

    Amazing we all survived yur CCP bioweapon mrna shot. Guess it was a dud.

    Idiots won’t even admit wen yur wrong.

    1 year ago

    Got vaxxed 2 years ago, still waiting to die.

    1 month ago
    Reply to  Billybob

    It was designed to be a slow kill 5-10 yrs…Those dying early had an allergic good luck to you and your turbo cancer or other sick way to die disease coming to you soon

    Whistling Dixie
    Whistling Dixie
    1 year ago

    Thank you and God bless you, dear man.

    Proud Boy Dean
    Proud Boy Dean
    1 year ago

    Man up and stop behaving like a bunch of scared little girls.

    Are you really that scared of a little shot in your tender little arms? Even my grandmother isn’t. Y’all are a bunch of embarrassing pussies hiding amid our brave Patriots. Stop making us Patriots look bad, it’s the least you can do to support Making America Great Again.

    Surprised I need to say this to people who claim to be willing to die for the Cause. Obviously we have some pussies in our ranks that need to weeded out.

    1 year ago

    59,000 Young US soldiers died in Vietnam. They were all subject to vaccine mandates. Need I say more, it’s pretty obvious that the vaccine caused there deaths

    PJ Clarke
    PJ Clarke
    1 year ago

    Let’s apply the Money Ball theory to vaccination. If He’s a good hitter, then why doesn’t he hit so good? Conversely, If the vaccines work at preventing transmission or infection (as was originally posited by Big Pharma, politicians, and their enablers in the press), then why don’t they work so good? How many billionaires were created by the faux pandemic? 13. Big Pharma got even richer, and Americans got poorer while suffering the effects of lockdowns and mandates that have been shown not to work. And now these same political troglodytes are trying the same scare tactic with Monkey Pox. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on…? There won’t be a second time. Americans don’t like being played for fools.

    1 year ago

    What a load of misinformation and horse shit. I have 228 ecxtended family members, all vaxed and no ones been sick or died. I have 12 friends unvaxed… 6 died from covid 6 got ill.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Maggie

    Maggie listen and learn not all batches were or are the same. Listen to the whistle blowers too. Look at the data/evidence that clearly demonstrates the dangers of the vaccine.
    mare you aware that the friends that died of Covid may have been given remdesivir known toxin created by Pfizer. So your friends most likely died with Covid not of Covid.
    look at all the variables stop making generalized statements clearly indicating how uneducated you are on the topic.

    Larry Eilder
    Larry Eilder
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Awake

    Maggie, you need to go back to kindergarten and learn some basic critical thinking skills. Too bad for you that you missed it first time around.


    Trump won!!!!

    Sleepy Joe lost!!!

    Nick Fuentes is a Patriot!!!

    Easter Bunny is a Patriot!!!

    Santa believes in Q!!!

    Drink Clorox to get rid of the FAKE BIO-WEAPON!!!

    deSantis is a TRAITOR!!!

    Jim Crow ROCKS!!!

    Screw the libtards!!!


    Kenneth Baxter
    Kenneth Baxter
    1 year ago

    Just one more person trying to throw his hat in the ring

    1 year ago

    I am a cancer victim and
    I have all my shots. My friends is not vacanated and there kids have covid 4 times now and they are all fine. I work and
    I am around my friend everyday. So.
    If you stay healing take your vitamins and eat good. Then you might be good. As for me,
    I have cancer and
    I am not scared to die. So, just live your life and stay awY from crowds and away from big gatherings.

    Kenny Jewell
    Kenny Jewell
    1 year ago
    Reply to  David

    Everybody should know the government put that s*** out there it’s called a population kill f*** the government

    Terri Gonzales
    Terri Gonzales
    1 year ago
    Reply to  David

    Prayers lifted for you

    Eric M
    Eric M
    1 year ago

    Can you send me the info

    Michael Weyant
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Eric M

    click on “source” at the bottom of the article.

    1 year ago

    Obviously, looking at these comments, you are not well-informed and continue to support the narrative…despite more negative research and findings, coming out every week. You now try to champion your choice of supporting an experimental drug and ignore the deaths that are piling up. Good luck. You’re going to need it. Since there was NO long term studies on this mRNA drug…you ARE the test group.

    Gayla Moore
    Gayla Moore
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Steve

    Thats right test group

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Steve


    1 year ago

    Inevitable this was the plan both in Beijing and among globalists…

    Rox rally
    Rox rally
    1 year ago

    Ok l’m reading about the people dieing of vaccine ok how about what State or county where you all in because people going to different country and get sick you talking about that ok speak the truth and it not good to be all together like that and why you think they get sick from group up to read between the line..

    Sam Welch
    Sam Welch
    1 year ago

    Spot on! I too have observed the same thing. What I cant understand are those who fail to connect the dots.

    Nika perry
    Nika perry
    1 year ago

    I am fully vaccinated with a booster my husband and my kids to. To me God has the last word when it comes down to our life if we live or dies vaccinated or not vaccinated if it’s your time in gods eyes than it’s just your time. Doctors, scientist and human beings do not have the last say so if you live or died only God.

    charleen Mc Dade
    charleen Mc Dade
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Nika perry

    I have Faith in the LORD not man made chemicals for a 99.7% recovery virus.

    karen culver
    karen culver
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Nika perry

    My brother and sister in law contacted COVID in CHURCH,, from someone whom knew she had it and didn’t tell anyone,so my brother SPENT 5 WEEKS IN THE HOSPITAL and it was a minute by minute thing based on whether if he was going to make it or not he did ,but he is still feeling the effects of it,, now,MY SISTER IN LAW had to stay at home,she wasn’t as bad,and because they have an mentally challenged granddaughter whom is also severely autistic, BUT SHE DIDNT GET SICK,,and since then they ALL had to get their shots,for the safety of their granddaughter,, sometimes it’s not something we want to do, it’s SOMETHING WE HAVE TO DO ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE WE LOVE,,SO ,REGARDLESS YOUR FEELINGS ON IT,,,, ITS NOT RIGHT THAT PEOPLE ARE HATING BECAUSE OF THEIR FREEDOM OF THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE , SO TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AND HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHERS AND RESPECT A PERSONS SPACE, SOM3 DONT LIKE IT ,BUT THEY SHOULDNT PUSH THEIR BELIEFS ON OTHERS EITHER AND THEY NEED TO STOP DOGGING OTHERS ON EITHER WHO HAS HAD OR HASNT HAD THE SHOTS, ITS THEIR BUSINESS, SO PEOPLE NEED TO STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT THEIRS,,, BESIDES ITS NOT UP TO A VACCINE WHEN WE DIE,,BECAUSE, GOD WILL TAKE US WHEN HES READY,,NOT A SHOT, AND ESPECIALLY NOT BASED ON PUBLIC OPIONONS,,,DO YOU AND DO WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ONLY..

    Last edited 1 year ago by karen culver
    1 year ago

    I just feel like God says to me, Do not get that vaccine! I listen too.. This is a travesty and people are being blindsided by this covid vaccine. My opinion, don’t do it!

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Tammy

    I’m with Tanmy. I just kept hearing do not get that vaccination and that was God warning me. My brother was against getting it but they started offering a hundred dollars to get vaccinated and he did because he needed the money. They preyed on the disadvantaged. Now that is a conspiracy. His health just keeps getting worse. I pray we are wrong for his sake. I refuse to get a vaccine that no one knows what the long term affects will be. And its very wreckless of the medical community to push for people to get vaccinated when they do not know what they are selling is safe. Look at what ocycotin and other opiod medications has done to our nation. Who got the money for that? It wasn’t the familys who have lost love ones or the individuals whos lives have been ruined because they are or were addicted thats for sure.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Tammy

    I got mine screw you

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Pat

    Wow ….you’re really that upset over personal freedom?

    1 year ago

    I am immunosuppressed by Methotrexate injections. I have an underlying heart condition and in 2014 I had two small strokes. I have had three full doses and one booster. I have been getting Moderna. I have no reservations what so ever about the vaccines and will get a 5th injection in the near future. This is my story. All these people that you say have been vaccinated and now are having issues I think this is just another conspiracy theory and the sick or dying folks likely have underlying and maybe undiagnosed health conditions.

    Sue Hutting
    Sue Hutting
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Alicia

    Totally agree! Why anyone would make a health crisis into a political one is beyond me!

    charleen Mc Dade
    charleen Mc Dade
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Sue Hutting

    Power control

    Brian Dernbach
    Brian Dernbach
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Sue Hutting

    Who’s making it political?

    Michelle Goldberg
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Brian Dernbach

    If the armed forces fires people for declining the vaccine – that’s political.

    James Leroy Epperson Jr
    James Leroy Epperson Jr
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Alicia

    James Epperson

    karen culver
    karen culver
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Alicia

    I had three and won’t be getting a fourth,, my own personal decision,, and not based on what some THINK THEY KNOW BUT YET HAS NO SCIENCE DEGREES ON THEIR WALLS,, I just got tired of being stuck like a pin cushion,,,,

    1 year ago

    fuck the vax damn fucking government

    Kenny Jewell
    Kenny Jewell
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Gary

    Everyone should know by now The government put that s*** out there it’s called a population kill f*** the government

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