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    5 Smart Financial Decisions That Will Make Your Life Easier



    By Justin Weinger

    Money is one of the biggest causes of stress in the world today, and it’s easy to look back on the financial mistakes we’ve made in the past and wish we’d taken more care at the time. In this article, we’ll look at certain approaches you can take and habits that can be developed that will go some way towards preventing these mistakes and may even help you to end up better off.

    Keep an Eye on All Accounts

    It’s extremely tempting to bury our heads in the sand and just assume that our money is doing what we want it to, but this approach can lead to us missing unexpected charges and even theft. Try to make a habit of checking your bank accounts once a week to get a strong grasp of your financial position. If you are self-employed or have any other specific tax arrangements, you should keep an eye on your tax accounts too, as well as the progress of any investments.

    Research Relevant Financial Aid

    If you’re planning to take a big step, such as heading to university or starting a business, there may be resources out there that will help to ease your financial burden. Look into grants, bursaries and loans to see if you qualify – but be careful to read the small print, especially when it comes to repayment terms. For example, if you take out a private student loan, you’ll have to pay the full amount back with interest eventually – but for many, this is the only chance they’ll have to study for their dream job, and spreading out the cost makes everything that much more affordable.

    Always Check What You’re Paying For

    When it comes to insurance and other resources that have different levels or types of packages available, always go through what you’re paying for in detail. Go through price breakdowns step by step and ask questions. Many companies automatically add on extras, and you can save money by opting out of anything you’re not using.

    Invest and Save

    Your money can do much more for you if it isn’t left sitting in your current account. Look into ISAs and savings accounts to try and build up a little interest over the next few years. Remember to check out all terms and conditions – for example, you should be clear on how easy it is to withdraw the funds and close the account in an emergency. You could also look into stocks and shares or even assets like property and cryptocurrency, but always do your research and seek advice first in order to avoid the most risk.

    Understand Your Worth as an Employee

    Keep track of the typical wage for your job or line of work. How much are individuals with the same responsibilities making at other companies? Don’t let yourself be undervalued – if it’s clear that you should be receiving more remuneration for your work, mention it politely to your boss. The best time to do this is during a pre-arranged review of your role, but you should feel free to bring the matter up at any time. After all, your boss needs you as much as you need them.


    Justin is a married father of 3, with over 15 years of corporate finance experience in various industries. He is an avid personal finance enthusiast, blogger, and chaser of passive income streams. 

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