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    6 Ways to Maintain Stable Mental Health During a Pandemic



    By Regina Wheeler 

    Mental Health and its effect on the general population over the course of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic is the unspoken virus of the 21st century. Rates of suicide have skyrocketed, and overall mental health is in decline and has been since the start of the pandemic. It is extremely important, especially during a pandemic, to actively maintain positive mental health. Lockdowns and restrictions on social activities will cause positive mental health to be suppressed and negative feelings to be amplified, due to isolation and loneliness. Because of this, I have detailed below six ways to help maintain a stable mental state and support your mental health during this trying time.

    1: Keep in Touch – It is crucial to keep in touch with people who you are close to during prolonged periods of isolation is key to maintaining positive mental health and stability. Este Reynolds, a psychology blogger at Originwritings and Britstudent said that, “Even the most introverted person needs some sense of human interaction to feel valued and like they belong.” Even though FaceTime, Zoom, House Party, and other online forums of communication are not a substitute for actual human contact, they are all that we can do right now; and is vital to maintaining a stable state of mind.

    2: Have a Routine – Even though it is so tempting to settle in to a binge-session of your favourite Netflix show, or eat an ice cream until you become an ice cream, it is the least helpful thing you can do for your mental health. Though a treat every now and then is absolutely fine, it is crucial to maintain at least an semblance of day-to-day normalcy.  Even if it is something as mundane as a cup of coffee at 9am or going on a walk once a day, it will help your brain maintain stability.

    3: Maintain your Physical Health – “Mental health and physical health have and always will be irreversibly intertwined.”, said Ms Helena Carter, a lifestyle writer at 1 Day 2 Write and Write My X. Making sure you are getting enough sun (or Vitamin D supplements if this is not possible, that you are getting all the right nutrients in your diet, that you are exercising and eating well; are all contributing factors to your mental acuity and state of mind. A healthy, happy person is likely to have better mental health.

    4: Stay Active – Similarly to maintaining a routine and keeping an eye on your physical health, staying active is upkeep for your brain. Going on a run or being active gives your brain ‘happy hormones’, otherwise known as endorphins. These endorphins will support your mental health, as well as helping you to maintain a routine. 

    5: Control your Media: At the moment, the media and news outlets are constantly spouting an endless stream of information about the pandemic. The doom and gloom of 21st Century media is never ending, and it has only grown in its power and influence during this past year’s pandemic. There never seems to be a ‘good’ news story these days! Bad news media can heavily affect your mood and overall mental state, so control what you let in and how you let it affect you. 

    6: Be Kind to Yourself – Although structure, health, and boundaries are important in monitoring and stabilising your mental health during a pandemic, it is also crucial to be kind to yourself. You are going to have bad days, down days, and days when you do not want to get out of bed. As long as they don’t become a pattern, these are okay! Have an ice cream, cry while watching The Notebook for the fourth time. Be kind to yourself, and your mind and overall mental health will thank you.

    Managing your overall mental health during a pandemic is like an obstacle course that you have never completed before, it is almost impossible to do everything right! However, if you follow these six simple steps and give yourself grace when you do not get it right, we will come out the other side of this.


    About the Author:

    Regina Wheeler is an online learning consultant at PhDKingdom.com and Do My Coursework. She enjoys being involved in multiple projects and enjoys discussing and writing on topics such as management, marketing and business. If you would like to read more of her work, you can find it on Academicbrits.com.

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