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    School Shootings: Facts, Fallacies, Freedom and the Future | American Freedom Alliance Spring 2018 Conference

    School Shootings: Facts, Fallacies, Freedom and the Future | American Freedom Alliance Spring 2018 Conference

    AMERICAN FREEDOM ALLIANCE Invites You To Our Spring 2018 Conference
    Sunday, May 20th | 9AM – 4 PM | Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, Westwood, CA

    Why is the American Freedom Alliance hosting a conference on school shootings? Because fundamentally, it’s a freedom issue. There is a vicious downward spiral of policies, cultural pressures and reactions that becomes apparent when these horrific events occur. Only by confronting the various components in this spiral: turning our schools into “soft targets;” the “promise” program and collusion between police and schools that puts kids in harm’s way;  fatherlessness and the destruction of families; the war against our boys and the increasing tendency to see masculinity as toxic; the over-prescribing of psychotropic drugs; the “celebrity” culture that is appealing to many of the perpetrators of these attacks –  only by addressing these as an aggregate can we really help protect our kids, our safety and our freedoms.

    Speakers include:

    Dr. John Lott, head of Crime Prevention Research Center and the nation’s leading expert on gun-related issues

    Dr. Arthur Przebinda, head of Doctors For Resonsible Gun Ownership

    Dr. Warren Farrell, author and expert on topics of Fatherlessness and The Boy Crisis

    Mark Tapson, author ,analyst and expert on topics relating to culture and the war against boys

    Jonathan Emord, a constitutional attorney and expert on the link between shootings and psychotropic drugs 

    ***JUST ADDED: Kenneth Preston and Kyle Kashuv, courageous Parkland students who have spoken out in defense of Second Amendment rights and against the failures of the administration entrusted to protect the students. ***

    And more being added every day!

    Join us and help protect those values and freedoms that contribute to the health and well being of our kids, our families, and of our nation

    The event includes a buffet lunch and book signings, and a no-host reception to follow.

    This conference isn’t only about school shootings.  It’s about protecting our rights, protecting our kids, protecting our values, our families and our boys and the mental well-being of our children, and all of this, each and every aspect, is required for self-governance to work.  It’s just that simple.

    Join AFA’s Conference “School Shootings: Facts, Fallacies, Freedom and the Future” 
    and bring a friend!

    (Includes buffet lunch, book signings, no-host reception)
    Individual Ticket:  $40.00
    VIP Ticket:  $180.00 (preferred seating and one ticket to VIP Reception)

    Sponsorship Options:  
    $500 ( Invitation to the May 19th VIP dinner, preferred seating and program recognition)
    $4,000.00 (10 tickets to VIP Reception, preferred seating, and program recognition)

    8:00 am: Registration
    9:00 am – 4pm:  Program

    Be part of the REAL solution and help keep our kids safe and our nation free.

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