Monday, July 22, 2024
80.8 F

    Can YOU be a reporter? Citizens Journal writer training: July 12 & 26 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) Newbury Park

    Can YOU be a reporter? Citizens Journal writer training: July 12 & 26 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) Newbury Park Announcement


    We are offering applied training sessions for aspiring and current journalists. Can we duplicate a four year journalism degree program in just a couple of sessions? Of course not. But it is amazing what we can do/have done with people with ability and desire. The course is designed specifically for Citizen Journalists and Interestingly, even some of our regular writers have expressed interest in coming.

    Citizens Journal’s founding Editor Michael Hernandez will conduct the core of the program on how to actually write news stories. He is an experienced journalist who has taught us much and will teach you too, if you are so inclined. Michael told us that in his first journalism position, his tough, crusty, old, highly experienced boss told him to forget everything he ever learned in journalism school and apply himself, listen, practice and learn. It rubbed off on him.

    Publisher/Co-Founder George Miller will conduct an overview, definition of Citizens Journalism, how it differs from other genres and why it is needed, history and development of, First Amendment issues and inspiration.

    Editor-in-Chief/Co-Founder Debra Tash will cover working with Citizens Journal/Editors- how to engage with CJ, assignments, the editing/acceptance process, mechanics of using our system (hands-on).

    Program cost: FREE. All we ask is that you digest the reading materials we send you and make your best efforts to complete the course. First two sessions: July 12 & 26, 6:30 PM at Godspeak Calvary Chapel, 2697 Lavery Court, Newbury Park, CA 91320. Bring a laptop computer able to access WiFi, if you have one. We may schedule more advanced sessions later, if interest warrants it.

    Young and older writers (college and high school age, especially public, private and home school) are welcomed. It is our desire to “raise up” the “next generation” of reporters.  We will give all workshop attendees an opportunity to write a news story featuring Thousand Oaks or Oxnard’s City Council; or write an essay on “How can citizens participate in government and uphold the American Legacy?”

    To sign up: send us an email to [email protected], with subject line of “CJ course enrollment,” containing your name, address, phone. We will sign you up for the session and put you on a distribution list for twice weekly email news bulletins, which you may cancel at any time.

    We also seek assistance in circulation, social media and IT. is a volunteer-operated news and commentary publication, serving Ventura County, CA since 2013. In fact, June 20 was our 5th anniversary!

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