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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Ask God to have mercy on us as a nation…if you want freedom to survive”

    By Michael Hernandez 

    NEWBURY PARK—“If you want freedom to survive for your children and your grandchildren, it  has to begin here—thanking God on your knees—asking God to have mercy on us as a nation,” said Rick Green at the Red, White, Blue & Green event hosted Saturday by Godspeak Calvary Chapel and live streamed nationwide.  “All these Patriots have passed the torch of freedom.  We can not fumble it.  This torch can not be dimly let; but let us do our part by taking a stand.  Freedom is not free.  We must protect freedom and pass it on to the next generation.  The choice is ours.  What will we do on our watch?”

    Some 200 attendees were challenged by Michael Hernandez  a former Texas State Representative (1999-2003) and the founder of Patriot Academy (which trains those 16-25 to change the world) to “become informed citizens” by studying the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution (Constitution Alilve), the Founder’s Bible (featuring articles written by historian David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders) and by voting for candidates.   A challenge was given by Green to “join in training the next generation of leaders to understand freedom.”

    Green’s son, Rhett, spoke about the four basic and extraordinary principles that our founding documents teach us today:

    • Our founding fathers believed that truth is real;
    • God is the source of our freedom and our rights come from God Almighty;
    • Just powers can only come from the consent of the governed (mentioned three times in the Declaration of Independence and 11 times in the Constitution); and
    • We are the most successful nation in history because our free enterprise system allows us to pursue happiness.

    “We all have a part to play in preserving these four basic and extraordinary principles.  What will you do?

    Audience members were told:

    • 37 percent of American cannot name a single freedom out of the First Amendment;
    • 74 percent of American cannot name the three branches of government (this was 62 percent just seven years ago;)
    • 95 percent of our nation’s founders were outspoken Christians.

    Kamryn, Green’s 18-year-old daughter, spoke on Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Ride to alert the militia forces in the villages of Putnam County, New York and Danbury, Connecticut to the approach of the British regular forces on the night of April 26, 1777.   The 16-year old girl rode twice the distance of the famous Paul Revere account in April, 1775.

    “Let’s remember that for every Paul Revere, there are thousand of unlikely heroes who will step up and protect lives.  One ordinary person can decide to rise up to an extraordinary call,” said Kamryn.  “There is a call on your life, a purpose greater than yourself.   You have a sphere of influence to make a difference.   He (the Lord) is our strength.  He can light our path just like Sybil’s.  No matter your age.  (You) can make a difference where God has placed you.”

    Green spoke on American exceptionalism.    “We saved the world three times this last century—from Nazism; Communism; and Despotism.   We are the only people who have had a technological advantage in war and not used it for conquest.  What we do is take our money and rebuild nations that have attacked us.”

    According to Green, The Declaration of Independence is the frame of America.  This frame holds everything together.   As free citizens, we have a duty to protect, restore and preserve that frame of freedom.”

    The night was captivated by quotes from President Ronald Reagan and the American founders, as well as songs from the Green children.  “Of the many influences that have shaped the United States of America into a distinctive nation and people,” said President Reagan “none were more enduring and fundamental than the Bible.  It’s teaching helped form the basis for the founding fathers abiding beliefs…and a rendezvous with destiny.”

    • George Washington: “Of all habits, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” 
    • James Wilson: “Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law that is divine.  Far from being rivals or enemies…religion and law are twin sisters, friends and mutual assistants.  Indeed, these two run into each other.”
    • Gouverneur Morris: “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals.  Therefore, education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man toward God.”
    • Benjamin Rush: “My only hope of salvation is in the infinite transcendent love of God manifest to the world by the death of His Son.”
    • Benjamin Franklin: “God governs the affairs of men…Prayer implores the assistance of heaven.”
    • Thomas Jefferson: “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed their only firm basis…that these liberties are the gift of God.”
    • John Quincy Adams: “Duty is ours, result is God’s.”
    • President James Garfield; “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress.  If that body is ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because of the people.

    The patriotic night featured the First and Second Amendments as well as observations made by President George Washington in his Farewell Address when he noted the difference between the American and French revolutions—was that in America, God was not left out.  “If you want freedom, you need God,” said Green who also spoke out against socialism and the false narrative that the founders were “slave holders” wanting to uphold slavery.  “Yet, three-fourths of the founders were abolitionists.”

    Green concluded the evening by asking:  “Are you willing to pledge your life, your fortune and your sacred honor for America?  America depends on the restoration of constitutional principles.  It depends on ‘we the people.’  In fact, the fate of the free world depends on us.  It’s time to do something.”


    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service, founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor.  He has worked 24 years as a middle school teacher.   Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email:  [email protected].

    Mr. Hernandez is dedicated himself to advance the 13 spheres—as a “City Upon A Hill”; developing an interactive California citizens news platform as an alternative to mainstream media; while building local school-community partnerships and supporting constitutional awareness and active citizenship. 

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    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    5 years ago

    Thanks Michael.

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