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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Alex Newman: ”Rescuing Our Children”

    By Michael Hernandez

    THOUSAND OAKS—“Rescuing Our Children” describes the education fight between those who want to provide solid schooling in the three R’s and other subjects and those who want to ‘change kids’ core beliefs according to The New American journalist Alex Newman (who with co-author Samuel Blumenfeld wrote ‘Crimes of the Educators’ in 2015) who addressed an audience of 70 on Tuesday at a John Birch Society meeting at the Marriott Courtyard.

    “Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population through Common Core standards.

    “Public education’s war against religion, the ‘great American math disaster,’ promotion of death education, and the government’s plan to lower standards for all so ‘no one is left behind’ is destroying the logic, reasoning, and overall educational prowess of America’s next generation.”

    According to Newman, “There is a silent struggle raging right now upon which the future of America and her liberties depends—literally.  At its core, the struggle revolves around who will be responsible for children and their upbringing.  Ultimately, there are only two options:  parents or government.

    “Government appears to be winning. It is gaining ground with each passing generation and with each passing day, through the public education system.

    “More than 20 years ago, Hillary Clinton published a book called ‘It Takes a Village.’  The key takeaway from the book is that the raising of children needs to be viewed as a collective responsibility, and that the government must take a much more active role.

    According to MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, “We need to recognize ‘that kids belong to whole communities’ and are ‘everybody’s responsibility.’  The year before, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan proposed government boarding schools, saying there are ‘certain kids we should have 24/7.’”

    “In 1932, American Communist Party leader William Z. Foster in his book ‘Toward Soviet America,’ said, “Studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the bourgeois ideology.  The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism and the general ethics of the new Socialist society.

    “The battle over education is about more than just whether children will be properly educated.  Education, it turns out, is the secret weapon of those seeking to build what they frequently refer to in public as a New World Order.  And they not only admit it, they boast of it in public.  The very future of the United States as a free and self-governing republic hinges on the outcome of this battle.  After all, if the overwhelming majority of children in the coming generations are sufficiently indoctrinated, every struggle between freedom and tyranny will eventually be lost.

    “If you stand for faith, family, and freedom, you are going to lose over the long run if totalitarians control the education of children.  And right now, they do.  They don’t even bother to hide it.  That means almost 90 percent of American children are having their minds shaped by those who oppose God, individual freedom, and self-government.

     “The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that inalienable rights come from the Creator, and that government exists to protect these God-given rights.  The Founders did not view this as a religious issue, but as a ‘self-evident truth,’ as they put it.  However, under the guise of ‘separation of church and state,’ this self-evident truth was gradually expelled from public schools, along with prayer and the Bible.

    “Whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as a senior policy advisor in President Ronald Reagan’s U.S. Department of Education, inadvertently discovered what was happening while working for the government.  ‘You think the purpose of education is reading, writing and arithmetic,’ she said in a famous interview. ‘The purpose of education is to change the thoughts, actions, and feelings of students.’

    “After leaking some of the documents she obtained, Iserbyt wrote the book ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.’ Among other subversive schemes, the book documents the deliberate plan to dumb down American children, sideline parents, restructure people’s values, and essentially merge the U.S. and Soviet educational systems.

    “In short, the goal of America’s government education system was not and is not to educate children—quite the opposite.  This is why the government’s own numbers show, as just one example of the tragedy, that most American children cannot even read at a proficient level.

    “The secret weapon of those seeking ‘a total transformation of our society,’ is indoctrination masquerading as education.  While there are some good teachers, the system of government schools across America is rotten to the core.”

    Newman states the agenda is:  Sustainable Socialism and the tools:  Indoctrination as Education.  His solution:  ‘Get them Out!’

    “If the government school system is the Deep State’s secret weapon to advance a globalist world order, American parents have their own weapon—even if they don’t yet realize it.  In all 50 states today, Americans have the established legal right to ‘opt out’ of the system.”

    (Editor’s Note:  Godspeak Calvary Chapel located at The Village at Dos Vientos Ranch, 320 Via Las Brisas, Newbury Park is hosting a three-hour seminar on Sat., Aug. 10 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on “The Christian Alternatives to Public Schools.”)

    Alex Newman


    (Editor’s Note: The Feb. 4 issue of New American—the John Birch Society publication—is a special report on education featuring seven stories authored by Alex Newman and can be purchased for $3.95.  Annual subscription rates are $49 and can be ordered by calling 800-342-6491 or on the website at:

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service, founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor.  He has worked 25 years as a middle school teacher.   Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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