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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Former Trump Adviser Papadopoulos Tells His Story in Camarillo (includes speech video)

    By George Miller

    The enterprising ladies of the Camarillo Republican Women Federated (CRWF) convinced enfant terrible former Trump adviser, George Papadopoulos (GP),  pilloried by the FBI and DOJ, to come to their lair at the tony Spanish Hills Country Club to tell his story of intrigue and woe. He is most famous for being the first person charged with a crime in the possibly criminal, phony, now discredited Trump-Russia election influence investigation, “Operation Crossfire-Hurricane” (I’m not making this up).

    Along the way, he picked up some interesting friends and associates, including an exotic Italian lawyer/actress/model girlfriend, who came over from Europe and married him at his nadir, when he was harassed, convicted, disgraced and sentenced. It is a dramatic love story in itself. Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos (SMP) made an appearance at this event (a speaking part!) and was every bit as charming and intelligent as reputed.

    The RWF ladies treated GP like a rock star, regarded the couple almost as their son/daughter-in-law (as several actually told me), and he as overly ambitious and patriotic, naively stumbling into a den of thieves, blundering, bloodied, bent, but not broken, and stayed loyal to his boss, who then distanced himself from him.

    It was amusing that he was even on the infuriatingly Liberal show The View last year, on 9/11, of all days. There, he was grilled by no less than governance experts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar and several of their constantly changing sidekicks. He tried to explain that he told Trump in a meeting that he could set up a pow-wow with Putin. He also insisted that he didn’t tell the campaign he was told that Russia has thousands of damaging emails from/about Hillary Clinton. WikiLeaks later dumped thousands of emails- highly damaging to Clinton and her campaign. There is no evidence that campaign/high level administration officials ever held a clandestine meeting with Putin or other high level officials, or gained any damaging material, according to the 2 year, $40 million Mueller investigation. In fact the only supposedly damaging material, allegedly from Russians, was about Trump, via the now discredited Steele Dossier, paid for by ,,,,, Hillary Clinton and the DNC. So, can you see why GP feels aggrieved?

    He confided to us that he lied to protect his boss, lied about doing nothing illegal in the first place, which led to him then being charged with an actual crime, namely lying about something that was not a crime. Got it?

    He ended up being convicted for said lies and sentenced to 14 days in a white privilege country club prison, where his guards reportedly laughed about his sentence. There was also a $9500 fine (and legal fees- Dad helped), one year’s supervised probation and community service. Not sure if this Camarillo gig counted. One thing for sure is that he has gotten great mileage from his 15 minutes of fame, which he may yet parlay into more.

    For comparison, the FBI tried to pull the same trick on the far more sophisticated and worldly author Jerome Corsi, but he toughed it out and ultimately blew them off. Read about his Citizens Grand Jury experience describing this.

    Raised by his upper middle class Greek-American parents in the Chicago area, GP obtained a PolySci Degree from DePaul University and went on for a Masters in Security at University College London. He then interned at the Hudson Institute and ended up spending five years as an oil/gas industry analyst/consultant. He did similar work before going on to work with both the Carson and Trump presidential campaigns.

    Imagine being under 30 and having the weight of 4 governments come after you. George and Simona are a picture of strength and Patriotism. So happy the CRWF had them at the club. An honor. – Lori Mills

    Having already published his best selling tell-all (er, well mostly all) story of his life and career and seemingly been on every talk show in North America, we wondered, what did he still have left to tell us here in Camarillo? Well, here goes ….

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>MrMrs Papadopoulos pose on a terrace at Spanish Hills Country Club just before interviewing with CitizensJournalus Publisher George Miller Photo Lori Mills<span>

    The Interview

    Before the main event, the country club staff set up a table for Mr./Mrs. Papadopoulos and I on a quiet terrace, with a vista of the mountains and agricultural fields. We mutually agreed that instead of going over old ground covered by dozens of past interviews and news shows, that we would instead try to focus on correcting incorrect conclusions/impressions, discussing what it all meant and where the couple and the country are going next. So if you want background on them/case, just Google George Papadopoulos Trump Russia investigation.

    I also proposed that instead of a grilling and and an objective report, that this interview be designed to get THEIR story out. “Softball” interview? Hell yeah, but figures of the Left get those all the time, so why not treat this embattled couple to one? It paid off, since they were relaxed and generously shared their insights with me- and now you, too.

    These two are so straightforward, so earnest, so passionate, so defiant of those who abused power with them and our nation. For people of relatively affluent backgrounds and involved in high places, on a fast track, with huge publicity, they seem remarkably unaffected and without pretense or airs, even a bit humble. They are older, wiser and better educated now on how to conduct themselves. It was really more like a conversation among friends than an interview.

    We explored whether Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos (SMP) was a “Russian Spy,” as some have accused. So far, no evidence indicates that. The fact that she went out of her way to come to GP after she would no longer need him, when he was disgraced, convicted, sentenced, done for, then married him, seems to indicate otherwise.

    We discussed what inaccuracies might have been circulated about GP by MSM and Internet sites such as Wikipedia. He said there are many but he didn’t have them ready to rattle off at the moment. One thing that piqued him is that some were claiming he was a volunteer. He asserted that except for a few months as an intern at Hudson Institute, prior to going full  time paid and a brief period on a political campaign, he was paid. GP said he had been self-supporting since finishing graduate school, but that his farther assisted him with legal bills.

    One of the most interesting things to come out of the interview is GP telling me that investigations of him started long before his participation in the Trump campaign. It seems that his work in researching/promoting alliances/pipelines between Israel and Greece were geopolitically disruptive, upsetting several nations, including Great Britain, Italy and the U.S.

    He also said that he never told the Trump campaign about the Hillary emails he had heard about and he never actually talked to any high Russian officials, although he had attempted to. He said that the campaign shut him down on arranging a Putin meeting (thank goodness). In any case, none of  that would have been illegal, unless there had been foreign collusion to affect the outcome of  the election, which of course the Democrats would have claimed no matter what.

    One of the most interesting things to come out of the interview is GP telling me that investigations of him started long before his participation in the Trump campaign. It seems that his work in researching/promoting alliances/pipelines between Israel and Greece were geopolitically disruptive, upsetting several nations, including Great Britain, Italy and the U.S. He claims this goes back as far as 2014. They were already trying to neutralize him. Of course, when he joined the Carson campaign, his European employers at the time were not amused. Joining the Trump campaign after Carson ended his made it all the worse.He claims that the CIA was also displeased.

    He said that they were furious when he gave notice to join the Trump campaign. “Why would you work for him,” they asked? “He is a menace.” Then, significantly, he said they started asking him about Trump and Russia.

    He said he worked on foreign policy and energy policy when with the Carson campaign. Supremely confident, he thought that foreign policy was Carson’s weakness and that he could help.

    GP said that his core competency was the oil and gas industry and that all of his opportunities had arisen from that. He cut his teeth doing that at Hudson Institute. He mentioned that he had published articles with Hudson Institute Fellow Seth Cropsey.  He worked briefly at Energy Stream CMP in Europe  doing that as well, where he said he interfaced with luminaries such as a VP of BP, Finance Minister of Cyprus and  former US Ambassador to the UK Matthew Barzum.

    He then joined The Center for International Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security at the London Center of International Law Practice (LCILP). He said he was a Director of Natural Resources and Energy Security. It was there he spotted his future wife’s photo on their web site and subsequently managed to met and court her. She told me that she was also a Director there, of International Diplomatic Relations. Formerly she was a legal adviser with the European Parliament, involved in fighting on “child politics” (primarily trafficking).

    Although the infamous professor Joseph Mifsud was also at LCILP, GP says he never met him there, but only later, in Rome, after he joined the Trump campaign. (Mifsud is the one he was led to believe could broker a meeting with Russian President Vladmir Putin. This was way outside GP’s job description). He said that they were furious when he gave notice to join the Trump campaign. “Why would you work for him,” they asked? “He is a menace.” Then, significantly, he said they started asking him about Trump and Russia. Hmmm. He said LCILP is “incredibly tied into western governments, western diplomats, western intelligence”(including FBI).  He said he also worked there with the former Chief of Staff for well-known Australian politician Alexander Downer, who he said he also “ran into.” He said Arvinder Sambei instructed him to first meet with Mifsud in Rome and that he thought she was FBI. It wasn’t clear to me if he believed that at the time.

    He now believes that Mifsud was an “agent for the left,” who wanted to find “an ambitious campaign adviser (him), to entrap. He later told me he though Mifsud was CIA, not a Russian operative. He said “my story is the definition of a disinformation counterintelligence campaign against the President, myself and unfortunately- the American people.

    I asked him if he believed the Russians had thousands of incriminating Hillary Clinton Emails. He replied that he had been told that multiple governments had them. He did not hazard a guess as from where WikiLeaks had obtained the ones they “dumped” on the world during the campaign. He also said he was initially under the impression that the emails were State Department-related and was surprised when all of the DNC/Podesta/etc. stuff came to light.

    He says that he did broker a meeting between Trump and the Egyptian President at the UN and also working on meetings Japanese Prime Minister Abe and British Prime Minister May. I asked him if seeking the Putin meeting was a wild goose chases and he said it was, adding that his background didn’t work to his advantage in doing this. I asked him if the Israel/Greek connection was an impediment, due to Turkey and he replied that is a very interesting question and yes (I won’t get into the details, but Turkey’s shifting is significant).

    I asked him if he believed the Russians had thousands of incriminating Hillary Clinton Emails. He replied that he had been told that multiple governments had them. He did not hazard a guess as from where WikiLeaks had obtained the ones they “dumped” on the world during the campaign. He also said he was initially under the impression that the emails were State Department-related and was surprised when all of the DNC/Podesta/etc. stuff came to light.

    The FBI came to his house in January, 2017. He said they weren’t even talking about Trump-Russia initially. He remarked that the FBI/CIA were looking at many foreign governments, not just Russia and including, Ukraine, Turkey, Israel (him).  He heard that there was a FISA warrant on him.  They were also making a FARA charge- failure to register as a foreign agent (for Israel). That was dropped as part of the guilty plea for lying deal, he says, which included only the timing of his Mifsud contacts. He maintains that the whole Mifsud thing was a “red herring” to keep attention away from the Israel thing.

    A far as next steps, Simona is going through the naturalization process, working on some business ideas and they hope to eventually have a family. Why are they in LA? Because Simona landed a movie role. He mused “that there is more intrigue about us here than hate.” He says lots of (Hollywood type) people come up to them and say we support you but can’t say it. “My story is bigger than my relationship with the President…. it transcends it… My story became a global story.” “I’m not Steven Miller, where my whole identity is Trump.” He wants to get his testimony out of the way and then has bigger plans …..

    The most interesting news was telegraphed in advance, via GP/SP’s recent  flurry of visits/speeches at greater LA area Republican organizations. Now, why would anyone do that? I asked him if he was running for office. Both of them smiled broadly and said they hoped he would be running for Congress next year. My understanding is that they are jurisdiction shopping right now and have a “Team, which reached out to me months ago” looking into a run working on this. Simona feels that his likability will be a big plus. I asked her if she would be GP’s “Melania.” They both laughed heartily and even more when I said all that is missing is a young Barron (son of Trump/Melania), to which they replied “we want children…and want to start a family in California” and have received good support here.

    I asked him how he intended to pick up “crossover” and Democrat votes and he replied “I think the truth.”  He doesn’t want this to be a partisan issue. He thinks that the Mueller investigation will be one of the top three drivers to Trump’s re-election. So, partisanship may be hard to avoid here.

    He went on:”While the ‘Deep State’ issue will galvanize his (Trump’s) base, Americans  don’t want illegal surveillance, they don’t want civil rights violated. It doesn’t matter if you’re White, Black, Asian, Latino, Democrat, Republican- no one wants their civil liberties violated in this country… and for Americans to be tampered with without due process. It’s just a general principle.”

    He says that his relationship with Trump is revived. The Donald has said good things about him of late. Simona hopes that Trump will pardon GP and wants GP  to ask. GP says that is not appropriate to put such pressure on the President. He says that he has to get the Senate testimony out of the way first before running for office and that he has already testified for eight hours behind closed doors for the House Oversight Committee, with Rep. Mark Meadows and John Radcliff.

    Overall, he has been made aware- seen with his own eyes and via reports-  a large conspiracy and control by layers of government which appear to be unaccountable and out of control. He would like to help address that problem via reaching elected federal office.

    Our interview started late, so I didn’t have a chance to ask all of my questions. One of them is “what would you have done differently?” This was asked in the Q&A session after the speech, which you can watch on the event video.


    The Speech

    After a nice dinner and club announcements, Mr. & Mrs. Papadopoulos came up to the podium to a very enthusiastic welcome by the overwhelmingly female Republican audience. For those of you who still believe that women don’t support Trump and the Republican Party, you would just have to see these hundreds of debunkers of that theory and know that women are the base of Conservative organizations in California.


    Event Video by

    With no prepared notes in evidence and no visuals, GP proceeded to spin his tale from memory, having likely already explained it hundreds of times, adapted for bar buddies, the FBI, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS … and the judge. Simona chimed in often, prompting broad smiles and a “how about her?” expression from him.

    GP reminisced that if he had to summarize, in Dickensian terms, it was “The best of times, the worst of times.”

    He started by thanking wife Simona for making it all possible. He credits her for providing the love and support to keep him going through very dark times. She in turn praised his courage and honesty (well, except for that small matter on the lying conviction).

    GP reminisced that if he had to summarize, in Dickensian terms, it was “The best of times, the worst of times.” He was only 28 in 2015, working at The Hudson Institute, with people who had run the Pentagon. He said he was associated with Douglas Fife, who he said was in Bush days #3 in the DOD (actually Undersecretary of Defense), Seth Cropsey, former Undersecretary of the Navy and Assistant Secretary of Defense, who he described as his “mentors.” He got some great experience, associating with high flyers, living large, meeting foreign dignitaries/businessmen and traveling abroad.

    He recalls being in school before then in Chicago, being told by his professors that Barack Obama was “the new Jesus, he was going to be The One who’s gonna save America” (laughs gleefully). He remembers being interested in law, taking a class in FISA (guffaws). It was called US Security and the Constitution. The irony was not lost on them and the audience. Around that time, he recalled, he wrote a paper on terrorism and his professor “made” him retract his comments. He related that to the general indoctrination of the young taking place in the schools and how we need alternative views.

    He said he got his real education at the Hudson Institute, working on petroleum issues in the heart of D.C. He recalls the conflict between Obama’s anti-Israel  policies and those of the “NeoCon Think Tank” where he worked. He’s very pro-Israel, very pro-Greece.

    Then, “the worst of times” started rearing its ugly head-  life started getting difficult. The State Department had started probing him as early as 2014, and even more when he went to to work for the Ben Carson campaign. “US govt. operatives,” he said, were eager to learn what Carson’s views were on major foreign policy issues. He loves Ben Carson, who he described as the one candidate, besides Donald Trump, who loved the American people, loved the American ideal. He praised Carson’s mother for instilling in him the need for education.

    Things got even worse when he joined the Trump campaign.

    He deplores how the media are attempting to divide America into competing groups- a disinformation campaign. He said “The President is not a racist.” Simone said she is a legal immigrant, going through the process. She loves and blesses America and Trump. GP said Trump has never said he’s against immigration. He says the media conflate illegal immigrants with (legal) immigrants.He said we have 35 million illegal people here- never mind what country- they are here illegally. He is in favor of the wall to protect our country and uphold the law.

    The Russia Collusion thing “was a fallacy”. “My dumb idea” to introduce Putin to Trump was nixed by the campaign. The media  continued the fake talk for two years while he wasn’t able to talk. This was designed to destroy Trump.

    He opined that the “spy stuff ” will definitely affect the 2020 election. GP said he would be testifying for the Senate next month. (Since this event, the latest impeachment attempt- the so-called Ukraine influence scandal- is now 24/7 news). The Russia Collusion thing “was a fallacy”. “My dumb idea” to introduce Putin to Trump was nixed by the campaign. The media  continued the fake talk for two years while he wasn’t able to talk. This was designed to destroy Trump. “They always showed me on TV in dark sunglasses,” the couple noted. We note that he sports the dark sunglasses on his book cover.

    Trump wanted to improve relations with Russia, which GP agreed with. You don’t want Russia to align with China, he stated. A key figure in all this was shadowy professor  Joseph Mifsud, whom they both knew and was close to Euro Social Democrats. Simona hypothesized that it was unlikely he would be trying to assist Trump. He was linked to a “European spy school for Western intelligence.” She thinks he was assigned to set up GP then disappear.

    He claims that Mueller and some associates appeared terrified every time GP’s name was mentioned in testimony. He says that’s because Mifsud was working with the CIA to fabricate phony involvement with him and others. You’re starting to understand why Brennan is in the hot seat, he remarked. He said that people like (Rudy) Giuiliani being interviewed on Hannity (Fox News commentator) are only speculating on what actually happened.

    He plugged his book at this point. He claimed that European allies went after Trump and that this would go down as one of the biggest scandals in history, because Obama was colluding, not with the Russians, but with U.S allies- Australia, the UK, Italy-  to set us up. He did not produce any supporting evidence of that while he was talking here, so you’ll have to read the book to see what’s in it. He added that all of the people that he, Flynn and Manafort were running into had ties to the State Dept. and western intelligence- and no one was Russian.  “The cloak is being pulled away from people’s eyes now…. I hope my testimony next month educates people,” he offered (I hope he lives to deliver it.) He wrapped up with “I hope we heal this dark chapter in American history and use this to help propel a Trump victory in 2020” (loud cheers).

    Simona said she believed Trump would win and hopes that GP would run for Congress.

    Post Speech Q&A Session

    Q: Where is Joseph Mifsud now?

    A: He said his wife garnered from Italian media that he had been hiding in Italy for two years,living near the U.S. Embassy- she even gave an address. So the so-called Russian Spy has been working with the US govt., he concluded.

    Q: What is your relationship with Donald Trump ad what would you like your legacy to be?

    A: I’ll leave it to historians, but I just want people to know the truth. We have had an interesting relationship. When no one knew what was going on, he distanced himself from me. A low level  guy tried to label GP as a”coffee boy,” Recently Trump has been tweeting, endorsing him- so we’re doing just fine.

    Q: Why would our allies conclude with our intel to take down Trump?

    A: In 2017, there is the rise of the right and populism in Europe, Brexit- BIG changes. David Cameron, UK Prime Minter had called Trump dangerous, a moron, he should be stopped for protectionist and other anti-Globalist measures. He told teh London Times that Cameron should retract those comments. The headlines said that Trump staffer demanded Prime Minister to retract comments. Establishment was hostile to Trump ideas, wanted a Eurocentric candidate.  That;s why they colluded.

    Q: In favor of constitutional amendment requiring federal judges to retire at 75?
    A; 85.

    Q: Were you ever afraid for your life during that time?

    A: Yes. If I didn’t talk, my life could have been be in danger. Much disinformation and confusion. Even Conservatives distanced themselves from him. So he went on many liberal MSM shows. Slowly got story out. Simona said statements were twisted by the Liberals. Then they were finally invited on Fox News.

    Q: Will Bill Barr be the man  we need him to be when Jeff Sessions wasn’t? We’re all impatient about justice being done.

    A: President should have an AG who is at least friendly. Remember Obama and Holder. Well Barr is not like that but wants to do right. Sessions had a lot of pressure to recuse himself.

    Watch the rest on the event video!


    Book Signings

    Papadopoulos clearly relished doing the celebrity book signings, Simona nestled by his side, with adoring Republican women (and men) presenting their new copies of his book: Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump for signing.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>Power Couples at CRWF event Trumps and Nordskogs<span>


    Original event invitation:


    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard.

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