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    Open Letter to Tim Flynn and Carmen Ramirez | Ormond Needs Attention

    I applaud Oxnard’s efforts to evict the squatters from both Oxnard and TNC properties.  Since September, when OPD and PHPD worked together to move out the squatters, the water quality in the Ormond Lagoon, while still high in E. coli and enterococcus bacteria, has improved.  This fact was documented by watershed scientist Tevin Schmitt of the Wishtoyo Foundation/Ventura Coast Keepers in November. It was his conclusion that the reason for the improvement was the eviction of the encampments in September.  He first took water samples in July.  He sampled the exact same 3 spots in November.
    While I am grateful for the stepped-up efforts, we are still not done.  On Saturday, 12/21/19, I took these photos of the lagoon area just in front of TNC property.  I was there volunteering my time to the Ventura Audubon Society (VAS).Their fencing and signs have not only been eroded by time and the elements but were compromised most recently by squatters living in the area.  The Ventura Audubon Society (VAS) sees the need to procure new fencing materials and signage to protect the breeding and nesting areas of the snowy plover and the least tern.
    How can Friends of Ormond Beach, predominantly consisting of Port Hueneme residents, support Oxnard in getting this area cleaned up AND secured so that taxpayers don’t have to keep paying for clean up efforts?  The VAS now must ask its sponsors for additional funding to replace the dilapidated fencing and signs.Somehow, it seems to me that Oxnard should help pay for these materials or at least offer some type of help.

    As these photos were clearly taken on the Oxnard property, there must be some plan put into place to clean up this mess.  I can help get volunteers on the PH side.  I’m sure Laura Oergel of Surfrider would agree that this area needs attention. How are we ever going to see the full implementation of the OBRAP if the place looks like a dump?  Have you all thought about how this wetlands area could become a destination point for ecotourism?  SCOTUS ruled that the homeless are constitutionally protected in this way: they may SLEEP on public property (not private property) from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am— not live there permanently (and once loads of “stuff” gets hauled into an encampment, that suggests “living”).

    George Miller recently reported in The Citizens Journal that there are plenty of beds available. Can Oxnard commit to keeping folks from living on Ormond—and especially from the designated breeding/nesting areas? I know you’ll tell me that that effort requires money.  Are you having conversations at the city level as to how to finance thIs effort?  Are you reaching out to non-profits and high school clubs? Are you aware that there are many who want to help—who are outraged by this environmental disgrace?
    Friends of Ormond Beach have this New Year’s resolution for 2020:  get this wetlands area clean and secured, regardless of who owns the property.  This effort needs to be a shared one, and one Oxnard commits to getting behind.
    How can we help?  Let’s get this done and done right.
    I look forward to hearing from one or both of you.
    With respect and gratitude,
    Christina Zubko

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    4 years ago

    We should be paying to how the Oxnard city council handles this. election time is coming and they don’t seem to do anything but waste our tax dollars. We want the gangs and criminals arrested, we want the daily shootings to stop, we want these vagrants off our beach. Why are we paying taxes?

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