Sunday, July 14, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    So Much for the Peaceful Transfer of Power


    By Michael Greer

    I’ve watched the Left dismantle our Constitution while invoking it with alternate bouts of laughter, tears and fury. While Democrats go before the microphone saying they are fulfilling their oath to protect and defend the Constitution, they are campaigning on gun confiscation, criminalizing “hate speech”, banning Conservative media, ending the Electoral College, and supporting the New Green Deal that would end private property, State’s Rights, and transfer control of industry to government. Apparently, their respect for the Constitution doesn’t include the First, Second, Fourth or Tenth Amendments. They say they do this prayerfully and solemnly, while Speaker Pelosi had to glare at her caucus to prevent them from cheering and applauding after passing the Articles of Impeachment. And you can forget due process altogether. 

    If we had anything resembling an honest, impartial media, they would point out this hypocrisy. Speaker Pelosi keeps saying they have uncontested evidence that President Trump pressured Ukraine for personal gain. But the claim that the evidence is “uncontested” is laughable. Uncontested in that the President wasn’t allowed lawyers or to call any witnesses. Although when Chairman Schiff (who should have recused himself due to his obvious animus toward the President) told witnesses they didn’t have to answer question from Republican members, you might say the “evidence” was uncontested. But what evidence? Evidence of what? 

    When she speaks to the press Speaker Pelosi says President Trump pressured the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens for personal gain. The assumption being President Trump feared Biden could beat him in the upcoming election. I’ve seen no indication that Trump is afraid of anyone, so I think that is a BIG assumption. Also, Trump released a transcript of the phone call and he asked Zelensky to do “us” (not him) a favor and look into corruption. However, that isn’t what their articles of impeachment are about. Their articles have nothing to do with the Ukraine. They are “Obstruction of Congress”, for invoking Executive Privilege (something Presidents are authorized to do and they had no problem with when Obama did it over Fast & Furious) and “Abuse of Power”, which is what THEY are doing but nothing about pressuring the Ukrainian President. 

    Let’s look at the “evidence” they keep saying is uncontested or as the media keeps saying is irrefutable. ALL but one witness testified to 2nd or 3rd hand hear say. All said they “assumed” quid pro quo…..and why wouldn’t they? Quid pro quo is business as usual. All foreign aid is quid pro quo. We always expect something in return. Every President would be impeached if this were the standard. The ONE witness who actually spoke to President Trump said he asked the President what he wanted from the Ukraine and the President said he wanted “NOTHING”. He actually said he wanted “no quid pro quo”. Plus, both President Zelensky and his foreign minister said there was no pressure. They got their aid and didn’t investigate the Bidens, so where is the “high crime or misdemeanor”? What exactly is the “uncontested evidence” and wouldn’t an impartial media ask Speaker Pelosi what evidence she is referring to? 

    When Trump was campaigning in 2015 he spoke about voter fraud and was asked if he would accept the results of the election. He said he’d have to see. The Left had a complete meltdown over the idea he might not accept the results of the election. And yet THEY haven’t accepted the results of the election and seem incapable of self-reflection. There has been no honest reporting on the irrefutable evidence that Joe Biden withheld aid from the Ukraine for personal gain, not Trump. That the Intelligence agencies attempted to entrap the President’s team, that they were illegally spied on, conspired against, lied about. The irrefutable evidence is that the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and others on the Left colluded with Russia, the Ukraine and other countries to influence our election. The irrefutable evidence is that there were hundreds of Republicans unmasked in the remaining months of the Obama administration. There is irrefutable evidence there was fraud against the FISA court. The irrefutable evidence is that there was a soft coup being waged against President Trump. This has never happened in our history but the media is unconcerned. 

    We, as a nation, have always prided ourselves in the “peaceful transfer of power”. There has been no peaceful transfer of power from Obama to Trump. To this day, Obama and Kerry travel to countries to advise their leaders to ignore Trump. Pelosi went to the COP25 (Climate Change Conference) and told them America was still in the Paris Agreement. Where does the Constitution give her authority over the President? 

    We have a President that has been investigated more thoroughly than any president in history and they found no wrong doing. But you wouldn’t know that if you listen to the media. We will be deciding this year if we ARE a Constitutional, Capitalist country or a Socialist country with no individual liberty. This is the most important election since America’s founding. 


    Michael Greer

    Michael Greer retired from the film/television industry and is the co-organizer of the Santa Monica Tea Party and the Los Angeles Tea Party, on the board of directors of the Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights and was a member of the Republican Central Committee for the 41st Assembly District.  Her website is:




    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    We finally have a President that faces off with the enemy on their terms; and the enemy they are of the Constitution and Western Civilization. Support him if you ever want to see our Constitutional Republic return and survive.

    4 years ago

    Well written and informative.
    I am aware of the above and have a question.
    What and when will something be done about this miscarriage.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Mike

    MIKE – Something will be done about it when conservatives understand that you don’t go to a gunfight with a knife, or a fistfight wearing boxing gloves.

    This is warfare with these people and gentle men and women will always be on the losing end if they don’t fight on equal terms.

    This is coming from a Vietnam era Recon Sergeant.

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