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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    House impeachment articles partisan and dangerous




    By Michael Hernandez 

    Americans are ignoring the Democrat House Manager lies during the U.S. impeachment proceedings as evidenced by the limited viewership (one half of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings for Supreme Court Justice) of those who tuned in despite non-stop coverage starting at 1 p.m. (PST) by six television networks.

    The six television networks carrying the beginning of the impeachment proceedings in the U.S. Senate were watched by 11 million daytime viewers with the Fox Network receiving the largest viewership with 2.3 million viewers.  This amount of viewers compares to the James Comey and Brett Kavanaugh hearings receiving each more than 20 million viewers.   Viewership later in the week dipped to 8.9 million viewers with several networks breaking away to continue their daytime programming due to low viewership.

    Americans are also ignoring Adam Schiff’s demand to remove President Trump from office for not following Deep State bureaucrats Talking Points on foreign policy.  Let’s see: Has foreign policy been dictated to any other President—requiring their removal from office?  In fact, on Saturday, Jay Sekulow, private counsel for the President argued:  “Listening to the people you trust” (on foreign affairs) and “not blinding trusting the information given by intelligence agencies is in no way an impeachable offense” but is a policy dispute in which the President has sole authority by the Constitution to set policy. (Editor’s Note:  Please view link:

    Also on Saturday, Sekulow rebutted arguments made by House Managers that drifted away from Ukraine back to Russian collusion because of the weakness of their impeachment position.  Sekulow stated:  “Let us put ourselves in the shoes of the President of the United States.  Before he was sworn in, the FBI (conducted) Crossfire Hurricane and within six months of his inauguration, a special counsel had been appointed to investigate a Russian collusion theory.  This cost 32 million dollars.   This investigation had 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and 230 orders for communication records with 500 witness interviews to reach the following conclusion (page 173 of the Robert Mueller Report):  “ultimately this investigation did not establish the (Trump) campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election related interference activities.”

    Meanwhile, House Manager Adam Schiff ended his Friday remarks by stating that “GOP Senators were being threatened by the President of the United States.”   Earlier, Jordan Sekulow, a member of the President’s defense team referenced to how U.S. Senators were told by Democrat House Managers that they were “treacherous” and “now on trial” if they did not move forward on the House Articles of Impeachment:  abuse of power (first article) and obstruction of Congress (second article).

    Frankly, to accuse the Senators of misconduct even before a decision on impeachment is reached continues to show how desperate Democrats are in trying to convince the American public that this President should be impeached.

    Possibly the best arguments made in defense of President Trump were made by constitutional lawyer Ken Starr who (engaged in the President Bill Clinton impeachment investigation) stated on Monday:  “We have a runaway House from its long standing procedures (for impeachment), from a constitutional demand of fundamental fairness of due process of law.”

    However, at the beginning of his testimony to the U.S. Senate, Starr said:  “The Senate shall have the solo power to try all impeachments and they shall be on oath or affirmation required to impartiality” something the House (or “People’s Chamber) is not required to do and thus resulted the first partisan impeachment proceeding in the history of the United States.

    Starr stated:  1) The impeachment articles do not charge a crime 2) These articles have no bipartisan support 3) These articles did not have due process.  In fact, the U.S. House has produced 66 articles of impeachment (62 of them have concerned judges) and only four have been Presidents—however, this is the third presidential impeachment in the past 50 years.

    “These two articles of impeachment come to this high court of impeachment (U.S. Senate) with fundamental due process violations.    We must do impartial justice because we know that the purpose of our founding instruments (documents) is to protect liberty and to safeguard us from the power of government and to provide us with liberty under the law.”

    The American people do not want more witnesses in the U.S. Senate.  If more witnesses were needed—the U.S. House should have done a better job before sending over rushed articles of impeachment which were then held up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    Why has this President been deprived of due process and protection from the U.S. Constitution?   Why was this President not allowed to defend himself in the case made against him by two biased House Committees?  Why could this President not introduce witnesses or cross-examine those witnesses?  Why do the House Managers want to overturn the election of 2016 and impact the 2020 election and not give “We The People” the right to elect a President?  Removing an elected President is the “most dangerous” act Congress can do against  the voters of this nation.   To do so, will destroy our Constitutional Republic.   The United States of America will no longer have a President nor an Executive Branch.  We won’t even have a Legislative Branch because this branch will only be consumed with one impeachment after another; when the other party disagrees with policy decisions made by the President.  The United States won’t even have a government—what we will have will be total chaos!  Let “We The People” decide who is our next President!

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He has worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    No Mierda! Only a mental defective thinks otherwise.

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