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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    POLITICS | Taxpayer Alert: Help defeat “Proposition 13” on the March ballot

    HJTA has received a flood of calls and emails asking about the “Proposition 13” on the March ballot and what we are doing to defeat it. Here’s an update, and how you can help in this critical effort.

    First, we’d like to reassure you that the “Proposition 13” on the March ballot will not change the 1978 Proposition 13. There is an effort underway to get a measure on the NOVEMBER ballot that would attack Proposition 13 and attempt to strip its protections from business properties. We’re already gearing up to fight that.  In fact, you can sign up in advance for a yard sign, just in case. Here’s the link: And if you know anyone who was tricked into signing a petition to put this measure on the ballot, here’s the link to information on how they can withdraw their signature:

    The Proposition 13 on the March ballot is a $15 billion bond measure, authorizing massive borrowing and high interest costs for school construction projects. High-priority projects should be funded from existing tax revenue. It’s not fair to saddle our kids with the burden of repaying even more debt for decades. 

    Just as bad, THIS Proposition 13 would raise property tax bills. It allows local school districts to take on more debt, and the cost of repaying that debt is paid with charges at the bottom of property tax bills. It’s called “Voted indebtedness.” You already pay enough. Vote NO on THIS Proposition 13.

    We’re doing everything we can to get the word out, but we need your help. Here’s our new website where you can get the facts and download a flyer, in English and Spanish, to print and give to friends and neighbors:



    HJTA President Jon Coupal signed the official ballot argument against this measure, which appeared in the Voter Information Guide that was mailed to every California voter’s household. You’ll soon be hearing our radio ads against THIS Proposition 13 on stations throughout California. Our great HJTA team is also writing articles, giving interviews, appearing on TV and radio, sharing information on social media and talking to voters at events around the state. 

    You can help by telling everyone you know to vote NO on THIS Proposition 13. With tens of millions of voters in California, we can’t do it alone! But together, with each of us telling ten people, and with each of them telling 10 people, we can get the word out and defeat this costly and ill-advised measure.

    Are you in?

    Thank you! Tell everyone you know!

    Keep those email address books and telephone lists handy, because after we defeat this “Proposition 13,” we’re going to unleash all our forces in a campaign to protect our Proposition 13 from the threat it faces in November.

    Thank you again for your support and your help with this important effort to protect California taxpayers. We greatly appreciate you!

    With urgent thanks,

    Jon Coupal

    P.S. If you would like to support the campaign and help pay for statewide advertising, please CLICK HERE to donate to our No New Taxes Committee. Thank you!

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    Everett Batey II
    Everett Batey II
    4 years ago

    Is there a chance of criminal action over missing lottery money not passed to schools? Any investigations? Who dunnit?

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    A reminder, this is not the Prop 13 that protected property owners in our past history.

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