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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    China Knew Virus Was Contagious But Kept Silent for Days: Leaked Documents


    Chinese health officials were drawing up plans to combat the CCP virus, which they knew to be infectious, days before they informed the public about its potential to spread, according to internal government documents obtained by The Epoch Times.

    The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. The virus has since spread to more than 200 countries and territories, causing more than 61,000 deaths in the United States alone.

    China officially confirmed that the virus could be transmitted between humans on Jan. 20, when top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan made the announcement.

    Now, internal documents provided to The Epoch Times show that Beijing covered up what it knew, as central authorities were secretly providing directives to regional governments on how to cope with the outbreak.

    On Jan. 15, the regional health commission in northern China’s Inner Mongolia issued a “super urgent” emergency notice to its municipal counterparts, explaining how medical facilities should respond to a new form of pneumonia. The notice said that China’s National Health Commission had implemented treatment and prevention measures for local health agencies to deal with the new disease (now known as COVID-19).

    Epoch Times Photo

    Notice from the Inner Mongolian Health Commission, instructing local health agencies on how to respond to the virus. (Provided to The Epoch Times)

    Three measures stated in the notice clearly indicated that Chinese officials knew the disease was infectious.

    First, it asked hospitals to take measures to prevent the disease from spreading inside their facilities and train staff on such actions. Second, it asked hospitals to set up fever clinics and to “pre-screen and triage” anyone experiencing a fever, to determine levels of urgency for treating patients.

    Hospitals also were directed to ask those patients if they had been to markets in Wuhan in the previous two weeks. While Wuhan authorities initially claimed that the virus likely originated from a local fresh food market, studies have since shown that some of Wuhan’s first patients had no link to that market.

    Finally, hospitals were instructed to set up special treatment teams that included infectious disease experts, the notice stated.

    The Inner Mongolian health commission had no intention of informing the public about these plans, stating that the notice was “for internal use only, and cannot be distributed on the internet.”

    In another internal document, issued Jan. 15 by the local health commission in Xilingol League—one of 12 administrative divisions within Inner Mongolia—authorities also emphasized fever as a key symptom.

    The league’s health commission stated that local health agencies must “strengthen their management of screening and triage patients with fever,” adding that it called for such management based on teleconferences held by officials in Central and Inner Mongolia about the virus.

    On Jan. 19, a top Wuhan health official took questions from reporters, saying that he couldn’t “rule out” human-to-human transmission, “but its risk was rather low.”

    On Jan. 23, three days after Zhong’s public statement, China’s National Health Commission publicly released the third edition of a document, titled “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for the New Coronavirus.”

    The document stated that cases reported in Wuhan hospitals beginning in December 2019 were confirmed to be caused by “an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus.”  That statement was also included in the second edition of the document, issued on Jan. 18—two days before Zhong’s announcement.

    The second edition, which was leaked to The Epoch Times, was previously kept secret. The notice is marked with the words: “not to be disclosed.”

    Epoch Times Photo

    A copy of the second edition of China’s National Health Commission guidelines on virus response, with the words, “not to be disclosed” at the bottom. (Provided to The Epoch Times)

    The second edition contains a section explaining that medical personnel in hospital departments that treat patients with fever, respiratory problems, and infectious diseases should wear a surgical mask, goggles, and one-time-use protective clothing.

    Despite instructions that showing central authorities knew the virus could be spread among medical staff, they kept silent until Jan. 20.

    The Inner Mongolian documents showed that local health commissions were already warned about virus prevention measures by Jan. 15. But that day, the Wuhan Health Commission wrote on its website that the “risk of human-to-human infection is low.”

    The World Health Organization (WHO) also initially repeated China’s claims that the virus wasn’t contagious.

    “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan,” the WHO tweeted on Jan. 14.

    A recent report by The Associated Press, also citing a series of internal memos, similarly found that Beijing knew of the virus’s transmissibility for six days before publicly conceding that on Jan. 20.

    It took another two days before the WHO’s mission to China issued a statement confirming that “human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan.”

    Follow Frank on Twitter: @HwaiDer

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    Shanmugarajan Subramanian
    Shanmugarajan Subramanian
    3 years ago

    I think I’m the only guy in this whole world, discussing this topic of the surreptitious link or nexus between China and Ethiopia in relation to the spreading of Covid pandemic.

    The world knows that Covid virus was first started (or in fact produced) in the Chinese soil and today it has affected the whole world and particularly India with whom China shares a border. Though China maintains that it is not to blame and is trying to play innocent that this virus started naturally, the actual events preceding the virus spread doesn’t look like that.

    During the initial days of the Covid spread, WHO (World Health Organization) crookedly sided with China and announced that Covid is absolutely Non-Contagious, which the whole world believed since it came from the WHO-DG, Tedros Adhanom, an Ethiopian National. This was in January-2020. 

    Not only that, Tedros was grinning in front of the media showing all his teeth without any shame and congratulating the Chinese President Xi Jinping for his excellent handling of the situation in China. Tedros even alleged that China has contained the virus and there is absolutely nothing to worry.
    After just 1 week of his visit, the virus started killing Chinese people in large numbers. 

    Even then WHO and China denied that Covid is non-Contagious, which again the rest of the world believed. But, nearly after a month of denying that Covid is non-Contagious, this time WHO and China admitted to the whole world that Covid is super contagious, but by then the Chinese population have travelled all around the world in that one month and inside their mainland as super spreaders.

     Again Tedros didn’t announce the Covid as a pandemic till March-2020, another inefficiency of his work. He was consistently failing in his job as WHO director general.

    No wonder, Donald Trump reprimanded Tedros directly and blasted the WHO and China for hiding the truth about the virus and pulled the USA out of WHO and stopped giving funds. I really appreciate Trump for that decision. He’s the only one who can tackle and punish China like anything. Trump even aptly renamed Covid as “The Chinese Virus” making China ire.

    Now, this incompetent guy Tedros Adhanom, who was selected as the WHO director, didn’t take any moral responsibility for his mistakes, or to say in better words, his blunders. He should’ve resigned or at least WHO members should’ve sacked, kicked and terminated this inefficient guy. But I don’t know how he is able to hold his chair like a leech and still continue as WHO head. No one knows who is supporting him on his failures. I don’t know why he wasn’t kicked out for failing in his moral responsibilities and duties. 

    This useless guy Tedros, who is an Ethiopian national and is a close guy to the current Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed has purposely favored China by conniving with it or to say, an accomplice with China to hide the truth from the world about this covid. This is a despicable attack on the other innocent countries who were unaware about this virus and were just minding about their jobs. 

    Did anyone notice why this Ethiopian WHO director sided with China at the expense of other countries, is because the Chinese built and gifted the AUCC (The African Union Conference Center) building for USD. $200 Million Dollars in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in 2012. Till today (2021) China has poured and is still pouring Billions of US dollars into Ethiopia. Not only Ethiopia, the civil and infrastructure projects of the whole African continent are majority funded by China, surpassing USA and EU funds, by making their funds look minuscule when compared to Chinese money. 

    For this cheap money from China, the Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed has instructed his former health minister turned WHO head to NOT bring out the true colour of China or at least not to shame it and to help China by hiding covid facts to the world. Today, China doesn’t even have a slight guilt, shame and remorse that the world is under the grip of a severe pandemic, particularly the one which originated from its soil, but is busy in attacking or bullying Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, AUS, USA, UK and you name any country. 

    But surprisingly, Chinese are literally Covid free now or with a very low number of cases . But looks like a well planned coordinated attack on the rest of the world akin to biological warfare. When the rest of the world is on its knees due to the pandemic, how come China keeps on rising and warmongering and feels elated on its crooked achievement. 
    China’s close friends such as Russia also don’t have severe cases.

    Just 10 days before China’s Forex reserves hit a mammoth 3200 Billion US Dollars (that’s $3.2 TRILLION US Dollars) during this pandemic when other countries are suffering like hell.

    My only doubt and worry is, why aren’t the rest of the world and the incompetent WHO or even the UN aren’t bringing China to account?
    Ethiopia acted as a shameful and servile catalyst in supporting China in damaging the rest of the world. Even in poor Ethiopia the Covid rate is surprisingly very low. Maybe courtesy China has the technology to increase or decrease the covid virus rates on its friendly or enemy countries according to its whims.

    The whole world knows African politicians are the most corrupted in the world and that’s why African people are poor and suffering till today.
    So, for a few million bucks, these guys (Tedros and Abiy) would’ve easily connived with China.

    But, China has a readymade reply, that is, if anyone pointed their fingers towards China, it’ll tell that, “we too lost a couple of thousands of people due to covid. We are innocent”. 
    Next moment China will start to act belligerently and proclaim warmongering immature comments.

    The UN also is not asking China for an accountability status and not ordering an enquiry.

    Due to this Ethiopian, WHO director’s, inefficiency, incapability, incompetency, today the whole is suffering, except China, where its economy is thriving in a pandemic.

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