Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    2nd Ventura COVID-19 Lockdown Protest- Larger, 1000 Strong Army- Objections Sharpen

    By George Miller

    Resentment, suspicion and in some cases, sheer desperation, drove people out in the streets today to express their concerns and anger over the COVID-19 lockdown approach, which has thrown tens of millions out of work (far more than unemployment statistic reveal) and sometimes, into poverty and onto food lines. It has also greatly curtailed human social and economic activity in an attempt to break the rapid growth of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Friday’s COVID-19 lockdown protest was part of a coordinated at least 15 event statewide effort. It was much larger than last week’s event, with around 1000 people either massed at the County Government center, marching, or driving around the area in cars with signs. The general theme was to end/ease the current lockdown approach and reopen the state as rapidly as can be done safely. Officials, in an abundance of caution, many say overabundance of caution, have imposed severe lockdown provisions having a brutal economic and social effect. But, are these justified and/or are there better ways?


    But, there were also several less prominent undercurrents, such as: the approach is causing more harm than good; will not end the pandemic and might actually be counterproductive to so-called “herd immunity”; although serious, the threat has been exaggerated; some of this is being done to increase control and implement several controversial social and political agendas; officials don’t really know what they are doing.





    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Some protesters were more suspicious of the lockdown motivations<span>


    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>This protester objects to assumed unwarranted restriction on liberty<span>


    The Crowd

    Even in such ominous times, the mood of the crowd seemed rather energetically ebullient, considering thousands of deaths, millions of infections and economic ruin for so many people, organizations and soon, even government entities. They were often mocking more than bitterly criticizing officials who have imposed this on them. The many signs we saw and a few conversations we had along the way made that clear. Governor Gavin Newsom was targeted for severe criticism, though, being the highest profile official associated with specific lockdown orders made him a lightning rod for it. We saw no sign there of the MSM-inspired “blame Trump” trope.

    This wasn’t just about carrying signs. We could see/hear many people talking about/exchanging views on the crisis, what is being done, how it is working and what should be done. Of course, the nature of the event tended to bring out people who are not satisfied with what is going on.

    While the participants were a little more standoffish than in the past and many attempted to maintain a six foot space, it was almost impossible at such a large event. Unsurprisingly, we saw quite a few “social distancing” lapses.




    Some of the organizers made an attempt to manage the event and present speakers, but the layout and audio setup were woefully inadequate to communicate to such a large, vocal and scattered crowd on an already noisy corner. Most seemed more interested in talking, showing and looking at signs and just enjoying the beautiful Southern California spring weather- sunny and in the low 70’s. It was not possible to get close enough to hear speakers without pressing into a large crowd, so many people, including this writer, hung back.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Local activist Deborah Baber Savalla speaks on the platform at March to Reopen CA 5 1 20 She unsuccessfully attempts to deploy her 6 social distancing stick<span>

    There were actually multiple groups which organized and fed people into this event. Included were: Lead organizer of this week’s event was #FullyOpenCA/   https://wehaverights.com/, and also the Thousand Oaks Tea Party, Point Of View, Libertarian Party, Reopen CA Now, and several informal church member groups from organizations like Calvary Chapel Godspeak/Thousand Oaks. Senior Pastor Rob McCoy of the latter organization was present. He has been very outspoken about reopening CA, particularly religious services and actually resigned his Thousand Oaks City Council position over it. Coordination among some of the groups wasn’t much present except to get people to show up, but most seemed to have similar objectives. Quite a few of local people we talked to had told us they were going to the LA or Sacramento (opposed by Newsom and CHPS) events.



    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>Pastor Rob McCoy of Calvary Chapel Godspeak in Newbury Park has been near the epicenter of opposition of what he thinks are some unconstitutional and ineffective lockdown aspects shown at the May 1 event<span>


    Government Officials

    I didn’t see or hear of any county or state government officials at the event, which was once again right at the doorstep of the Ventura County Supervisors. If I hear of their presence, this article will be updated.


    We did see a very few counterprotestors early during the event on the periphery of the crowd and by Kaiser Permanante. The ones we saw were dressed like health care providers on the job. I was unable to snap a pic as I was driving by.



    Rogue Virus Researcher

    We had heard that ex-virus researcher Dr. Judy Mikovitz (my former next door neighbor) would speak at the event, but did not see her. It would have been easy to miss her, as I was all over the neighborhood checking out protesters, cars and signs. Mikovits was demonized by opponents and accused of everything from sloppy research to theft of intellectual property- denied. She has a couple of books ALSO out (very timely) and did a few recent video interviews (exposés). If true, the accusations are stunning in what she says about Dr. Tony Fauci, the federal medical bureaucracy, research, nature of viruses and contagion, unlikelihood of ever developing a COVID-19 vaccine and believes that the lockdown approach is actually counterproductive. 















    VC Star Article on this event


    We may add more participant comments, photos, videos as they trickle in, but we wanted to get you an early report with what we had. CJ Reporter Michael Hernandez was also there and will publish an article soon, which has more on the speakers.

    Photos by George Miller/CitizensJournal.us, unless otherwise specified.

    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of CitizensJournal.us and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard.

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    Robin Hvidston
    Robin Hvidston
    4 years ago

    The Constitution guarantees the right to peacefully assemble. The majority of deaths from the coronavirus are the elderly. The population at risk, should take precautions. Americans should be free to work and make their own choices.

    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    4 years ago

    You can argue as to whether ‘law enforcement wants to or doesnt not want to. What matters is what they do. When they act to violate our liberties that is the problem.=. They know full well they are violating our rights when they do it. the ‘ i was told to” is not a lack of culpability; you do not obey unlawful orders. They obey because they want their pay benefits and pensions. That makes them mercenaries when they act that way. This is why the pols and unions wanted big pensions to make sure cops will obey orders…. Serving with integrity will usually mean you never make sergeant. Remember the Sean Connery character in ‘The Untouchables”? walking a beat cause he would not be corrupted… way past time for a new sheriff in Ventura County. It was awesome to have been there last week with a dozen of uson the sidewalk to see this! Oh and FYI it is illegal to do what we did at the County Govt Center . They have rules against ‘talking to people: soliciting” which includes handing out anything” et all. Think not??? This cowboy has been threatened with arrest and ordered to cease and desist there in 2018 and I have all the County emails to back it all up. Maybe CJ wants to do an article on that? If not it will be in my next round of litigation against the corrupt County pols so look for it there coming as soon as we have OUR courts open….

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    4 years ago

    The protest was “organized” in the sense that many different organizers made it happen. We alll invited and people came out. I came at my 11:30 start time I posted up as Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff and it was already packed. had people there in shootback shirts w shoot-back signs. It worked very well. I left at 2:30 and there was still a crowd, I watched people come and go the entire time so the TOTAL number was closer to three thousand total participants. As a candidate for Venturra County sheriff BRUCE BOYER was there, did not see any others. The appointed sheriff Mustache Bill stayed in hiding though he sent over two drones… I offered Bill the kite guy $100 to take out the spy drone… Bill chased it but it got away… We had a great time. Lots of young people moms and dads w kids that was awesome meeting kids at their first liberty rally! We will be back every Friday at Noon until we are fully open. Taking back OUR County. FYI the only cops there were Ventura PD as they drove by and waved! The ‘news media”ergo non CJ were absent…

    4 years ago

    The remark referring to Soros is ridiculous. The event was an event to express the frustrations of those who have lost their jobs and this event was free. Self employment workers can not receive unemployment.
    The above aticle is not biased. JUST THE FACTS!
    I helped pass out an information card to the crowd and found everyone to be positive and supportive. Those complaining on this site must still be employed! Have compassion for those who are suffering from this ridiculous shut down.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    I have a thought…..an experiment in facts…….How about waiting two weeks to see if any of the attendee’s to this event, many of who didn’t wear masks or keep social distance, come down in high numbers from the CCP Virus.

    Certainly that should convince everyone of the virtue/harm of enforced isolation.

    4 years ago
    Reply to  William Hicks

    And just like at Easter people said in two weeks the numbers will double. They didn’t. So if in 2 weeks the numbers are the same then what? Are you going to change your mind? Continue to be a prisoner in your house? Afraid to go outside? This virus is not going away, just because you keep people inside it will slow down and then at some point when life resumes it will come back. The elderly and sick need to take precautions. Maybe people should take care of elderly parents at home instead of sticking them in a nursing home where 40% of the people that died from Covid in Ca were from. 80% of the people who died in Ventura were over 70, 37 year old overdosed…Sunlight kills this virus.. Turn off the news and start researching and thinking for yourselves instead of believing what you hear.

    Caleb Standafer
    Caleb Standafer
    4 years ago

    Before getting carried away about whether staying home protects people from illness, there are two points to consider. First, COVID 19 can only get transmitted to a person from someone who has it. I have an MD friend who says that would require a sick person coughing. As I walked through the crowd several times today, nobody was coughing. Second, the risk of transmission outdoors, on a sunny breezy day in Ventura, is extremely low. This is a link to an article about a study of where people got COVID 19.
    I know this is about a study that may be preliminary, but what was thought may happen 6 weeks ago needs to be updated with more current information. It seems the risk is much less than previously thought.

    Chip conway
    Chip conway
    4 years ago

    Hard to take this seriously when they don’t even know that today the 1st is a Friday not Saturday

    4 years ago

    Key word=not organized! Why?, because George Sorros isn’t paying for it. If this article isn’t the most bias I’ve seen

    Steve Torrez
    Steve Torrez
    4 years ago

    So I’m trying to understand things. It’s more important to get your nails and hair done than comply with an order that is put in place to protect human life.

    Each and every person that puts themselves at risk isn’t risking their well being, they are risking every Doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, phyisian assist, x-ray tech….. Because I guarantee you if ONE person that was out there today waiving their sign gets sick they are not going to go to the people’s houses who were out there today for care. They are going to run to their nearest hospital begging for treatment AND EXPOSEING THE ENTIRE HOSPITAL STAFF that did nothing but sacrifice their families and own well-being. But I can understand how important it must be to go to the beach!

    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Steve Torrez

    Try googling #film your hospital, then look for it on twitter. Also, do the math. Even if the people really died of Covid-19, Ventura County’s death rate is like .00007 %. There is no need for us to be locked down. They are also falsely reporting what people are dying from. Thus far, no one in Ventura County has died from Covid-19. They have died WITH Covid-19. Big difference. The 37 yr old death was a drug overdose. Some were heart attacks, all of them had another reason they died, none from Covid-19. NONE.

    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    4 years ago

    As we have seen in the protest in Sacramento today, the government does not care about protesters, and neither do most of the people who are being fooled into staying home. The only solution I can see is, just go open your businesses like free men. Get everyone’s phone number, and as soon as any of the gestapo come to write tickets/arrest business owners, a call goes out to the masses and thousands of people show up, which will cause the gestapo to purchase something wonderful from the store and we will all say have a nice day, come back again, and go back to working our businesses, like free men. You cannot beg to be released from the people who hold your chains. Even Cuomo said that if 1500 people want to jaywalk, we can’t stop them, it’s voluntary.

    Mike Murphy
    Mike Murphy
    4 years ago

    It’s really not fair to law enforcement to refer to them as “gestapo”. The vast majority are on the side of the people, and find it quite distasteful to have to enforce ridiculous things like beach closures, business closures, house arrest. That’s why you see people like the Orange County Sheriff saying that they don’t really see enforcement as something that needs to be done.

    Rod Serling
    Rod Serling
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Murphy

    Yes, Mike Murphy… “distasteful to enforce ridiculous things”, you say. The Gestapo also enforced ridiculous things, then claimed to be “just obeying orders,” just like cops here. The “Nuremburg Defense.” Didn’t work so well for them.

    So, be careful what you say. Once increasingly totalitarian officials see they can get away with it, they become increasingly tyrannical. And their minions obey their orders.

    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    Elizabeth L Hawkins
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Rod Serling

    Thank you Rod Serling for getting the reason I referred to gestapo as the gestapo. Because when law-abiding good citizens are being ticketed for trying to feed their families, there is a problem that is deeper than a bullshit excuse for a pandemic. If you did some research, Mike, you would find that Bill Gates, who invented the first computer virus, also invented this virus, and every single organization that is taking the world’s life away is backed by his money. All them, including Dr. Fauci and the WHO and the CDC Foundation, even the fake meat trend. Bill Gates whose money isn’t enough, what he wants is The Master Race to rule the Earth, just like his father. That is why I said Gestapo.

    Mike Murphy
    Mike Murphy
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Rod Serling

    or, as I did in another lifetime (so it seems now), when I found things that I could not justify enforcing, I just “failed to notice” them.

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