Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    A Lockdown Insanity Without End



    By Sigrid Weidenweber

    The headline for my article was not minted in my mind. It came from the mouth of a German Professor of virology and, translated reads thus: Corona Wahn ohne Ende. I came by this interesting statement via German Servus TV where Dr. Professor Suchart Bhakdi was interviewed about the extent of the shutdowns all over the world, following the corona virus outbreak.

    Some people who follow my opinion pieces like them well enough to send me material. I received material from Russia, France, Turkey, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Austria. So it is no wonder that with our virus-laden world interesting views on how the pandemic should be handled, arrive here often. One of the most interesting outlooks on the subject comes from the German pathovirologist Prof. Dr. Med. Suchart Bhakdi, head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. He is a much renowned Professor Emeritus of this University and was, until 2012, the head of the aforementioned Institute. Professor Bhakdi is well-known for his research and thorough scholarship.

    He has advocated, for a while now, that the lockdown of the world’s populations should have ended a wile ago, nay should have never been handled the way it happened.

    Sweden, without lock-down, and a population associating freely without the creepy masques, shows that there are no more deaths from this plague there than there are in lock-down-countries. Dr. Bhakdi avers that health-officials cannot verify who died during the epidemic exactly of what cause. Correct data should have shown that. Most deaths occurred in people with underlying causes—those who had a high chance of dying from any flu, pneumonia, high blood pressure and heart failure. In his calculations he shows that Covid, perhaps could only have added ten more deaths per ten thousand people due to added breathing problems in already troubled patients. Dr. Bhakdi does not believe in the efficacy of masks, as do many virologists, as they give a false sense of security.

    The United States has, by current count, 700 people unemployed for every fatality caused by corona virus. There are 18 million people unemployed as of Wednesday. The average age of the deceased is almost eighty and the average age of the unemployed is in their prime years with young families.

    Dr. Bhakdi is not the only medical expert railing against the insanity of the lock-down. He is joined vocally by Professor, Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology and Population Health at Stanford University School of Health. Professor Ioannidis stated that the handling of the corona virus affair is a Fiasco in the making. He said, “The current corona virus, Covid-19has been called a once-in-a-century-pandemic. But it may be also be, a-once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.”

    He has stated that our governors and health organizations make decisions, forcing populations into horrific circumstances without reliable data.

    “So, we are in effect flying blind, while ruining the entire economy and the livelihood of millions.”

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

     Sigrid Weidenweber grew up in communist East Berlin, escaping it using a French passport. Ms. Weidenweber holds a degree in medical technology as well as psychology and has course work in Anthropology.  She is co-founder of Aid for Afghans.  Weidenweber has traveled the world and lived with Pakistani Muslims, learning about the culture and religion. She is a published author and lecturer. You can find her books on Amazon.com

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    4 years ago

    What may have started as health protection has now morphed into political control…
    Bet the lockdown extends until at least November 5, 2020….
    Trump Derangement Syndrome in full display…

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