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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The Sunrise Movement Preplanned The Minneapolis Riots, They Just Were Awaiting For A Trigger, To Initiate A Riot With Precision



    By Capt Joseph R. John 

    By watching the below video, you will understand what The Sunrise Movement is, and why so many young white students are being recruited by them.

    The Sunrise Movement teaches students that White Supremacy is the reason for Systemic Racism in the US and that Climate Change is a white problem.

    For two years, the left of center liberal media establishment covered up the facts about The Sunrise Movement’s recruiting and training program.

    The video outlines the two year, behind the scenes, training program of white students, on how to participate in a race riots, when an event triggers a race riot.

    The Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, is the true force behind The Sunrise Movement, ANTIFA, and CAIR in Minnesota.

    When Keith Ellison was Deputy Chair of the Democrat Party, he moved the Democrat Party toward Socialism, knowing that Socialism is Marxist inspired.

    Keith Ellison is an Islam convert; he called for a separate country for blacks in the US, and wrote racist articles under, his real name, Keith Hakim Mohammad.

    The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist organization paid for Keith Hakim Mohammad’s pilgrimage to Mecca in 2008.

    Ellison strongly supports Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam; he disrespects for the US Constitution; he said “Its wording was inspired by the Bible.”

    Ellison has been close to the Communist Party, USA, and held a fundraising event in the home of Minnesota’s Communist Party Chair, Erwin Marquit.

    Keith Ellison is a very close associate of Luis Enrique Marquez, who flies the Communist flag, and is the leader of ANTIFA in Portland’s Rose City.

    ANTIFA rioters are the violent Communist Domestic Terrorist “Foot Soldiers”; the logo on the ANTIFA flag was created by the German Communist Party.   

    Ellison’s photo is pictured on the Internet, holding the manual of the ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists; their manual calls for uprising and riots in the US.

    Atty Gen Keith Ellison is the defacto leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota; Ilhan Omar, one of his creations, has the same campaign manager as him.

    When George Floyd was killed by a rogue Police Officer, employing improper restraint procedures, ANTIFA had the trigger it was waiting for to initiate race riots.

    Members of CAIR were present to “film” George Floyd’s death outside of Cup Foods in Minneapolis, then CAIR distributed the video worldwide.

    Within 24 hours of Floyd’s death, thousands of The Sunrise Movement trained rioters looted and torched Minneapolis; Police Officers stood down, and let it burn.

    CAIR organized the looters, ANTIFA organized the arsonists, Black Lives Matter led the rioters. (Real News Network: Peggy Traeger Tierney: Jun 16, 2020)

    The chant from rioters was that “Police Officers had been killing black youth”, to “defund, eliminate, and replace the Police Forces”.

    Socialists, Progressives, Marxists, Communists, and the Socialist Democrat Party mobilized rioters in 184 cities; Nazi Sympathizer George Soros funded the riots.

    Keith Ellison’s son, Jeremiah, who runs the Minneapolis City Council, pledged allegiance to ANTIFA, and led the effort that eliminated the city’s police department.

    By creating Racial Strife Ellison’s allies hoped to defeat President Trump, then change the US Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State.


    Riots initiated in Minneapolis by ANTIFA that spread to 184 cities, have the fingerprints of Marxists, Socialists, Communists, and George Soros.

    ANTIFA’s “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” (RAM) has been leading the national effort to deface and destroying over 350 US historical monuments. 

    Communists want Americans to believe they are divided by race. THEY ARE NOT! The only divide is COMMUNISTS vs FREE AMERICANS.

    Combat Veterans For Congress fight to protect and defend the US Constitutional Republic from domestic enemies and domestic terrorists. 

    Prior to the November election, we encourage you to forward the above listed link, so your associates can watch the video.

    Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.  

    Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

    Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI

    Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

    2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

    San Diego, CA 92108

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    3 years ago

    You make a lot of claims that you can’t back up

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    If all this is true, why aren’t there legal charges against the leadership?

    P W Robinson
    P W Robinson
    4 years ago

    The enemy of God is communism.

    The radical leftist agenda is covered point by point in the Communist Manifesto, a document we read into the Congressional Record sometime in the sixties.

    It’s nothing new. If nothing else, the pandemic has lead so many to declare openly which team they’re members of, of the only two teams that will ever matter in this world.

    For that, I am grateful. Wolves who come like sheep are the first to be exposed, because they carry hubris and hatred openly, so they have a blind eye to how their words actually sound to the human ear, or look on paper.

    We’re all made by God to recognize the tone, the words, and the methods of the little guy.

    It’s time to stand and speak the hard words necessary to move us into the healing stage.

    Words of love and healing.

    Words about God and the devil.


    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  P W Robinson

    “It’s time to stand and speak the hard words necessary to move us into the healing stage.”

    Specifically, naming the enemy for what it is: a collectivist insurgency of socialists and communists in the Democrat Party.


    Sheryl hamlin
    4 years ago

    …Even Rolling Stone, when covering Sunrise’s protest at Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office in February, remarked that some of the children looked to be in elementary school….


    Sheryl hamlin
    4 years ago

    The two organizations mentioned in video:



    If this weren’t hosted on infowars, it would have more credibility, but the knowledge of the two organizations above was news to me and worth following.

    Is she for real? https://www.millennialmillie.com/

    4 years ago

    THis obviously fake news!

    Citizen Reporter
    4 years ago
    Reply to  maria

    It’s not news at all, Maria, it is a third party article, clearly marked as an opinion editorial, with an additional disclaimer. Learn how to read a newspaper.

    That being said, which statements in there can you effectively refute?

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