Saturday, July 13, 2024
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    American Freedom Alliance – Tomorrow Morning! An Inside Look with Douglas Murray

    American Freedom Alliance – Tomorrow Morning!  An Inside Look with Douglas Murray







    American Freedom Alliance


    An Inside Look: 
    The Madness of Crowds

    with Douglas Murray
     British writer and commentator, former director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, associate director of the Henry Jackson Society
    Bestselling author of Strange Death of Europe and Madness of Crowds: Race, Gender and Identity


    Wednesday, July 1st

    For Tickets click here

    Douglas Murray is one of the greatest thinkers and writers of our time, without a doubt.  We’d read Douglas Murray’s Madness of Crowds in our AFA Book Discussion Group on February 19th, not long ago but in another era; then when this literal madness of crowds kicked off a few weeks ago, it seemed that he would be the perfect person to shed light on what’s going on and how to combat it.  The book is brilliant, as is he.  From the Amazon description:

    We are living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media. Narrow sets of interests now dominate the agenda as society becomes more and more tribal–and, as Murray shows, the casualties are mounting.

    The casualties are indeed mounting.  And the entire book is an incisive and insightful examination of the various chasms, false narratives, and wide range of mechanisms of destroying culture that we’re in the throes of even as we speak.  

    I’d also noted in February that  I “read” the book on Audible (offered for free at the moment!)  – Murray himself is the reader and this is one of the rare times when I think the experience of listening to it truly enhances the work.  When he reads passages of tremendous irony, with just the right inflection, it’s exquisite, like listening to music rather than reading it.  And I’ve enjoyed listening to it again, and now a third time.  I can’t recommend it highly enough.

    You can watch him here, and here with the late Sir Roger Scruton.

    Join us for facts, perspective and empowerment as we navigate these chaotic times. 

    Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this unique inside look

    Click here for more information and to register

    If you haven’t yet checked out AFA’s exceptional online events, why not try this one?
    For video from our past Inside Look events, click here


    AFA’s Discussion on Victor Davis Hanson’s
    World War II Video series

    Thursday July 2nd at 6 PM Pacific

    Thursday night, July 2nd at 6 PM Pacific we’ll be hosting the online discussion based on video 3 of the “World War II” series.   These Freedom Academy videos are lectures by Victor Davis Hanson and they are magnificent. 

    Here’s the video we’ll be discussing this week:

    Video 3: The New World War: Operation Barbarossa and Pearl Harbor to Stalingrad (July 1941-March 1942)

    The prior video was this one:

    Video 1: The Causes of World War II (1919-1939)

    (We are having issues with videos 2 and 4 but we’re working to resolve them!) 

    Please be sure to watch the video before we get together so we can discuss them. 

    The event fee is $5 and you must pre-register for this event
    click here for event information including the link and the password.



    AFA has launched our “EVERY BUSINESS IS ESSENTIAL” initiative in response to the destruction of economic freedoms wrought by zealous bureaucrats.  Read our press release here, the rationale here, and sign YOUR support for economic freedom here. Indeed, the current vandalism of businesses across the country and the race-based rioting emphasize the crucial nature of economic activity and how it’s tied to the flourishing of individuals and of our nation as a whole.

    We are taking a stand for economic freedom by asking elected officials and those seeking election to sign a pledge that they take as a fundamental truth that all businesses are essential, and to oppose all efforts and legislation that might designate any business as non-essential.

    In this way we hope to prevent any future cripplings of this great nation’s economy with arbitrary, personal, irrational choices about what is and isn’t essential, and to re-establish stability in the economic arena.

    Never again should bureaucrats make decisions that kill economic freedom, that kill businesses; our aim is to support those who agree with this stance, and to root out those who don’t.  

    Please do sign your support, and help us advance this initiative with your donation.
    Every business is essential, and let’s make sure this kind of economic warfare never happens again

    Hope to see you at any or all of these events.

    Karen Siegemund
    American Freedom Alliance

    With your support, we are able to host the exceptional and world-class events that are our hallmark, and that are fundamental to the preservation of Western Civilization.  As always, it sounds hyperbolic and a bit hysterical… but as events show us day after day, it’s not. 

    When the media, academia and the vast majority of cultural influences do their utmost to create a “reality” that is devoid of, and in fact, in total opposition to the truth, it falls to organizations such as ours to disseminate and support, in every way possible, the actual truth.  Only by shining the light of truth do we stand a chance against the juggernaut of misinformation, and only with your support can we do so. 

    Your tax-deductible donation is vital for our fight for freedom.

    The American Freedom Alliance is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization


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