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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Would You Help Get Action on Election Fraud in Just Two Minutes at NO Cost?



    We ask you to take a simple action to help put this in front of the President. This is not just the typical feelgood petition making the rounds on the Internet- that does nothing. It is actually on the White House web site. The President has promised to at least look at and consider any petition that collects at least 100,000 signatures. Please sign and also share this article with more people who might do likewise. It’s a two minute investment in our future. 

    Election integrity is at greater risk than normal this November due to extraordinary and careless changes being made in the name of COVID protection. We call upon the president to require states to follow federal election law to maintain clean voter rolls before the August 5 deadline for the November 2020 election.

    To ACT NOW, Please click the link to the petition to the US President:

    It is a simple two step process:

    1) sign– just your name and email.

    2) respond to an email sent by the White House in your email to confirm.


    To have this referred to the President for action, we need at least 100,000 signatures by the deadline of August 8.

    We need to take massive action!  This is only one of the steps. Please advise if you have any questions.  Also for more information on the activities of Election Integrity Project California please visit


    Here is the letter we are asking you to sign:

    We join the Election Integrity Alliance (EIA) in imploring your immediate action to stop the aggressive dismantling of our electoral process. We fear that a fair and honest election is no longer possible under current conditions.

    Voter rolls nationwide still include voters who are deceased, registered multiple times in the same state, voting multiple times in different states, and voting without citizen status. Many states already lack any kind of voter ID. And COVID-based panic reforms are paving the way for absentee ballot fraud and ballot harvesting. In the end, well-funded operatives can steal statewide elections.

    Please take all lawful executive actions to prevent voter fraud in the November 2020 election.


     Go to to read the letter sent to the President. Add your endorsement on the website if your organization would like to join the voices of the growing number of election integrity organizations, citizen organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations and churches across the country.


    Press release:

    EIPCa/EIA Sends a Letter to the President

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    Sherri bergamo
    Sherri bergamo
    3 years ago

    We need integrity in the voting process and a feeling of security
    In the voting process

    Jeff Burum
    Jeff Burum
    3 years ago

    Our election processes are not transparent and are highly questionable. Moreover the, the professional elite politians aren’t about to leave on their own. Will we the people allow itvtovcontinue?

    Joan Lopez
    Joan Lopez
    3 years ago

    The time is now to sign this petition. We do not want this election season to a produce “a perfect storm” – an unusually bad election results for our country! Take two minutes right now to sign this petition. Then share with people you know who live in CA, Nevada, and Arkansas.

    Gloria Massey Chinea
    Gloria Massey Chinea
    3 years ago

    It’s our responsibility for us to sign the this petition to maintain our constitutional republic. We need integrity in the process and transparency! We need to take massive action and we have the opportunity to take actions! Sign up and if you don’t, don’t complain. With respect, Gloria Massey Chinea

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