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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Why Democrats are poised to win in November


    By Richard Eber

    As the Democratic National Convention unfolds this week from Cyber Space, I am becoming increasingly cynical about the prospects for a conservative victory in November.  Unlike four years ago, the momentum seems to be on the Progressive side of the political ledger.

    Kamala Harris, a strong supporter of the Green New Deal, Black Lives Matter, increasing taxes pushing expensive social programs, illegal immigration, socialist housing policies, Medicare for All, etc., is now being sold by the mass media as a so called “moderate”.  This is the equivalent to referring to Karl Marx as a middle of the road liberal.

    Harris has been touted as being a strong leader in the Senate yet has not introduced one major piece of legislation that has been passed.  Except in the realm of Indentify politics, does she seem like Presidential Timber being ready to become Chief Executive of our country?

    Joe Biden has spent nearly half a century opportunistically trolling the swamps of Washington D.C.  Changing his views to fit the current flavor of the week, makes him an individual to be considered a leader; especially in his current diminished mental state.  Recently, Biden’s family, through deals in China and the Ukraine, has profited by overt corruption gaining consultant contracts working for businesses they are not qualified to deal with.

    Despite these negative records, the Biden-Harris ticket is a strong favorite to not only defeat Donald Trump this November, but also sweep both the Senate and House for Democrats. 

    How can this be we ask given the President’s strong Pre Covid-19 record of:

    • most 4 million jobs created since election including 400,000 in manufacturing
    • Thru energy policies has made the United States energy independent
    • African-American and Hispanic unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
    • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
    • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA tele-health services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
    • Has built up military, has stood up to China and Iran, reformed NAFTA, and recently helped put together a peace treaty between Israel and the UAE.
    • Kept the United States out of major military conflicts around the world

    Despite these accomplishments, Trump is behind in opinion polls nationally and many of the swing States that propelled him to victory in 2016.    How can this be and what might be done to change the minds of swing voters who determine who wins virtually every Presidential election?

    In analyzing the political climate, especially in Swing States, Donald Trump is failing to resonate with millennial female voters.  This group that tends to have at least some college education, for the moment is supporters of the Biden-Harris ticket.  Despite having many views that can be deemed to be conservative, why are they leaning to the left in this election?

    For an answer to this question we can turn to a poll taken in 2018 by the Pew Institute which showed the most important attributes these women had for their President to possess are:

    58% Trustworthiness

    38% Ability to work with the opposition

    37% previous experience

    36% stand on issues

    20% Ability to win

    These findings are backed up by recent polling indicating women in general; especially millennial’s and Generation Xers are offended by President Trump’s demeaning comments about females.  Calling Senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” or using the “B” word to describe VP nominee Kamala Harris, does not cut it with this group. Given the President’s tendency to use to use personal attacks against his foes, it backfires with many socially conscience younger voters.

    Michelle Obama, in her speech at the virtual Democratic Convention took advantage of anti-Trump sentiment.  In contrast to Hillary Clinton condemning Middle America with her “basket of Deplorables”, the former First Lady intimated that social unrest is directly related to the President’s poor conduct. 

    Such an argument comes into play as Republicans need to appeal to millennia’s, especially in swing states, as the November election looms near.

    The poster child for the individual that conservatives need to reach is my college educated daughter who is raising a family while occupying a leadership role in a non-profit training disadvantaged youth to become interns at high tech companies.  In general, she holds conservative views yet is leaning towards voting Democratic this fall.

    Being in general a-political, my daughter finds Trump to be obnoxious, rude, intimidating, and mean. To her this is more important than his sterling record on the economy and the prosperity that the President has brought to the country since taking office. 

    So the question comes up what can the Republicans do to win over the Millennial voting block in the last couple months of the campaign.

    My suggestions are:

    • Keep talking about issues comparing Republican policies with the radical leftist platform Democrats have put forth.
    • Convince voters that defunding law enforcement is a disaster for the security of their families.
    • Pushing Identity politics is not the answer to unifying the country
    • American style Capitalism is a better formula for the future prosperity of the country than the Socialist vision that the Democratic Party is peddling.

    To do so Donald Trump needs to think like the producer of The Apprentice who is dealing with poor ratings. Instead of running an identical format of past successful shows, he must improve his image with a new focus group of millennial’s and women in general.

    This will mean stopping the personal attacks and concentrating on making America Great Again in this second term.  No need to use the terminology of “Sleepy Joe”.  It is obvious to all the former VP belongs more in a rest home than the White House.  Even Biden’s strongest supporters recognize the man is in his dotage.

    No need to rub his nose in it.  Let the contents of the Presidential Debate show the American people who they should entrust the country’s future to.

    Hopefully voters, especially younger ones, will come to the realization they should ignore the demagogic ideology of the radical left and vote what is best for their families well being.

    <span> <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>httpspixabaycomphotoswave atlantic pacific ocean huge 1913559<span>

    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    American cities are aflame under weeks-long rioting.

    U.S. firearm sales are at an all-time high, now month-after-month.

    Most pollsters are unwilling to project the effect either will have on likely voters in November; NO poll can accurately project things like this anyway, even if pollsters wanted to.


    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago

    Just as long as Trump wins. That’s what counts.

    3 years ago

    Trump is around 4 points down in the battleground states. Better off than he was last time at this point in the campaign.

    It is easily possible for him to win. At this time I estimate he has a 55 percent chance of winning the electoral collage.

    He will however become the first two term president to have never won the popular vote.

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