Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Contagion Recovery!


    By David Pu’u

    I hate bothering people with my musings, but they seem to make sense, and sometimes encourage and help people to better control their own destinies, which process I am a fan of.

    This informational drop is a macro and semi-micro examination of what we are experiencing Globally in a first of it’s kind, architected operation, utilizing rapid dissemination of control system generated information, via our recently developed new digital systems and web-hive based, artificial reality


    I have seen some of this surface, which is mentioned in the following article:


    Basically I suspect there to be a couple other viruses in the initial release, which are different in the manner which they effect people. What that article describes is not a template for the vast number of people who became symptomatic and recovered in a week or two.

    A significant caveat is that the ability for viral load to develop, is relative to lifestyle-habits and individual immune response.

    IF one were to do precisely as UN functionary the WHO, and it’s sister Org, the CDC, instructed the Nations of the world’s politicians to apply and enforce via Tyrannical control, one would acquire a depressed immune response. You would become ill, emotionally, physically and eventually, probably spiritually as well. (Suicide rates rose globally since this Op set in)

    That was not an accident. It was intentional. The WHO has done this many times before. Want to learn more about the WHO? James Corbett exposes them here.


    Scare people

    Jail them inside-isolate them as completely as possible.

    Put masks on them. 

    Infuse them with high VOC solvents, like alcohol based hand sanitizer

    Destroy their jobs

    Kill the Fitness Industry, and health and fitness culture.

    Deem non essential and force closed, businesses that are integral to socio-cultural and economic, health and stability.

    Close the Parks

    Close the beaches and shut off Ocean access

    Divide Communities up, get them to simultaneously bow to orders and rebel against legitimate authority under a Marxist political movement that we have allowed and yes, even promoted via the educational system.

    Submit to UN rules and plans, which subvert US Law and the liberties and rights of US Citizens.

    Embed UN tenets in US agencies.

    Make the populace believe that their only option for health and possibly survival, is an injection series which utilizes toxins to evoke a specific immune response, from an immune system which has been subverted by all of the above, and has also been impacted by glyphosate infusion into the food supply, along with systemic antibiotic pervasion.  Together, these damage the gut lining, and compromise immune response, effectively accelerating its aging (wearing it out) and creating a potential for geriatric immune response as early as middle age, or potentially, even younger.

    Then there is this. I have been watching this for a long time. Why I am all about weather.


    What cold will also do is create a better environment for disease, especially in all of those scared folks wearing masks and breathing their own CO2 – respiratory waste byproducts.

    I understand that for many, all of this seems both overwhelming and out of one’s control. That is an illusion. So what can one do?

    Get outside and exercise. Make it a daily habit. Correct dietary deficiencies and challenges related to food security compromise.  Work on GI tract support. Live in a habit of gratitude and praise. Be productive. Keep moving. Make basic preparations for inclement weather and possible impediment of food and commodity supply lines. Support local small business and food growers. 

    All of these things are keys to resilience.

    We truly live in interesting times.

    It is important to understand that it is not “just one thing” which affects weather and climate patterning.

    We will have the Maunder Minimum yes, and it will probably lead to a more dramatic-severe Winter. But 4 years later, we expect to see a more severe solar generated temperature collapse.

    Then there is this:

    Both earth axis wobble and magnetic pole shift along with increased NEO events, will have an effect on climate patterning as well, and we will possibly see weather change  quite dramatically as variables develop and interact with our Planet and Atmosphere.

    Is this all going to be catastrophic? Maybe, yes. Likely not, though. The Earth and its passengers have been around for a very, very, very long time. Our own lives are a tick of the timeline clock. 

    The Rose-Martin interview linked below is the single most significant information drop I have read or watched. It concurs completely with conclusions we were coming to in group study of the Contagion at the beginning of this year, and goes further, as it exposes motive, evidence, and criminal intention by a select small group of people.

    It also explains why the flu vaccination program has been a failure, and why the CV-19 vaccine has a zero percent chance of success.


    In summary, if one desires to successfully pull out of this horrifying Economic, Public Health, Socio-Cultural and Spiritual nose dive that Humanity has been tricked into. One had better do the polar opposite of what Govts have instructed us to embrace.

    As a species whose Liberty and access to the Commons (Air Sea, Land, Water) are gifted to each of us by God, it is imperative that we understand that Politics and in turn what passes for Leadership, at the National, State and Municipal levels is DOWNSTREAM from Culture. What this means is that Culture signals to the Political system what it will assent to and desires.

    So in effect, we only lose our health and freedom when we consent to allow Politicians or really any person or  corporeal entity,  to steal those.

    Your choice is your own. 

    I do not consent.

    Resistance of Deceit
    Bene Gesserit Litany on Fear.David Pu’u Biography:David Pu’u is a Photographer, Cinematographer and Writer with broad experience ranging from editorial publication, to television and feature film production. For the past 20 years David has been a leader in the imaging community through his contributions to both new technology and uses of high-speed motion capture in film and digital 3D formats, which have been featured prominently on the global stage. 

    Currently David works as lead creative and CEO of Neocreative Inc, which develops and licenses IP related to Photography, Literature and Film. He has held a Federal Certification as a Rescue Boat Operator and First Responder via K38 Maritime, and has received extensive training in risk assessment and mitigation in marine environments.  

    David is the CEO for Ocean Ohana Inc., which operates Betty Belts, an  international Corporation, designed to  educate and organize the Ocean Community, and which creates, manufactures, markets and retails ocean centric product, that features both social and environmentally sustainable themes.

    David has also contributed to the Think Tank type projects of the Sea-Space Initiative and Blue Mind, both working in, and leading, study groups in the Google and Washington DC Summits, as well as presenting at Blue Mind and working in group study at ARUP in San Francisco.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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