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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Jewish Vote in USA Defies Reality



    By Richard Eber

    Twenty Seven (27) years is a long time for a friendship, marriage, or holding a job with a single employer, to last.  It is also lengthy period for a family to belong a church or synagogue. That is why I was shocked that after more than a quarter century, close friends of mine resigned from the Temple they belonged to in the Bay Area.

    What would good Jews (unlike myself) be doing leaving their Synagogue for ethical reasons? Apparently, holding conservative views is not tolerated there.  Progressive Leftist ideology that is currently being embraced by the Democratic Party dominates any sense of sanity from this place of worship.  They are embarking on a guilt trip that surpasses anything a Jewish Mother could ever concoct. A recent bulletin to Temple members read as a mission statement

    Our Sanctuary for Imperfect Practice: Racial Equity and Justice

    • Provided our congregants and staff with sufficient opportunities to acknowledge our individual and communal shortcomings with regard to racism so we can pursue a shift in culture within the congregation consistent with our Jewish values
    • Sought out Congregants of Color and enlisted them in efforts to change the culture of our community so that they will become leaders and owners of the present and future
    • Created a specific organizing effort to “move the dial” on racial justice in the broader community

    In effect one of the most liberal, tolerant, and fair institution in our country has ended up allying themselves with an racist-anti Semitic group Black Lives Matter (BLM); while at the same time ignoring the policies of the likes of Antifa.  My friend could not take the accusations of systemic racism any longer saying “Once the above goals came out it was easier. I did enjoy certain events there but could not stomach belonging to a Marxist Organization.”

    Curiously enough resigning from the Temple did not create much of an uproar as their tent of inclusion did not allow for conservative political thought.  Even worse, no one seemed to care.

    In the past decade the Democratic Party has embraced the Palestinian cause at the expense of Israel.  American Jews, in effect by waving a white flag at the Iranian dictatorship, they have indirectly supported a regime that has been responsible for spreading terrorism throughout the entire region. 

    During the Obama administration, a nuclear agreement (not ratified by Congress) was made with them that threatens annihilation of Israel by the end of the decade.  At the same time Obama’s relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be charitably be called hostile.

    Things have deteriorated even more during the 2020 election season with Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her squad of Freshman Islamic colleagues showing outright distain towards the Jewish state. At the same time Democratic leaders such Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden have been uncharacteristically silent on the subject.

    Meanwhile, American Jews have treated President Trump like he is on a work furlough from a leper Colony. During his three plus years in office the President has strengthened his ties with Israel, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, withdrew from the horrendous US-Iran Nuclear Agreement , and was instrumental in helping to negotiate the historic opening up diplomatic ties between The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel.

    One would think with Donald Trump’s excellent record in the Middle East, those of the Jewish faith  would be flocking to his side with both campaign donations and their votes. Unfortunately, this is hardly the case. The same group supported the 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton by a 71% margin. This figure is expected to grow with the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020.

    Apparently, anger for the President’s social policies along with his close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more important than past dubious Democratic actions against the State of Israel.   Like many immigrant groups, Jews have been drawn to the Democrats across the generations, an allegiance hardened in the New Deal years (1933-39) and by the party’s emphasis on social justice.

    Because of the unwavering support Joe Biden has with the Jewish community, he has every right to make similar remarks he made to an African American voter “If you have trouble figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”. Such a notion is frightening.  Taking into account crime, violence, and generational poverty in democratically run cities, one wonders why this voting block gives unwavering loyalty to these carpetbaggers disguised as donkeys.

    I guess showing up at Black churches at election time and pledging support for the African-American community, is all that is necessary to receive their vote.

    A similar situation exists with Jews who act like sheep being driven to slaughter by their Democratic Masters.  This cannot help but remind me of Giorio Bassini’s novel The Garden of the Finzi -Continis which recounts the indifference of wealthy Italian Jews in the 1930’s of the rise to power of Mussolini. It tragically ends when these good hearted wealthy folks are sent to their death in concentration camps.

    With this in mind it shocks me how my fellow American Jews can support a Democratic Party that has been so hostile to the State of Israel.  Do they not realize that Socialistic policies will ultimately lead to their ruin and that of the United States?

    This reminds me of what occurred a couple years ago when I attended an Antifa meeting in Berkeley.  One of the speakers was a bright Jewish attorney who was in full support of the organization.  After the proceedings I approached her asking the pointed question, “Are you not aware that if these people gain power, you will be the first person they arrest?” 

    She unapologetically replied “When the revolution comes; we will all have to live with the consequences.”

    At this moment of time I am not ready to face such a menacing fate.  It makes no sense to me to tear apart of the culture of Western Civilization to appease the tastes of anarchists, Marxists, and other malcontents who have gained traction in our political system. It is not my intention to trash historical figures such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, to appease the mob.

    At the same time much support and sympathy should be given to people such as my friends who quit their Leftist place of worship in the name of truth and justice.  We must all do our part to continue making America great now and in the future

    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    Naomi Fisher
    Naomi Fisher
    3 years ago

    Very well said. It is sad so many people cannot see or understand what you so eloquently described.

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