Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    POLITICS | Gary Michaels for State Senate 2020

    My opponent Assemblywoman Monique Limon likes to say she receives bipartisan support, but the truth is she is NOT seen as a moderate that works with both sides in Sacramento, rather, is seen as having an EXTREME voting record.

    To prove this point I have posted several BILLS on my web page https://garymichaelsforsenate.com/ that provide example of why she does not receive bipartisan support. This will hurt Senate District 19.

    If elected as senator, I will immediately introduce collaboration and inclusion with Sacramento from Senate District 19. This will accomplish immediate results. I would be honored to have your vote.



    Gary Michaels for State Senate 2020.

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    Cyndi Lees
    Cyndi Lees
    3 years ago

    I’m extremely disappointed and angry at the behavior of the GOP, both nationally and locally.
    To allow fake ballot drop off boxes is unbelievable and disgusting. This is voter suppression at its finest and you should do everything in your power to stop this illegal act.
    Secondly, the confirmation of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court is completely horrific. Not only are we in the middle of a crisis due to the pandemic, we are in the middle of voting. This candidate is obviously going to set back women and minority rights by decades and we are stuck with her forever. The senate should be voting on a relief package and not this confirmation. Why don’t the republicans realize that by doing this they are guaranteeing that they will be voted out of office?
    I’m so disgusted with President Trump and the GOP with all the lies and cover ups just in the past few months. I’m 62 years old and have voted republican my entire life until today. I plan on voting a straight democratic ballot and pray that the majority does as well so that we can move on and heal our country by getting rid of the GOP.
    Do the right thing for a change.
    Cyndi Lees

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