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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    POLITICS | Joe Biden pushes child transgender choice; Puberty blockers and sex changes pushed in public schools

    By Michael Hernandez

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—”Let’s be clear. Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no reason for compromise when it comes to basic human rights,” said Joe Biden on a Jan. 25, 2020 tweet and repeated again to a mom (during his Oct. 15 ABC Townhall) who wanted her eight-year old child to make the choice to receive puberty blockers and pursue a sex change.

    Biden repeated that he was against “forces of intolerance” at a speech to the Human Rights Campaign—the largest LGBTQ advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States. Biden said that voices of religious Americans were demonizing communities around the world. “We need the Equality Act”—a bill that if passed, would amend the Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Biden’s position on pushing transgender choice in public schools and removing parental rights was the focus of the eighth broadcast of Pray, Vote, Stand by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.

    “There are plenty of times that Americans should be shocked by what the vice president has said. What’s the most disturbing moment so far? said Tony Perkins. “It might be the most stunning thing that Joe Biden has said on the campaign trail. Why? Because he actually believes it. Here is what setting off alarm bells across the country: How would you as President reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?

    “I would flat out just change the law and eliminate those executive orders. There is no reason to suggest to deny the right of your daughter to be or do.”

    According to Perkins, “Eight-year-olds—third graders—do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions to change their gender despite all the science, all the testimonies, all the regret. Joe Biden thinks that children; who we don’t even allow to get tattoos, drink, or drive should be able to make permanent, irreversible decisions to mutilate their bodies. No one, not even a parent should stand in their way. This is an extreme agenda he has been pushing since 2012.

    “Making children the soft targets in this transgender war is just wrong. It is dangerous. Thousands of parents ae waking up every day, oblivious to the fact that under the radical policies of a Harris-Biden administration, their sons and daughters could be next.”

    (Editor’s Note: To see episode 8 of the Family Research Council Pray, Vote, Stand see:

    https://prayvotestand.org/get.cfm?c=PVS_VIDEOS&playItem=WC20J03. Episode 9 will be available for viewing on Oct. 28 from 5-5:30 p.m. or to see all the episodes go to:  https://prayvotestand.org/.)

    Peer pressure is turning transgenderism into the next big fad. This is not a conservative or liberal issue. It is a cultural issue,” said Abigail Shrier, a Wall Street Journal writer and author of “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.” Shrier’s book can be order on Amazon at:


    “Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria—severe discomfort in one’s biological sex—was vanishingly rare. It was typically found in less than .01 percent of the population; emerged in early childhood; and afflicted males almost exclusively.

    “But today whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as ‘transgender.’ These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans ‘influencers.’

    “Unsuspecting parents are awakening to find their daughters in thrall to hip trans YouTube stars and ‘gender-affirming’ educators and therapists who push life-changing interventions on young girls—including medically unnecessary double mastectomies and puberty blockers that can cause permanent infertility.”

    Shrier, who also has a law degree from Yale Law School, said: “I interviewed five dozen parents—mostly political progressives who support gay rights but who didn’t believe that their daughters have gender dysphoria” which they must affirm or be threatened “about the custody of their children.

    “We are seeing troubled teenage girls that are signing up for a future of infertility and sexual dysfunction and their parents are terrified to question them about what they think is not right for their child.”

    “I would get your daughter out of social media that is so toxic and opens them up to a world of influence that is quite bad with transgender gurus. We have been able to tie it to their rates of mental anxiety, depression and suicide. I would oppose the gender ideology in the schools. Our public school system is promoting a woke gender identity confusion. 

    “In California, kindergarteners are taught that only they can know if they are a boy or a girl. We can show compassion to transgenders without indoctrination of an entire generation of children to gender confusion. Parents need to stand up to the experts. The experts do not know more than the parents. Many of the experts are being compelled to go along (with this).”

    Shrier says that Politico reported last week that one of four teenagers are now identifying as some version of LGBTQ. “We immediately affirm them in sort of a monstrous way, patting ourselves in the back for accepting of the permanent medicalization of a whole generation of children. Parents are getting beaten up by the medical accrediting associations.

    “The cancel culture is at the heart of this. The idea that you cannot question anyone’s transition even your own child; that you must immediately sign them up for a lifetime of hormone use, for a future of infertility. This you must do or you are a bigot. Parents are terrified to question this even when they think it is not right for their child.

    “Lot of the girls rushing to do this are not helped by gender transition and are not leading good and happy lives. I would have not written this book if these girls were identifying as transgender, living good lives and were connected to friends and family, engaged in productive jobs and staying in school and looked healthy. But none of that is true. The rates of regret are alarming. We are seeing a growing population of young women who have transitioned and I expect it to get much higher. I get calls that 15-20 percent of 7th grades classes have come out as transgender.

    According to Dr. MIchelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, “We are talking about young children. He (Joe Biden) was talking about eight-year-olds who have not gone through puberty; yet who are simply confused about their identity. They have been bombarded by lies that they could be trapped in the wrong body; by social media; Hollywood; in schools by Drag Queen Story Hours. 

    “Don’t take impressionable children and affirm them in a lie that is going to lead them to dangerous drugs like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. These are drugs that can leave them sterile.

    “Puberty is not a disease; but children confused about their sex will go to a doctor and that doctor will stop their puberty and prevent them from entering puberty. They will give them a blocker. Puberty blockers prevent children from going through normal sexual development, normal bone development, normal brain development. This is very serious.

    “Even if those kids eventually come off the blockers there is some early evidence that will have permanent bone loss. The FDA is looking at young women who were exposed to puberty blockers that now have permanent mental health issues, permanent bone loss and even seizure disorders. This is not a benign drug. You do not take a physically healthy child and prevent them from going through a normal healthy process as puberty and expect it to come out okay.

    “It is clear that we only have two sexes. Sex is defined according to the role you play in reproduction. This is basic life science: You produce sperm, you are male. You produce eggs, you are female. That is straight forward. Unfortunately, creating a field for transgender children, actually manufacturing transgender children is very lucrative. It makes them patients for life. So, there is a definite financial incentive here.

    “If we are dealing with young children prior to puberty, provided we can protect them against indoctrination, if we can affirm them as the boys and girls; then the vast majority will outgrow their gender confusion by the time they are young adults.

    “Some studies of the American Psychiatric Association, have found that as many as 98 percent of gender-confused boys and 88 percent of gender-confused girls will outgrow this confusion and embrace their bodies. These children need good psychological care and counseling; not dangerous medication.”

    (Editor’s Note: See Frc.org/gendertransition to read a 19-page report about: “Do Not Sterilize Children” by Peter Sprigg.)

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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    3 years ago

    This sure seems to be a medical and psychological issue. I don’t see that much public discussion of drug treatment for congestive heart failure, lung cancer, diabetes or bipolar disease. What makes the lay public think it’s any of their business what the medical community and the families do to address issues?

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