Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Commentary | Democrats are in Meltdown



    By Don Jans

    The outlandish claims from the left reveal a party that is in meltdown. To try to sell the idea that President Trump called those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom as suckers and losers is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown. To say that President Trump wants to defund the police is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown. To talk about President Trump not respecting the tradition of peaceful transition, especially after it has been proven time after time that Islamic Jihadist sympathizer Comrade Obama violated every aspect of peaceful transition, is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown. For Cuomo to blame the pathetic handling of the China Virus in New York is not only scapegoating by Cuomo but it is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown. To keep states in lockdown over the China Virus is now obviously politically motivated and has nothing to do with science, but continues despite these lockdowns being far more damaging than helpful is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown. To encourage and enable rioting, looting, arson, assault, and murder while hoping the public will accept the explanation that this is peaceably protesting is farfetched and outlandish. This reveals meltdown.

    Why are the Democrats grasping at such farfetched and outlandish straws. It could be because they nominated an even weaker candidate for president in 2020 than they did in 2016. Hillary is almost impossible to like. Hillary is way to the left. Hillary does not inspire. Hillary used the government and her positions to enrich her family. Hillary refused to go on the campaign trail.

    Biden is more likeable than Hillary, but Biden moved far to the left and has surrounded himself with Marxists. Biden does not inspire. Biden has used the government and his positions to enrich his family. Biden cannot go on the campaign trial due to the escalation of his diminishing mental capacity, which is clearly revealed when he walks and talks.

    For some unknown reason, the DNC chose Kamala Harris to be the vice-presidential candidate. Kamala Harris is a San Francisco liberal like Nancy Pelosi. Kamala Harris is difficult to like as are Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Kamala Harris is a divisive person. Kamala Harris has as her only principle the destruction of the Republic of the United States to be replaced by a Marxist totalitarian state and she will do anything to achieve this goal. Yes, Kamala Harris is a firm believer in and practitioner of the Marxist maxim, “The ends always justify the means.”

    The Democrats have no national figure that generates enthusiasm or gives their base a reason to become excited. Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Andrew Cuomo, Bill De Blasio, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Ilham Omar, AOC, and you get the idea, have deserved high negatives.

    The only alternative the Democrats seem to have is the one they showcased at their convention and that is to say and do whatever is necessary to create hatred and distrust of Donald Trump. This is a totally negative approach and has proven in the past to be a losing strategy. What we are seeing since the Democrat Convention is a doubling down of the lies and contortions. In defense of the Democrats, when you have a platform that is totally contrary to the American ideals and candidates with no redeeming values, you are left with farfetched and outlandish approaches as your only strategy. Yes, to the informed, interested, and involved citizen this reveals you are in meltdown. You can only hope that there are enough uninformed, uninterested, and uninvolved  voters, or your voter fraud tactics that you have been improving, are adequate and sufficient to win the election by any means necessary to accomplish your ends.

    Based on the Democrat tactics so far, we can only surmise that the attacks over the next two months will become even more farfetched and outlandish. What has been clearly revealed by the left is that, as their supporters, including BLM and ANTIFA, continue their looting, rioting, and arson, they continue to reveal their true goal is “Death to America.” We who are living in the United States must ask ourselves if we should support the Democrat party, which has become the Communist party, or should we vote for those who believe living under the United States Constitution that protects our freedoms and liberties is the wisest choice.

    Folks, these are the choices. What do you choose?

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Don Jans is a national acclaimed author and speaker.  He is also a lifelong student of history, with a special emphasis on Russian history.  His study of Russian history led to 1917 which led to the study of the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  Don has written five books on the topic of Collectivism (Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Progressivism). 

    Don has been a guest on numerous nationally and regionally broadcast radio programs.  He is a weekly guest on a nationally broadcast radio program where he discusses collectivism and how it is impacting the United States, relating current happenings to the collectivist agenda.

    Don has spoken to numerous groups across the nation on the topic of who and what is the United States and who and what is collectivism. The collectivist movement has called for a transformation of the United States. What is critical for all to understand is what is the transformation; what are we now and into what will we be transformed.  

    Don’s speaking approach is the same as his writing approach, and that is to be direct and straight forward with no regard for the current mandated approach of political correctness. 

    Samuel Adams said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” If we are to remain free, we must be about setting brushfires of freedom.

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    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago

    To think that people who vote for democrats know any of this is fanciful thinking. The vast majority of democrat voters give more thought to an order at Jack In The Box then to whom and what they vote. When things really turn to shit, they riot.

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