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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    14,099 Maricopa County AZ Voters Did Not Prove Citizenship

    Editor’s Note: This is a press release

    ‘More than enough likely illegal Democrat non-citizen voters to elect Biden.’

    For National Release | November 12, 2020

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    Even more evidence came in today, suggesting that illegal non-citizen predominantly Democrat voters are the biggest threat to the integrity of US elections, yet 99% of the American media remains silent.

    A Republican Arizona state representative Kelly Townsend is warning the nation that there are 14,099 voters in Maricopa County alone who did not prove they are US citizens when registering to vote as required by a little known Arizona state law passed as Proposition 200 in 2004.

    Cassandra Fairbanks of the Gateway Pundit reports on Nov 11 these numbers in one county alone is more than enough to affect the outcome of the 2020 Presidential race

    The number of potential non-citizen voters is higher than Biden’s lead in the state. Currently, Joe Biden is leading the state with 1,657,621 votes, while President Donald Trump is 12,828 votes behind.”[/QUOTE]

    The people of Arizona recognized that the complete lack of verification of citizenship on the federal and national level for voter registrations needed to be fixed, so they voted to pass Proposition 200.

    But since federal law requires citizenship to register and vote but does not require proof of citizenship nor verification of citizenship claims on voter registration forms, Arizona has a dual registration system, whereas proof of citizenship is required to vote for state level candidates but not federal candidates.

    Voters who do not prove their citizenship are registered as “federal-only voters,” which Rep. Kelly Townsend has sounded the alarm about.

    On Nov 11, 2020, she tweeted…

    Rep. Kelly Townsend

    There are 14,099 Federal only voters in Maricopa County alone, who are unable to establish their US citizenship, but still can vote in Federal elections.

    These 14,099 likely illegal non-citizen voters and the report from the Gateway Pundit and state Rep. Kelly Townsend are being added as item #62 on ALIPAC’s tracking list (View List) of evidence non-citizen voters, including illegal aliens, are registering and voting in large numbers in America.

    “More evidence keeps rolling in that backs up our justified belief that the Democrat Party, trade unions, and Joe Biden campaign is winning the 2020 presidency due to widespread illegal non-citizen voters who vote Democrat more than 80% of the time,” said William Gheen, spokesperson for “How much evidence and proof will it take for the media to finally report our concerns or for our government to take action to protect American voters from this overt foreign influence and overthrow of our elections?”

    This new evidence joins numerous prior reports and sources distributed by ALIPAC, including but not limited to…

    Study confirms PAC’s assertion illegal non-citizen voters elected Biden

    White House: 14% of non-citizens in US are illegally registered to vote

    Trump Should Deploy ICE to Investigate Democrat non-citizen voters in Vegas

    Non-citizen voters, including illegals, may put Democrats in power in 2020

    For more information about ALIPAC’s growing list of now 62 documented sources providing evidence that illegal Democrat non-citizen voters are the biggest threat to the integrity of US elections, please visit

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