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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Commentary | AOC’s Hit List



    by Naomi Fisher

    Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked if any of her followers were …”archiving social media posts from supporters of President Trump to be used later as evidence of their “complicity” during his time in the Oval Office”.

    She has also stated that Trump supporters be tried as traitors.

    In other words she wants a “Hit List”!

    An open letter to AOC: You are abusing our Constitution and Bill of Rights, abusing the very oath you took for your office. As a Congressional Representative you are required to not only adhere to those magnificent documents but also do everything in your power to uphold them.

    The USA was founded as a Republic with the ideal that “anyone can become President”. The USA’s history is filled with “anyone” running in any party for any office. 

    You are laboring under the misconception that because we supported and voted for our chosen Republican candidate we can be tried as traitors! That is NOT going to happen. 

    No, AOC. We are not traitors. We are Citizens/Residents of the USA completely dedicated to our Freedom of Speech and our DUTY to vote for the candidate we believe will truly do their best in their elected office.

    With your stupid, idiotic tirade mentioned in the first paragraph above, you have proven yourself incapable of upholding your oath of office, incapable of respecting and honoring our Constitution and Bill of Rights, incapable of respecting our free Citizens/Residents rights in our beloved USA.

    Your mouthings indicate that you are promoting a bloody coup! That you would prefer to see bloodshed if Biden becomes President, that we devoted Trumpsters should be killed or spend the rest of our lives in prison like so many smaller countries have done to their supposed government enemies. 

    That is NOT going to happen in these United States! 

    I repeat: We are NOT the traitors. But anyone promoting a coup on U.S. soil is considered a terrorist at best, a traitor at the very least. That does sound like you, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

    You should have used better common sense. There is zero tolerance for this behavior in the USA. We are NOT a dictatorship nor are we a communist country. It is best not only you, AOC, but ALL like thinking Democrats – it has been mentioned that others of your party are following your lead – all of you get your heads on straight unless you want to feel the real wrath of the U.S.  Citizenry and its military. 

    A direct quote from Dan Reynolds: “AOC is using the power of her office to harm citizens of the United States who voted their conscience. The Republican party and their supporters were not the ones burning businesses, were not the ones killing innocent people in the riots, were not the ones looting people’s homes, looting then burning small businesses, cars or shooting the police who were just trying to protect other citizens from violence, or shooting nurses or doctors. By AOC  calling Republicans traitors she is literally telling our Country what her Democrats believe. What her Democrats act out on behalf of themselves toward all of us Republicans. If AOC continues  this and if the Supreme Court refuses to use it’s authority for violation of her duties, than the U.S. military must be called upon to remove her from office. For if any politician uses their power to punish any citizen who did not vote for their candidate of choice that is an abuse of their office and they should be recalled, impeached or thrown in front of a military tribunal.”


    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you have blown your credibility as a politician and as a leader in Congress.

    It is time for you to step down from your office. You are a disgrace to your constituents and your  elected office!


    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others have encouraged the creation of an apparent blacklist of people who helped President Trump during his time in office.

    A blacklist of “Trump sycophants”—entitled “The Trump Accountability Project”—is archiving the names of individuals who “elected, served, funded, supported, and represented” President Donald Trump.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Naomi Fisher is a resident of Ventura County

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    Happy Realist
    Happy Realist
    3 years ago

    C. Collier said, “We need our own version of die Nacht der langen Messer to rid ourselves of them [Antifa/Demosocialists].

    No need for a ‘Night of the Long Knives’/’Operation Hummingbird’, folks.

    The covert Civilization Jihad counterstate (now playing the Democrat Party/Organized Left like a fiddle) will betray both from within, independently, like the SS purged the SARed/Green Axis is temporary.

    (Strategic Outlook): this scenario will unfold in Western Europe first (vs. UK Labor Party, German SPD, French ‘La République En Marche!’, et al).

    3 years ago

    The democrat stasi secret police has just made its presence visible. Sounds familiar right, a political party that came into power in the late 30s in Germany…

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago
    Reply to  O.G

    Actually the Stasi were the secret police of East Germany that came in after WWII, run by the Soviets. It’s the Gestapo that was around during the other party’s reign of terror. But your point is still well made. And antifa serves the Demosocialists as the equivalent of the Sturmableitung. We need our own version of die Nacht der langen Messer to rid ourselves of them.

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago

    “Blown her credibility”? When, exactly, did AOC have any credibility?

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