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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Ventura County Sheriff joins others in region who will not actively enforce Governor’s Curfew order



    By Debra Tash

    On Thursday Governor Newsom announced a curfew be imposed on residents of California.  This was done to supposedly to combat the spread of COVID 19, which spreads only in the dark, at least when it comes to Newsom.  The curfew, starts on the evening of November 21st and will be in effect until December 21st.  It goes from 10PM at night to 5AM in the morning. Forty one of the state’s counties would be affected. However, sheriffs from around the Los Angeles area, including for Ventura, will not actively enforce the order.  LA’s sheriff aims for the “voluntary compliance/education” approach.  

    On November 6th, Newsom was at a party with 11 other attendees, which included his wife,  the head of the California Medical Association and a lobbyist. He got caught enjoying his freedom at the tony French Laundry eatery in Napa for a maskless, indoor, birthday party with no social distancing. It’s okay. He said he was sorry.  Good boy.

    So now what’s good for the goose isn’t apparently good for the gander in the state of California. 

    Hats off to our sheriffs.  They must have better things to do than go after citizens for violating an arbitrary order from Herr Newsom. 

    Debra Tash is Editor-in-Chief of Citizensjournal.us, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis.

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    3 years ago

    Once again Herr Newsom of California’s Third Reich has stomped his foot on the necks of the good people of California, but we have the best law enforcement in So. Cal. and they will not give into the whimsey of the power hungry narcissism of Herr Newsom. God bless our guy’s in uniform.

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago

    The Guv is a liberal. Heck, he’s Pelosi’s nephew. What do you expect from this guy? He’s a lib, people (supposedly) voted for him, live with it. Californian’s aren’t citizens, their hostages!

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    The word you were looking for is “subjects”

    3 years ago

    I am all for staying safe and social distancing, everyone has their own idea of personal safety but I don’t understand the point of issuing a curfew with no consequences. Nobody will listen so why tell everyone to stay at home and then do nothing about it? Makes no sense.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago

    Not only is this unconstitutional, but it would have little or no effect on COVID spread. This is insane. It’s all about CONTROL. Third Reich stuff like this has no place here.

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

    Let’s first try to do the above via due process, if they will allow us to. Ignoring stuff like this would be a good start. Removing Newsom would be an excellent follow-up. He is far worse than Grey Davis ever was,

    How about this
    How about this
    3 years ago

    Comparing the act of doing our small part to get a global pandemic under control to the third reich? Are you serious??? Shame, shame, shame, SHAME on you. I pray for your soul.

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago
    Reply to  How about this

    Methinks you’re missing the point. None of this is about controlling the minor threat of COVID. It’s all about controlling PEOPLE.

    Newsolini is trying to see how much the people will put up with, in terms of gov’t interference in their daily lives and the loss of their Constitutional rights.

    Last edited 3 years ago by C. Collier
    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago

    In comparison to Newsolini, Beige Davis would be an outstanding statesman and leader. But using Newsolini as the baseline, so would be Alfred E. Newman.

    In fact, Newsolini almost, ALMOST, makes me wish we still had Governor Dementia.

    Last edited 3 years ago by C. Collier
    Erlich King
    Erlich King
    3 years ago

    I’m glad there are officers out there that know what unconstitutional laws look like. Seems like our liberties are slowly being removed.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erlich King

    Govenor wants to say he “did” something,even though his actions have no basis or known benefit, a total farce and trampling of freedom. Why do grocery stores open and pot dispensary? Likely to avoid riots if try to close them. He a hypocrite, likely gets his hair done with auntie Nancy.

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