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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Mark Zuckerberg’s money goes to counties that swing election to Joe Biden

    By Michael Hernandez

    Mark Zuckerberg Facebook

    REDWOOD CITY—The bombshell story posted by Breitbart News and censored yesterday by mainstream media and Big Tech companies written by Ken Blackwell (former Ohio Secretary of State; U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission (1990-1993); and distinguished Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council) entitled “The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History” explains how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s money went to key counties that swung the general election to Joe Biden.

    (Editor’s Note: Last evening, the Citizens Journal posted the first five paragraphs of Blackwell’s story and then linked to the complete Breitbart story which can be read at:

    According to Blackwell: “The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism.

    “The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. But just as importantly, it was stolen because those same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its implementation and ruthless in its execution.

    “Let’s not forget that liberals have been consumed by a fixation with removing Donald Trump from office for longer than he’s actually been in office. The sordid story of the 2020 election heist begins all the way back in January 2017, when Barack Obama’s former campaign manager and senior advisor, David Plouffe, took a job leading the policy and advocacy efforts of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a “charitable” organization established by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

    “Earlier this year, just as it was becoming clear that Joe Biden would be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, Plouffe published a book outlining his vision for the Democrats’ roadmap to victory in 2020, which involved a “block by block” effort to turn out voters in key Democratic strongholds in the swing states that would ultimately decide the election, such as Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Minneapolis.

    “The book was titled, A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump, and it turned out that the citizen Plouffe had in mind was none other than his former boss, Mark Zuckerberg. Although Plouffe no longer officially managed Zuckerberg’s policy and advocacy efforts at that point, the political operative’s influence evidently remained a powerful force.”

    Blackwell outlines how Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million (the same amount of money Congress appreciated for the elections) to two nonprofit organizations “founded and run by left-wing activists.” 

    The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL received $350 million which prior to the Facebook founder’s donation had annual operating expenses of less than one million per year) distributed the money “to left-leaning counties in battleground states” that “voted overwhelming for Hillary Clinton in 2016.”

    “Zuckerberg and CTCL left nothing to chance…writing detailed conditions into their grants that dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places.”

    Breitbart News reported Oct. 18 that an additional $50 million went to another nonprofit, the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) to “assist (state) election officials as they seek to inform voters about their voting options and any changes (due to the coronavirus pandemic), educate them about how they can successfully ensure their ballot is received and counted, and bolster transparency and legitimacy.”

    (Editor’s Note: To read the full Oct. 18 Breitbart News story go to this link:

    “Notably, Zuckerberg and Chan made the $400 million in total contributions to the CTCL and CEIR with their own personal funds, and not through their Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), a Redwood City, California-based limited liability company Zuckerberg and Chan control and funded with a pledged $45 billion investment from Facebook stock they own. (In 2020, Forbes Magazine estimated Zuckerberg’s net worth at $97 billion.)

    “The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded in 2015 to leverage technology, community-driven solutions a collaboration to help solve some of society’s toughest challenges. Our mission is to build a more inclusive, just, and healthy future for everyone,” the organization’s website says.

    “Former Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe served as CZI head of policy and advocacy from 2017 until October 2019, when he “stepp[ed] back from day-to-day operations into a new part-time role as a strategist in residence to help guide the organization’s ongoing issues-based policy work. David has decided to make this transition in part to make time for non-CZI endeavors,” according to a CZI statement released at the time.

    “Plouffe is the author of A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump, a book published by Viking in March 2020. In that book, Plouffe highlights the importance of GOTV efforts in beating President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election in this analysis of the 2016 presidential election:

    Plouffe writes in his book: “Overall the Clinton and Trump campaigns had made smart, data-and-model-informed decisions about whom to target for persuasion and GOTV. It’s likely that Clinton’s models were too confident about the turnout from some younger voters and African American voters, core members of the Obama coalition that she inherited. And they overestimated support levels in rural and exurban areas, losing counties 70 to 30 that they thought would be 60 to 40 or even 50-50.

    “If they had known this at the time, the Clinton campaign could have increased contact with some younger voters and African American voters in the upper Midwest, and with more urgency. They also could have invested in more persuasion work with rural and exurban voter targets.

    “The lesson: we can’t rely just on models, and we can’t blame the models. We also have to have campaign strategies in place that address all likely scenarios. In 2020, it would be nice if the final models show Trump with a 0 percent chance of winning. That’s not going to be the case. To win, our GOTV operation, utterly dependent on volunteers, will need to start with a deadly accurate sense of which voters the campaign and the volunteers should concentrate on, and then be deadly efficient in carrying out the operation.”

    While Facebook, the American online social media and social networking service founded by Mark Zuckerberg is headquartered in Menlo Park—Redwood City is the home of Mark and his wife, Priscilla Chan’s limited liability company, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) with the $45 billion Facebook stock (mentioned earlier) that the Zuckerberg’s own (which is 46 percent of the Zuckerberg’s estimated net worth of $97 billion made by Forbes Magazine in 2020).

    Ben LaBolt, spokesperson for the Zuckerberg Chan family office, West Street like Plouffe, has a strong Barack Obama connection, having served as a former press secretary for the 2012 Obama campaign.

    Executives at the CTCL, a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Chicago, founded in 2012 by Tiana Epps-Johnson, who served from 2012 to 2015 as the election administration director for the New Organizing Institute, a progressive non-profit the Washington Post referred to in 2014 as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry,” say they are just trying to help overwhelm election commissions around the country and have no preference for big city Democrats over rural Republicans.

    In 2012, Whitney May, Tiana-Epps Johnson, and Donny Bridges founded Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a left-of-center voter outreach group. All three would work for New Organizing Institute from 2012-2015 and then return to CTCL, bringing the digital skills NOI taught them to their new organization.

    New Organizing Institute (NOI) was a left-progressive group that trained digital organizers and campaigners for the Democratic Party and liberal political causes. The organization, described by a Washington Post reporter as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry,” trained 30,000 members in 10 years before experiencing a mass staff walkout in 2015. [1] Shortly afterward, New Organizing Institute and its sister group the New Organizing Institute Education Fund were disbanded and its core program and most remaining members were folded into Wellstone Action, one of the largest left-of-center campaigner training organizations.

    (Editor’s Note: See link to New Organizing Institute at: See link to founders of Center for Tech and Civic Life at: 

    To read the Nov. 20 Citizens Journal story on “Election Integrity Project Ventura County voter fraud concerns due to usage of the Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic election software’ as well as how California Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s 14 new Election Code regulation concerning mail-in ballots and signature verifications done by him on Sept. 28 opened the way for California election fraud go to:  Read emergency regulations sent to all California County Clerk/Registrar of Voters at:

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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