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    Charlie Kirk @ Godspeak Calvary Chapel: The Future Of Conservatism Beyond Trump

    By Tyler Bolsoni

    Renowned and popular Conservative icon and commentator Charlie Kirk, who is former President Trump’s confidante, and Founder of Turning Point USA, spoke at Pastor Rob McCoy’s Godspeak Calvary Chapel on January 17th, defying California mandates on mask and social distancing protocols. He delivered an impassioned speech on the future state of the Conservative movement.  Kirk expounded on a myriad of issues concerning the Conservative base, from election results, Internet censorship, and ideas on ways to combat “The Left” on Internet bowdlerization.

    Within “200 days” of Democrats taking control of  the Houses of Congress and the Presidency, it will implode on them. The people of this country will beg for Republican governance.- Charlie Kirk

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Charlie Kirk<span>

    Georgia Senate Runoff

    Ardent with hope for the continuance of the America First agenda, he spoke unequivocally on the Georgia Senate Runoff Elections, and how certain right wing pundits misguided vigorous supporters of President Trump, by suggesting that it would be advisable to withhold the vote from Republican Senators  or now former Senators David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler. Mr. Kirk preached that “Georgia was very winnable,” but did mention that the “candidate selection wasn’t great.” He also held liable in a vociferously stern manner, (those who) “targeted misinformation that told Trump supporters to stay home.” This poor advice could be traced back to far right figures, such as Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, just to name a few (he did not mention others by name). He referred to their espoused rhetoric as “garbage” and opined that Conservatives ultimately need to eschew sources that promote disinformation and are undependable.

    Democrat Senate Control but Senator Manchin a Swing Vote?

    The election of Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff  resulted in a 50-50 Senate with Vice President Harris being the tie-breaking vote and leaving Charles Schumer the Democratic Senate Majority Leader.  So, concerns are mounting within the GOP, as officials fear that the Biden’s agenda will have little questioning or resistance. Mr. Kirk opined on the possible swing vote of West Virginian (Dem) Joe Manchin, as he voted in tandem with President Trump 54 percent of the time, and has stated publicly his opposition toward the “Green New Deal” and “Socialist policies”.

    Progressive Commentator Kyle Kulinski, contrary to some GOP figures, is concerned about Joe Manchin being ‘Diet Republican’ and too Conservative.   He stated on his YouTube show (which is linked below) that Senator Manchin is too “Cooperative” and “Establishment” on fiscal policy. He argued that West Virginians are socially Conservative, but are fiscally Progressive in reality. Charlie Kirk and Kyle Kulinski sparred at Politcon in 2019 (Link provided below).

    Purging the Right from the Internet

    If you don’t have the ability to communicate or speak, you don’t have a civilization.- Charlie Kirk

    When the topic Internet expurgation came up, Kirk declared that he ”doesn’t need to get into what a threat they are (Tech Giants),” He remarked that “if you don’t have the ability to communicate or speak, you don’t have a civilization.” He referred to the Social Media Company Parler , founded by John Matze Junior, being stripped and removed from servers by tech giants as, “dangerous.”  He  referred to it as an encroachment on the free market, and compared the tech giants to a “cartel.” Kirk added that  it is “Illegal,” but “it probably won’t be litigated on.”  This refers to the coming backlash to censorship and how the “Democrats did this too quickly.” He stated that the  Democrats’ only tool is gaslighting, (manipulating people by psychological means into questioning their own sanity).  He was saying, in effect, that Democrats acted too extemporaneously and this will be costly to them down the road.

    Democrat Domination Days Delineated?

    Then, Charlie made the bold assertion that within “200 days” of Democrats taking control of  the Houses of Congress and the Presidency, it will implode on them. The people of this country will beg for Republican governance.

    Action Plan

    Kirk also laid out his action plan for Conservatives: first “being in constant contact with each other.” He predicted  that the enemy will utilize ‘doubt,’ ‘despair’ and ‘despondency.’ His remedy was ‘gathering in church’ and ‘being in the ecclesia’ or the public square, and connecting with others bringing ‘truth’. Secondly- “build new stuff, while they are tearing everything down, and new entrepreneurs to fill that void.” The third point,  according to Mr. Kirk is “grit, will, and perseverance” by touting that the left’s stratagem is “to make you surrender.”

    Then Kirk, orated about how “anything the left touches, they destroy,” arguing that Conservatives must be ready to fill the void in which expatriation from the left is going to happen.  He emphasized that “everything the left touches, it gets ruined, a Dennis Prager saying.”   He characterized the left’s dissension from power as akin to the “laws of nature” or “laws of physics.” Stating that it’s comparable to (Newton’s 2nd Law):“Force = Mass Times Acceleration, (Newton’s 1st Law) an object at rest stays at rest, the left will destroy everything it touches.” Affirming lastly, “we will have another chance,” receiving a thunderous standing ovation from the congregation.


    Video of Charlie Kirk at Godspeak Calvary Chapel

    Democrat Assures Fox News Nothing Would Fundamentally Change Under Biden

    Kyle Kulinski Vs Charlie Kirk | Politicon 2019


    NPR: Democrats Take Control of Senate With Twin Georgia Victories

    Senator Manchin Votes with President Trump


    Tyler Bolsoni is our youngest Citizen author, 17 years old, home-schooled and writing for us on and off since he was 9, residing in the West San Fernando Valley.

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