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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Ventura County Board of Supervisors Ignore, Delete and Silence Public Comments



    By Denise Pedrow

    I follow several of our county supervisors on their various social media platforms.  Last week, I was shocked to see a photo of Supervisor Kelly Long posing with an award that she recently received from the Ventura County Economic Development Association.  Her post said that this award was given to her for her work to strengthen our local economy.

    I was stunned. On January 12, 2021, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors had just voted to SUE over 10 local small business owners.  Supervisors Linda Parks, Matt Lavere, Kelly Long and Carmen Ramirez had all voted to not just oppose members of our independent, small business community here in our county; they went further. They voted to weaponize the resources that they have at the county level and SUE several small businesses. 

    When several people, including myself, posted on Supervisor Kelly Long’s Instagram account regarding the glaring hypocrisy between her award and her vote as a county supervisor…she deleted all our comments and blocked us.  It seems that if you disagree with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, you will be deleted and blocked. Your opinions and civil, though questioning, comments will not be tolerated.

    During this COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen political figures get to pick and choose which businesses they will bless to remain open.  Yes, this winery…no, not that brewery.  Yes, this fast-food restaurant…no, not that coffee shop.  It has been without any common sense or reason. 

    And the people have suffered. On top of the stress of an unknowable, non-isolated virus on the loose, these small business owners have been backed into an unimaginable corner.  Become known for their civil disobedience or become listed on the Bankruptcy court docket.

    I recently sat in a room with three small business owners who looked like they have been crushed by the weight of the world on their shoulders.  The stress and anxiety that they have been put through in 2020 has left deep lines on their faces, shoulders stooped and shadows under their eyes. One business owner related how he can only sleep about three hours per night.  He showed me their summons against him.  The complaint states that he is not only in violation of their supreme will, but that he knowingly caused ‘increased contamination, hospitalization and deaths within the county.’  Nowhere in the document was any data or evidence shown that contact tracing had been performed that clearly proved that his establishment was the source of anyone contacting any virus and causing them to become hospitalized.  There was no proof that anyone has died after having been at or near someone who had been in his restaurant. 

    Yet here we have a local government and elected representatives accusing a local small business of MURDER, with no facts to back it up.  These county supervisors have given the green light for these struggling small businesses owners to be harassed, intimidated, and falsely accused. Dr. Levin and the County of Ventura offers no proof or data, they can just accuse and sue you.

    Is this the America we live in now? These are communist-style tactics. It is threats, harassment, and intimidation to get you to bend to their will.  If you do not comply, they will falsely accuse you and destroy you.  If your small business is not set up to be able to survive with take-out orders only, or setting up business operations outside, then the supervisors and politicians are saying loud and clear “Too Bad for You”.  Where is the compassion for the countless small businesses and employees who are devastated by these supervisor’s actions?

    I spoke with a busboy at one of the establishments who are being sued. He told me that many of the former employees stayed home to obey the order and filed for unemployment.  They quickly found out that California’s Employment Development Division is hopelessly broken, and no unemployment checks were coming to help them. These hardworking employees have been plunged into poverty, them along with their children, to satisfy the authority-abusing county officials.  This is wrong. It’s unethical, it’s dishonest and it’s criminal. 

    Come the next election season, lets remember this lawsuit as the candidates seek new political seats or want to keep the ones they currently have. Let us see who has the gall to stand up and publicly promote themselves as champions for our local economy and the forgotten thousands of small businesses. Which Ventura County Supervisors will be so far into denial of their own actions that they will campaign under “Building a Stronger Economy” in 2022.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Denise Pedrow is a local business woman and former Assembly candidate.

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Joan Lopez said, “Let’s hold them [VC Board of Supervisors] accountable now because their decisions have affected my freedoms and your freedoms as guaranteed in the US Constitution and the CA State Constitution.

    Understand there are fewer freedoms enumerated in the California State Constitution than the US Constitution.

    Folks, try reasonably protecting yourself from life-threatening harm (including inside your own home or vehicle) under the CA Constitution vs. the US Constitution.

    Joan Lopez
    Joan Lopez
    3 years ago

    I agree with the article written by Denise Pedrow. What has happened to our freedom of speech? Does any elected official have the right to block our questions? Or to delete our posts? This is what social media does – like Facebook and Twitter. We deserve to have our questions answered! Now is the time for every Supervisor to explain why they voted for some small businesses to stay open; and for others to remain closed? Why did stores like Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Walmart and Macey’s open sooner than small businesses? Why are many churches still not opened for indoor services with no limits of capacity? On April 12 Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that “mandatory limits on attendance are no longer imposed on houses of worship.” We are guaranteed in the Constitution the Freedom of Religion – yet too many pastors, priests, and clergy accepted the overreach of the State. Another important question: Why have our public schools been closed for over a year; while private schools reopened months ago? Why are the teachers’ union not training their teachers “how to teach in a classroom with some health guidelines?” If they were offered training – please explain to “we the taxpayers” in Ventura County! How many of us have NOT been receiving a paycheck, yet some teachers continued to receive pay checks when schools were closed? We all need to watch the Board of Supervisors Meetings on Zoom and attend in person when the Administration Building opens to the public. The Board of Supervisors is making decisions with minimal input from “we the people” who pay high taxes and voted for them to represent us. Remember when they campaigned and made promises? Let’s hold them accountable now because their decisions have affected my freedoms and your freedoms as guaranteed in the US Constitution and the CA State Constitution.

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago

    Carmen Ramirez and Oxnard City Attorney Alex Nguyen need to be disbarred too.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dotty Pringle

    Alex isn’t the City Attprney

    3 years ago

    Supervisors Linda Parks, Matt Lavere, Kelly Long and Carmen Ramirez are BAD for Ventura County. Kick them to the curb.

    3 years ago

    Tyrants, whether little ones or bigger ones are flourishing nowadays. A pitiable state in this Land of the Free.

    3 years ago

    But of course, that was the plan… destroy small businesses and the middle class, stick everyone on a univeral basic income and if you disagree with the state, you get to starve… very totalitarian – welcome to the Great Reset – “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy” Klaus Shwab… the World Economic Forum… if we do not collectively make our elections fraud free, we will never rid ourselves of thes parasites… in fact, we need to audit the vote – how did these people get in? Dominon?

    J Brown
    J Brown
    3 years ago

    A friend of mine co-owns two businesses in Ventura county. Both have been devastated as have the employees and their families. Enough already! Suing businesses is not the solution.

    Mike Young
    Mike Young
    3 years ago

    If the businesses were “sued”, what was the monetary penalty they were being forced to pay?

    Lillith Hobbs
    Lillith Hobbs
    3 years ago

    Hooray Denise Pedro! We need to fight to save the persecuted businesses, and replace these parasitic officials!

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