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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

    By Joe Hoft

    The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history.  The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.

    Then, as the President and his team attempted to address the fraud and alleged abnormalities, the courts refused in any case evidence to be brought before a court of law.

    We’ve heard over and over from Big Media that President Trump and his team lost numerous court cases linked to the 2020 election.  But this is not accurate.

    Here’s what we identified from our research of an accurate and updated list of court cases:

    • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
    • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff…

    Read the rest of the story on The Gateway Pundit

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    2 years ago

    “The Democrats like to say that “your voice is your vote.” When tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg (net worth: $100 billion) has the unregulated and unmitigated ability to dictate how America’s elections are run, who runs them, how we cast our ballots, and who counts them, what voice do we have left?”

    2 years ago

    i need for my inner peace to get this done, all treasonous participants to be sent to gitmo or wherever, be punished severely, remove all illegals and obama placed muslims, and all other drains on the tax payers, i carry everywhere these days as our country is no longer safe ,things under trump were becoming better ,w exception of dem backed treason ,,peace in the middle east really struck me as incredibly awesome , n Korea was talking ,trade deals were addressed and so many fantastic things that strengthened our country, then these subversive pos ruined every thing ,they must pay ,or all faith in our government will be lost and we the people will be forced to take matters against these domestic terrorists occupying our capitol ,

    Last edited 2 years ago by JIM R PARKER
    A Stolen Election – Redneck Politics
    2 years ago

    […] In many battleground states, Trump had a clear lead with 89 to 99% of the vote reporting in. If there had been no pauses in counting, and the poles had closed at the legally appointed times, there would have been no question about who won this election. But, unfortunately the laws were not followed, and widespread election fraud was “permitted” to take place. (Arizona finds just 182 cases of potential voter fraud in 2020, damaging Trump claims ( / Here’s What Election Fraud Deniers Don’t Want You to Know | CNSNews / Why Isn’t the Audit Team Releasing All of Their Findings? Is This Suspicious Behavior | The Common Sense Show/ BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active…) […]

    Jim Smith
    Jim Smith
    2 years ago

    LOL..All the attorneys that spread the lie are now in legal battles and are going to be censured or possibly disbarred for bring frivolous claims to courts..Not one case has been validated, no evidence has been brought into any court and most the judges that have thrown every case out of court were appointed by republicans..You are so uninformed…

    Last edited 2 years ago by Jim Smith
    Brad Gotelaere
    Brad Gotelaere
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jim Smith

    Stop democrat organized voter fraud!!!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jim Smith

    Just like the dead of night turn of events that installed a career grifter suffering dementia, the current sunlight shining on the Arizona audits are slowly eposing the truth. What’s being found there is spreading like wildfire to all the other states in question. By the time 2022 rolls around hopefully election integrity will be restored and we will retake both chambers. But of course if all YOU read is what the state run complex releases you wouldn’t know it…

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jim Smith

    Hey Bidenette, how can you say that when EVIDENCE IS NOT HEARD. THUS THE MINDSET OF A LIBERAL.

    Cheryl Barbour
    Cheryl Barbour
    2 years ago

    Both Arizona and Georgia lied; it is proven that Trump won those states. What about the other states? Why wouldn’t the courts even touch these cases??? Corruption at the highest levels. Why were they afraid to look at the evidence? Someone said that both dems and reps had to be in on this for the fraud to be so “accepted” and widespread. My question is, we KNOW there was fraud so what is going to be done about it? We have a fake president whose administration is doing everything in their power to destroy our country. WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT??? We are asked to unify while our government takes our freedoms, censors what we see and hear, the news lies, politicians lie, and no matter how many people die or are injured, our government is still bullying and punishing people to be part of a massive drug trial??? Why? It sure isn’t about our health. Something else, something evil, is clearly going on. If Biden cared about our health he wouldn’t be letting criminal illegals, terrorists, illegals with COVID, drugs, etc. into our country, hell he invited them-and we are paying for them. Does that sound like someone who cares about you or me? Fauci has lied and manipulated us for over a year, but does anyone care? NO…he’s still got his big lying face out there enforcing his doom and gloom message when he is one of the people responsible for COVID. America better wake up. This is about power and control. Did anyone really believe that the democrats were going to be fair or play nice during the election after 4 years of hatred? The press lied, Piglosi tore up Trumps speech on national TV..(for which she should have served jail time)..they did everything they could think to take Trump out….they were never going to allow him to win again. This is pure evil folks. America is being run by Obama, Soros, a man who doesn’t even know what day it is and a clueless, giggling VP who does nothing except pass the buck- usually blaming global warming for everything. OMG. (if you believe Biden is running this country, you’re an idiot) God was not mentioned in prayer and they sang the Black National Anthem on July 4 at the WH. What? Why not America’s National Anthem? Why is this not prejudice? If I stood up and said “I’m going to sing the white national anthem media would tar and feather me. If I dumped my child down the street and took off, I would be arrested and probably not get my child back because it is against the law. Why don’t illegals have to follow the law? Biden doesn’t care about the plight of those people, he just wants to flood cities with democratic voters. Doesn’t matter that we have massive unemployment, and millions of our own homeless. We don’t matter. Why don’t democrats have to follow the law? What is it about the word “illegal” these people don’t understand??? Why do we have some laws for Americans and no laws for illegals and criminal congressmen? You saw how democrats avoided their duty by fleeing Texas-without their masks??? Why are these people still being paid? Fire them. They refuse to do their jobs. I could go on and on. Stop the insanity now. I believe all top democrats, and some republicans, should be in jail but nobody will listen to me because Biden /Harris will be in office no matter what. I don’t understand why he isn’t being sued for crimes against America, he and Fauci but the corrupt, evil will not take him out of office. I don’t believe there is any constitutional law for this type of cheating. The fact is, America was cheated and these people must go. Piglosi did so much to hurt us….she literally modeled to the nation how to hate. So sad. They are trying so hard to divide us, if it isn’t along race lines, then it’s vax or unvax. Don’t you see how they are trying to pit us against each other??? And why is Hunter Biden untouchable??? I’d like to see Biden’s tax reports. Pray America, pray now is not the time to turn your back on God.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Cheryl Barbour

    You’ve said it all. The Republicans better have this fixed by 2024. If Trump is not the 2024 Presidential Candidate, I’m voting Third Party!

    Michelle Timmerman
    Michelle Timmerman
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Cheryl Barbour

    Very well said. I don’t understand why people can’t see. Definitely Pray!!!

    dan kirk
    dan kirk
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Cheryl Barbour

    Washington State has proven fraud and the Election officials are behind it

    Cheryl Barbour
    Cheryl Barbour
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Sue

    It’s hard not to get angry with so much going on out there in our world. The point is we have been duped. I am angry at the politicians who swore to uphold the laws and work for the people. I’m angry that this election BS was even allowed to happen-no matter who won or lost. I’m angry that all of the sudden politicians are in charge of my healthcare and think they are privy to all my information because “they spent a lot of money”….whose money? Tax dollars? I’m angry that politicians have used Americans for shameful deeds against Americans. I’m angry that someone, lots of someones, manipulated the people of America to force their candidate to the finish line. If we cannot trust our elections we are doomed. Seriously, what’s the point? Everything we know and love about our country will be erased, a long forgotten memory. Our elections must be transparent (though Biden doesn’t seem to know the meaning of that word either). And we must have election integrity. It is not hard to get an ID. Prove you are homebound….everyone has a cell phone…..the excuses for no voter ID are ridiculous. Only American citizens, with ID’s to prove they are citizens, should vote. Anyone and everyone complicit in this fraud should be held accountable. The lies must stop if we are to save America. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

    Last edited 2 years ago by Cheryl Barbour
    2 years ago

    Do you think things have changed since this was written in February?

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Sue

    Yes a lot more proof, not hidden.

    3 years ago

    Read it and wept. Here the update on the February article

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago

    President Donald John Trump will be back in the oval office long before the end of the year. And there is no doubt America will be rejoicing on that day! There is such a belching up of criminal activities surrounding this past election, President Trump decided to stand down so the light would shine on these political bandits, giving the American people a real vivid display of the Democratic agenda

    Linda Waller
    Linda Waller
    3 years ago

    Most people don’t understand how votes are counted. In person votes are counted first. After that all other votes are counted (paper ballets – early voting, mail in ballets etc). Trump had been telling his base not to use paper ballets because they were fraudulent, so as told by their leader they DID NOT use any means except in person voting. Therefore when it came time to count votes it is only natural that it would seem Trump was ahead. Now the paper ballets get counted which was mostly democratic voters that voted for Biden. People you must remember that there is a pandemic going on that Trump denied, but Democrats took precautions. There is nothing strange or nefarious about that as claimed by Republicans. Please stop this BS, it is hurting our country for what. Because Trump wanted to stay in power at any cost.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    “Trump had been telling his base not to use paper ballets because they were fraudulent, so as told by their leader they DID NOT use any means except in person voting.” Would you be willing to share how it is that you know this to be true ?

    kathee x
    kathee x
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    ms waller do you have that on tape if so please share because at no time did trump ever say that. trump never denied there was a pandemic and actually tried to stop travel but pelosi blocked that move. these things are actually recorded either on tape or print. in fact biden on tape stated during the obama admin.they perpetrated the biggest voter fraud to get him a second term

    Joseph Silverstein
    Joseph Silverstein
    3 years ago
    Reply to  kathee x

    I have the tape and will be releasing the kraken in due time Don’t stop watching or you’ll get left behind.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    what pandemic? and the mail in ballots are fraud ridden and they are being audited (different than a recount of numbers). other states are now feeling the pressure to audit which cant be stopped by the courts.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    Too bad your leaders are destroying your country off your ignorance and unwillingness to think critically about videos and evidence provided. You and your leaders are responsible for the deterioration of morals, values and unity. Now you have CRT being taught yo make the next generations more racist like their forefathers. Instead of moving forward we are taking 20 steps back to segregation and hate solely on skin color. Congratulations on been a pawn, you fool.

    Michael Ball
    Michael Ball
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Kyle

    Well said, so true. How can people be so blind?

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    My goodness! We will need to see the Video where President Trump denies the pandemic? That never happened… He was never one to display FEAR… Big difference from the “ blatant fear/ and constant whining we see and hear coming from the demonacratic side of the political arena! There, however will be a great time of celebration in July… so stand by for a show of freedom like we have never experienced! ~~~~~AMAZING ~~~~~

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    To much proof of voter fraud for this to be true trump won by a large margin Biden lost substantially and is now ruining our country people need to wake up

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Theresa

    Biden had 18% approval, before ballot harvesting was allowed, according to DuckDuckGo who in the last year is sometimes refusing to show searches on any of these subjects, usually like google returning search pages totally irrelevant. Try it on both search engines see the search responses, record them and your question.
    ask or put any post on these subjects, on any top Democrat, obama or Hunter Biden Twitter or Facebook and receive automatic suspension or block . Or shadowbanned daily, like me. Which means no one sees my tweet or post but me. Or on Twitter they send them to drafts, never to be seen again( removed) or blocking saying create new account after you delete the tweet 3x a month. To appear a newbie. They have stopped this in 2020 but I still have no followers allowed. After a couple days.

    Michael Ball
    Michael Ball
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    Well, maybe. But in Atlanta we have “on video” the election workers telling everyone (poll watchers, reporters, etc) to leave because they were stopping the count. They mulled around a bit while everyone took off, then pulled multiple ballot suitcases from under a table and the first pile of ballots were run through the same machine 5 times. Keep in mind, this is all on video. The same people (Ruby and her daughter) were on video earlier in the day talking about when they were going to get the chance to execute on their plan, then were videotaped secretly passing off a thumb drive. So, you can be in denial, but this single event proved to me that this election was fraudulent in a massive way. People that we trusted to run a fair election cheated, plain and simple and they should be thrown into jail. Wake up lady. Also there are countless incidents that show votes being taken from Trump and switched to Biden. It happened live on TV on CNN. Trump loses 20,000 votes and Biden gains 20,000 votes in a single update. Massive fraud, massive denial. You need to stop this BS, because you’re part of the problem. Our Government is so corrupt right now, we no longer have a country, we have a joke.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    One thing the left will not acknowledge that ballot harvesting was declared legal in this election. Meaning you could make as many ballots you wanted for any Democrat especially a President. You can call it absentee Voting, you can pay as many people you want getting no questions asked by just asking for ballots from any election office or duplication of same ballots. Election offices mailing blank ballots to every resident in the state 2-3 or daily over and over. Any Democrat could and did pay election officials to do the same. Exp: take thousands of ballots to every resident in every nursing home telling them- glad to help you vote or filling out your vote and will deliver. ( Democrat only of course to election office)
    Main thing all Federal Judges approved this and any amount of absentee voting, not one per person. Then refusing all evidence. Even Chief Justice roberts who is slowly realizing his mistake. How many USPS office checked millions of absentee ballot , required signatures, any stamps necessary after the judges allowing ballots still sent to everybody again on the day before, day of election announcing legitimate 10 days after election?
    Di you all know the military installed cameras in every election vote processing, recounts, and lots of other places too get all this proof on record starting right after the 2016 elections because the evidence proved the worst corruption coming in 2020, that they asked President Trump to become involved?

    Indy Thinkington
    Indy Thinkington
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    He told them to vote in person and on paper. Not to mail in. Mail in ballots were largest source of fraud. Do you mean mail in ballots?? The mail in ballots that weren’t folded or mailed when they arrived, and weren’t filled out with a pen, they were copied? or the Drop box, that somehow made it to the Poll Location before the driver picked it up at it’s location? or the thousands of ballot batches that were scanned 3-4 times in a row to create enough votes for Biden? or the 2.7 million votes they deleted from Trump? or the thousands they switched from Trump to Biden? or the software they used to flipTrump votes to 2 for Biden? or the Poll watchers denied entry? or the Poll watchers forced out with a fake water leak, so Biden supporters could haul in cases of fake Biden votes? or the dead people that voted? or people in locations that don’t exist? or Ruby’s admission on Facebook about how her and her daughter cheated at a Polling location? Fulton county has 168,000 votes with no origin. Maricopa county found 74,000 duplicate ballots that had no originals. They made them up! Maricopa county and many others admitted they were hacked on Nov 3rd. Why didn’t they tell anyone? Democrats think if they keep repeating something we will believe it. They have made it very hard to talk about and for people to take people seriously about it. They fight the Audits and Voter Integrity Laws. If they won by such a majority, then what is the problem? Fraud was rampant. Look at all of the different ways they had to cheat to beat Trump.Even after making up stories about him and investigating him for 4 years, they still couldn’t take him out. They still had to delete votes to make it look like Biden even came close. Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer need to go. Americans civil liberties are being taken. Big Tech is working with Gov’t to shut us up! Why?If we really are just lunatic conspiracy theorists, let us talk and prove it. Mark Zuckerberg gave $8Million to some states/counties to carry out the fraud.

    Obama: 69 million votes. Wins 873 counties. Wins both Florida and Ohio…
    Trump: “allegedly” 74 million votes. Wins 2,497 counties. Wins both Ohio and Florida… and then we have
    Biden: “allegedly” gets 81 million votes. Wins ONLY 477 counties. Loses both Ohio and Florida, and we still have people that actually believe that Biden won “fair and square”??? #Audit

    Attorney L. Barter
    Attorney L. Barter
    3 years ago

    Thanks for the list. Unfortunately, there is no constitutional method for Trump o be reinstated as President of the United States. Even if all of our key states (AZ, GA, MI, WI, PA, NV) were to prove massive voter fraud via audit or investigation, Trump likely wouldn’t be back in unless he won for a 3rd time in 2024. Our Supreme Court has failed us!

    Last edited 3 years ago by Attorney L. Barter
    Linda Waller
    Linda Waller
    3 years ago

    This would not be Trump’s third term in office. He only served one term. Also it is against the Constitution to even try for a third term.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    Trump won in 2016 and 2020. 2024 will not be possible because he will be in office legitimately by year-end this year. Keep your head in the sand or start looking closely at the true election fraud that occurred throughout the country including many non-swing states. It is very extensive. You will not find truth in any of the main stream media.

    Last edited 3 years ago by DXP
    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  DXP

    YES. YES. YES. Legitimately, w/ much vindication gonna be an amazing time in AMERICA… What a time to be alive, we are seeing the supernatural uncovering of all the “stench in the nostrils of Almighty God” can you fell it in the atmosphere the glory of the LORD is here! HE is resetting this man made government with HIS GOVERNMENT trust this, “anyone snoozing will be left behind” Be encouraged all is WELL no matter what you are hearing from the left, the left-leaning, and especially the Fake news media! AMEN

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    Barter believes he won a 2nd but voter fraud wasn’t heard out by the court hence him saying a 3rd win in 2024 would be the only way he’d be back in.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  AlvinG

    I agree with your explanation completely. The first sign was when Biden started winning predominately Republican states. You can see the switch in algorithms.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  AlvinG

    Wrong. Watch for installment of the real President Trump, but not under current rules. New Republic.
    everybody will be happy. He doesn’t lie. The attempts to prove guilt in anything was proven opposite, big setup by Obama- Hillary to remove him. Several assignation attempts so they could destroy everything they did and the people would never know that and everything they have done to get people completely under their power. Read and believe the truth of Nesara Gesara that Trump is slowly getting in place. FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE for what has been taken from them. Watch out for Fake News and their fact checkers that will be exposed soon on my website, The COVID scam Will be exposed with all the major players. ( stay in your houses, don’t get sick going out to vote, we will be collecting votes from anybody that stays safe by not going to vote) and the best by Lib Ruined States by Democrat Billionaire IL gov Pritzer And rich Democrat friends , who allowed him to keep the lockdown for 5 months, destroying businesses putting people in food lines.signing off on his extensions arresting business owners. Had more than enough signatures for a recall but it magically disappeared in or before court. He lived on his power, best friend in the Lib gov pack. Mi gov, IL, GOV, WI gov ny gov big collusion to ruin states and get big bailouts promised by pelosi and her cronies. And IL received huge bailout. When they never balanced a Budget. Paying and giving each other raises. This is not just IL. investigate Lib Run states.

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    This is President Trump’s 2nd. Term.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    The real President who is Trump is being reinstated when everything is in place. Accept it. It is possible a 3rd term is coming. The people will decide.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Linda Waller

    Things are being changed . Do not be surprised if Trump is reinstated and the military has the power.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago

    So ATTY L BARR… You are saying Trump is still not the Real President, after his executing insurrection act and marshal law?
    and that the military wasn’t given full control by President Trump after he was told by the military what was going on in the tunnels under the White House and Capital they found out- for years and He was so upset instead of removing Biden and Harris on Inauguration Day he had to leave and let the military check it out? And take care of it, seeing all the dead and dying children in cages – but thankfully saving 100 kids and Flooding all the tunnels said to be 200-600 miles and all the world. And at night hundreds of arrests at the WH behind the fences weren’t arrested and released. That Military Tribunals didn’t take place there and Gitmo, Antarctica PR and other places? That the executed or life in prison hasn’t been happening? That anybody needed for awhile is a clone? That will disappear soon? How many people haven’t been seen lately who had previous notice of military tribunals stated on TV They were taking the rest of the year off from talk shows, day and night ? It’s happening. Believe it or not. Thousands sealed indictments still coming from military Intel and the real President from 2018
    democrats have planned mass attacks bioengineered weather, fires . DC will disappear once The Real President starts the Great awakening New Republic and nesara gesara. No more transporting kids all over the world like on the evergreen cargo ship caught in the Panama cancel. Suez. Kids weren’t taking from Haiti telling their parents they would have a better life- just getting rich and telling country leaders once she had the WH so would they, to help get rid of people who didn’t agree with the 16 year plan for complete control? That no republican would ever be President again? It is supposed to not be exposed to the people about the corrupted and their names, but like me others are exposing it all.other posts have been approved. Hope this one is tool – secrets .shouldn’t be hid anymore. The guilty must be exposed.
    My posts are under review, so this one might not be approved. But everything will be shown to the people.

    Mark williamson
    Mark williamson
    3 years ago

    Hey dems if there was no election fraud lets do a forensic audit of the contested states and see that your right!

    Last edited 3 years ago by Mark williamson
    3 years ago


    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago

    They had to be forced and ordered to supply all evidence for auditors. They fought and all will cooperate. Mass arrests already in AZ. IN GA Raffensperger and kemp colluded with Democrats and China signing a papers. Raffensperger sec of state lies might cost him. He even had Chinese officials to his home to get their votes to stay in office. Gov is at Gitmo.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Forget Sindey Powell (or any other personality here).

    NO electronic voting system is safe from fraud/electioneering. Even the ones without internet connectivity. All it takes is one corrupted thumb drive.

    Want more election integrity? Scrap all the voting machines.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    Democrats bought and installed dominion voting machines programmed for Democrat fraud. Used in Venezuela and other countries for fraud. Research it.Exposed and proven By Sydney Powell, Lin wood and more. All cases pending even though they are being denied and stopped usually by a Obama judge, whenever there was a investigated or blocked or stopped always check the nomination and what the judge records. How were all the Lib judges able to do this.
    Most importantly my gov who hated President Trump because of a business deal with Hyatt in the 90’s that he lost- I believe he punished the people of IL by extending and getting away with the lockdown.
    GUESS WHAT? The day Biden was Elected he stopped the Lockdown.

    3 years ago

    Well Sidney Powell has the perfect opportunity to show all her evidence to a court of law. Demonstrating that she is telling the truth about voter fraud is an absolute defense against defamation and would result in dismissal of the multiple $B lawsuits against her. Checkmate. Trump gets the Oval Office back, Sidney becomes an American hero, Proud Boys replace the Secret Service, lines become thinner and bluer, Derek Chauvin is awarded the national medal of honor for purifying the White American Christian gene pool, and CJ readers will be happy once again.


    Rather than taking the opportunity to show the massive amounts of Kraken evidence she has to the court, Sidney instead has chosen to keep it all to herself and defend against the defamation claims by asserting no reasonable person would believe the crap she’s been spewing. Say what??

    Stop whining to Citizens Journal, it has no authority to deal with your complaints. Instead, do something that can actually prove you’re right. Jump on Sidney’s lawsuit and use it to show all your tremendous evidence to the court, to the citizens of our country, and to the world. Just like the Jesus Pillow guy says he’s going to do. Really looking forward to his pile of evidence.

    Michael Ball
    Michael Ball
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Edward

    I am too. The lord works in mysterious ways. Mike Lindell says he has all the IP packet logs for the entire election, 7TB worth of data. Question is, how would he aqiure such a thing? It could only come from NSA or the like. Maybe we still have patriots in the government after all. BTW, Trump never got to show any evidence because the cases were thrown out prior to discovery on procedural issues. Some Judges basically said, well it’s to late to show evidence now because the election is over. That’s like saying, “well, you can’t provide proof of the murder because the victim is already dead”. They have 1000’s of signed affidavits that were all ignored. Even our courts have failed our country.

    Rita kopke
    Rita kopke
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Edward

    Leaving now, will check later to see if all my posts were shown on this comment session. If not I will question and leave them on my Web Site.
    All I can say to The Haters is- you are wrong about President Trump. You are influenced and brainwashed from birth. Some of you have been smarter and stronger and saw the truth. They didn’t just accept what their Lib teachers programmed to lie told them and realized they can change their minds. The rest will never leave fantasy land. They think their Democrat leaders care about them personally, that they would never lie and that the Fake News and Fake Factcheckers job is to debunk and help hide the truth.
    Doesnt matter.they will never believe who really is being removed for not just trying to overthrow a government, planning assassination of Trump , Treason,the Obama clinton kill list! But….. we’re involved in child trafficking and murder.

    John Farmer
    John Farmer
    3 years ago

    No proof of enough election fraud to overturn any election has been presented anywhere. There is conjecture. There is hearsay. However there is no proof. I will make a conjecture that these web sites that still try to sell the big lie are in fact in it for a monetary reward. I would not put it past Putin to pay for these sites. We all know how he paid for the fake Hillary to ride around in a cage during trumps 2016 campaign rallies

    3 years ago
    Reply to  John Farmer

    Nonsense.There are thousands of complaints, affidavits, testimony from eyewitnesses, that would more than swing the election. But ballots, programs, logs, can’t be produced without discovery, which has been mostly withheld.

    Larry G
    Larry G
    3 years ago
    Reply to  John Farmer

    how can half of America be so stupid I really don’t think they are they know he did not win he could not even draw a crowd of 50 or more he had to use cars so it would look bigger … he drew a crowd at the border he is responsible for the deaths caused by opening up the border; a basket of hypocrites and idiots but time is running out on your big LIE

    Last edited 3 years ago by Larry G
    3 years ago
    Reply to  John Farmer

    There are over 2000 witnesses that have been unable to give evidence because the courts won’t hear the cases. Obviously the Judges have been threatened as well as their families, or they are part of the problem. If this was the most fair election ever you would think the Dem’s would be demanding audits to prove how fair they were, but we have just the opposite. They sent 100 lawyers to Arizona because the election was the fairest ever. Also why are they fighting the audits in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Susan

    Fake news and the democrat. The congress Holding back
    Covid-19 bill, for 8 month.
    Pelosi was interview by CNN in 14 October 2020
    (1) Pelosi interview gets heated: You don’t know what you’re talking about – YouTube
     this is sickened by pelosi

    Chad Nelson
    Chad Nelson
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Susan

    STOP LYING! You have that vaccine because this great man “Donald J. Trump decided to do things differently. Operation WARP speed saved millions of lives across the world. You don’t get to lie about this.

    1) Trump went against the CDC, shutting down travel from China in January of 2020.
    2) We learned about the pandemic in January.
    a) the WHO helped the CCP cover it up. Thats why President Trump removed funding for the WHO. It shows strength.
    3) The CCP told the world that there was no human to human transmission via the WHO in January.
    4) Nancy Pelosi was telling people to cone down to Chinatown San Francisco in March.
    5) Joe Biden called Trump a racist and Xenophob for shutting down travel from China in FEBRUARY of 2020.
    6) Cuomo “NY” told everyone to get out on the town in March.
    That means these people that you follow would have left the country open to a pandemic, of which would have resulted in millions of American deaths.
    7) The Trump administration ordered a 14 day quarantine and contact tracing for Americans returning to the country from foreign countries like China. We all watched this on TV. Fauci announced it..
    8) 5 Democrat governors ordered infected elderly people into nursing homes, of which resulted in 10’s of thousands of deaths.
    NYC had the hospital ship and special hospital delivered to them.
    9) China knew that the CCP virus was transmittable between humans. Having this knowledge, the CCP went all over the world to buy up PPE. Thats why Fauci told the American people not to wear masks.
    10) Even though the CPP pulled this, the Trump administration scoured the world for PPE. He then sent the military all over the world to secure these supplies. How many 1000’s were saved because of Trumps stubbornness?
    11) Donald J. Trump saved the airlines.
    12) President Trump saved 100’s of thousands of businesses.
    13) President Trump secured food from American farms that would have been thrown out and redirected that to food banks.
    14) President Trump is responsible for operation WARP speed. You are able to go to work, a movie, to your friends because of his stubbornness and never surrender attitude. Show some damn respect. Not only are you disparaging President Trump, you’re insulting people that worked themselves to the verge of collapse so you can live.
    15) President Trump opened your eyes to what China did to the world, yet you blane him?
    16) President Trump opened our eyes to how there is a two tier justice system. We cant have a two tier justice system where one set of citizens are exempt from any prosecution and anyone on the right is unjustly prosecuted to the extreme for a similar infraction. Example:
    17) President Trumps swift action with the paycheck protecting program saved my career and company I work for.

    Leftist feminists broke into the Capital to protest the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. These people broke into elected leaders offices. Their lives were threatened. Should all of these people be locked up indefinitely like some that were in DC on the 6th?

    Antifa and BLM burnt down Federal and State buildings all summer. Was that insurrection? Yes! What happened to those people? The sitting VP encouraged the violence and provided money for bail.

    There are people being beaten by guards in jail and charged for trespassing on January 6th. The guy that sat in Nancy Pelosis congressional seat has lost sight in one eye from these beatings. Is this something you support?

    You people love to criticize, yet you offer no alternatives. You people like to throw around accusations, yet you never offer “evidence” and when you do, its often a hit piece that can be debunked in a couple minutes. During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden plagiarized the President’s CCP Virus plans to combat the pandemic. He was called out on news channels that you probably don’t watch. Joe Biden has been plagiarizing speeches and ideas over his entire career. Its well documented.

    I know, you know and everyone knows you lost the argument. Since you’ve lost the debate, are you going to start calling me names? I think you’re supposed to start your rebuttal by calling me a racist or a Nazi, but I warn you, don’t ont go there. You’ll just take another drubbing. Make sound arguments.

    Now that you have been educated, how about checking out the evidence. We need Americans that stand for the republic, the constitution, freedom and the American people. The movement is called America first. That means Americans are the primary focus over any domestic or foreign policy proposals. Wouldn’t you agree that the government should put Americans first?

    How about you just open up a little. Listen to your fellow American. Don’t you remember your mom telling you there’s always two sides to a story. Most of what you see on CNN, MSNBC or read from the NYT or WP is just that. Story telling. For Gods sake, they’ve been caught on tape telling America their viewers are stupid. They admit to all of the lying. PROJECT VERITAS!

    Michael Ball
    Michael Ball
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Chad Nelson

    Good one brother, you got your facts lined up. Funny that the left calls conservatives “fascists”.

    • Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy. (MSM and big tech censorship and propaganda)
    • Complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one party state.(Cheating in the election)
    • a martial law government composed of the members of the governing party to forge a stable and orderly society (COVID Lockdowns)
    • rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence and war as means that can achieve social rejuvenation (BLM Movement)
    • usually synthesized with some variant of racism or bigotry of a demonized other (CRT)
    • the idea of “purity” has motivated fascist regimes to commit massacres, forced sterilizations, genocides, mass killings or forced deportations against a perceived other. (This is the next step for the left)

    So remove concept of a “pure race” and you pretty much have the left. I’m not even sure the elites don’t see a “pure race” of what they consider “intellectual elites”, since they primarily use the black population as a tool. They obviously do not care about the horrendous black on black murders, so they most likely are the true racists in the crowd. True fascism 101.

    Chad Nelson
    Chad Nelson
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

     All of us need to start acting like we care about the country more than making political points. This country is tearing itself apart from the inside. This goes for you Democrats. Truth is what the Democrat party says it is. No you can’t! You can play a video of an event when you’re right in front of a Democrat and they’d say the exact opposite or pretend that they never heard what you said. You can show them math, the only language that cannot lie and they dismiss it like G. W. Bush’s fuzzy math. Facts don’t matter to Democrats and thats why we’re here. You know they’re lying, I know they’re lying and they know they’re lying. You don’t get to lie anymore. Fact, we just witnessed a coup in the United States of America. Stand up congress! We need adults “Republican, Independent and normal Democrats” that actually believe what they said when they were sworn in. We cant let election fraud stand. Congress, State Leaders, YOU HAVE TO LEAD US! The super powerful took our voice when they canceled us on Twitter, Fakebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Parler via a corporate takedown by Google, Apple and Amazon. Thats what you ran for, right? They took our organization away by canceling “Stop the Steel”, of which was a peaceful organization. Every time I saw anything from Stop the Steel, they talked about peace. Visit the following sites for the mountain of evidence. Yes, I provided links so you can look for yourself. AND STOP LYING!

    Everyone is bitchen about the Georgia voter law. This is another piece that corrupt politicians are pandering to divide us “Americans”. The new law doesn’t ban these hacked voting machines, as stated by Elizabeth Warren prior to the 2020 election. A 12 year old kid broke into these machines in public at a technical conference. The math shows vote weighting was used in the 2020 election. States reported this, but you don’t know because the super powerful are suppressing it. My God, Joe Biden admitted on video that they have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud scheme in American history. This happened and everyone knows it. If we don’t have truth, we don’t have freedom. I don’t know about you, but I want freedom. Step up!

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Chad Nelson

    Amen! Chad… Joe has got to go! Good news is “ He will not be in office very much longer.” We will experience true Independence this July 4th. Keep hope alive… Sure is nice to be able to see a person’s smile again! We almost let “THEM” (I’ve been voting for 50 years and trust me, there is a THEM) steal our smiles hiding behind masks! The swamp continues to belch up all the weighted down proof… what a show we are viewing!

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    AMEN… Someone has done their homework… producing TRUTH! What a time to be alive!

    3 years ago

    The ones who believe the lies, let them be. Stick with your patriots and remember Ventura County has the most brainwashed citizens to why the county is so compromised. There are a lot of officials to replace, and before we do our patriotic duty, the brainwashed individuals will continue to trust their leader, main stream media w/o any fact checking and the most corrupt Governor in America, Mr. Newsom. Kevin Kiley, CA legislator is an extraordinary source for all the corruption in CA and how it’s all tied to Newsom. Lots to READ right there. Keep up the great work Citizen Journal!

    David Puu
    David Puu
    3 years ago

    Because everyone knows that 2+2=5.

    (The data sets in this article look quite accurate, Then there is the massive affidavit list of poll workers who believe that they witnessed fraud)

    Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. HL Mencken

    So here it comes.

    3 years ago

    This is pathetic. Trump lost badly. No amount of repeating a lie will change that fact. His sycophantic mob of intellectually challenged bullies keep devouring every toxic morsel that supports their fantasy. This serve is lean and tasteless.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    Excuse me,but it presents two FACTUAL compilations of election suits, by the BAR assoc. and TDC.

    3 years ago

    Dream on. We’re not buying what you’re selling.

    C Muller
    C Muller
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    Then go “buy” elsewhere and stop bothering us with your incessant leftwing trolling.

    Linda Waller
    Linda Waller
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    I agree with you while heartedly, This BS has got to stop. Enough already.

    3 years ago

    Me Barr said it was a fair election Individual state certified it now shut up

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dott

    We, in America, will experience true Independence this July 4… Remember! You heard it here first!

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika


    C Muller
    C Muller
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Susan

    Hilarious, Susan- Your source to discredit the BAR and TGP research is to offer something from the far left Brennan Center? (even Wiki thinks so:
    The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School is a bipartisan[2] law and public policy institute generally seen as liberal or progressive.[3][4][5] )

    The Deep state made a big mistake thinking they could simply sweep this stinker of an election under the rug and have trolls like you try to bully people not to peep under it. China Joe’s “Presidency” will forever be stained by it, This legitimate inquiry will go on way longer than the left’s proven phony RussiaGate BS.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  C Muller

    Trump sycophants label anyone who disagrees with them deep state. It’s pretty childish stuff. The real world in which Trump is a miserable failure is too abhorrent for them to face.

    C Muller
    C Muller
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    What’s childish is your endless negative trolling. Doesn’t this site have any moderation?

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  C Muller

    Yes, we do have moderation, usually with a light hand, but our patience is being tried lately. Folks, I direct you to our commenting terms in the “About Us” section.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  C Muller

    There’s nothing “moderate” about articles full of misinformation.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  C Muller

    Seems people feel compelled to call out misrepresentations. It is their right. Their responsibility even.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    All you care about is ‘Trump’, yet miss the obvious.

    The Democrat Party, as a whole, has scared at least 1/3 of Americans (likely half) for credible fear of losing freedom. The threat this ‘party’ poses is not being mass-ignored anymore.

    America will be kept or lost at the LOCAL level. What part of this do people like you not understand, Erika?

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    I think the threat you are talking about is largely a fabrication that Trump has promoted and exploited, at a cost primarily to your sense of security and a benefit entirely to his own power and self-esteem. Others before him tried to push the same buttons of fear in the past but he has taken this to new heights.

    kathee x
    kathee x
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    democrats push awfully hard to take peoples rights to medical privacy and rights to choose away. i guess laws and constitution dont matter to you

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  kathee x

    Amen! Kathee! All is being revealed and that will continue! America will experience true Independence this July 4th.

    Michael Ball
    Michael Ball
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    Really, fear mongering is a conservative tactic? Here’s what’s been missing in your news feed. There’s a thousand more stories that provide actual proof that you have your head firmly implanted where the sun don’t shine.

    Melissa Ann Smith
    Melissa Ann Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Erika

    Your really gonna enjoy what is coming down that long and dusty road! Get ready to be a part of real Independence this July 4th.

    3 years ago
    kathee x
    kathee x
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Susan

    it was typos that got the cases tossed it had nothing to do with the case except for typo errors made by whom ever typed the documents

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