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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Election Integrity Group would love to be put Out of Business…but there is HR1

    EIPCa would love to be put out of business.


    No one would be more thrilled than we to verify that California’s election process had found a way to ensure that ALL eligible, and ONLY eligible voters could easily register and conveniently cast a safe, uncoerced and verifiable vote, and that those votes would be counted completely accurately, with no chance of error.

    We all know that isn’t possible, and that no system is infallible. The need for citizen watchdog groups is there because of who and what human beings are.

    NEVERTHELESS, EIPCa actually IS NOW in peril of becoming moot—not because anyone has established electoral nirvana but because Congress is poised to impose a national electoral process that will permanently legalize everything that EIPCa has argued and documented for 10 years as being a mortal threat to any sense of integrity.

    Read that again: Congress is quickly moving forward on an almost 800-page bill, deceptively named (as they all are) “H.R.1: The For the People Act”) that will fatally wound any sense of integrity in the electoral process, not only in California, but in the entire nation.

    Congress, through H.R.1, is pushing to make voting in the U.S. a widespread, highly expensive game with a forgone conclusion that will forever muzzle the true voice of American voters and permanently destroy the Republic.

    Think we’re being dramatic? PLEASE read for yourself. Click HERE for a readable, brief but very inclusive summary of what this bill entails—provided by The Heritage Foundation.

    Those of us in California may not be as shocked as others at some of the elements of this bill. Why? Because we are already so far down the road of insane, reckless electoral procedures that they almost seem normal to us:

    • no voter ID
    • registration up to and including election day with no proof of identity
    • pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds
    • unrestricted ballot harvesting
    • no-excuse, permanent vote-by-mail
    • loose and sloppy (at best) signature verification
    • lack of voter privacy
    • 30 days of voting
    • ballots accepted 3 days after Election Day with no definitive proof they were cast on or before Election Day (in Nov. 2020, ballots were accepted 17 days late and counted)
    • casting of ballots out of precinct
    • automatic voter registration
    • online voter registration
    • and much more.

    These are the things EIPCa has been battling for 10 years, many of which our current lawsuit (read it HERE) alleges to be violations of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    But H.R.1 is so much more! It limits any potential legal or constitutional challenges so severely as to make them virtually impossible. It stacks the deck with redistricting, the FEC, campaigning, etc. And it takes YOUR money to fund political campaigns.

    The House of Representatives has passed H.R.1 and it is now in the hands of the Senate, where the filibuster is the ONLY HOPE of stopping it.

    NOW is the time for you to put informed, common sense, unrelenting pressure on your Senators. Regardless of who they are or what their political bent, they MUST hear from each and every one of We the People. They actually can be swayed, IF we make clear to them what our expectations are.

    • Read the Heritage summary linked above
    • Formulate your informed arguments
    • Contact your Senators
    • Inform and recruit friends, neighbors, acquaintances and family to do the same.

    Never has there been a threat to the democratic process to equal this one. We must be equal to the fight.



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