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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Death of Free Speech



    By Michael Greer

    Since moving to Arizona I’ve become involved in local politics. I’m Vice President of Prescott Valley Republican Women. To become familiar with my new town I joined the Nextdoor website and joined three Conservative Groups on the site. I talked about 1619 and Critical Race Theory being taught our children and one of the Conservative groups asked me to start a new group to look into these very controversial subjects. After doing some more research I started the following group:  


    THE 1619 PROJECT 

    The premise of the 1619 curriculum is that America was founded on slavery. Slavery was responsible for everything that made America exceptional, its economic superiority, its industrial strength and its electoral system. It says that the American Revolution was to ensure the survival of slavery not to form a more perfect union and ensure liberty.  

    This is why teaching the COMPLETE American History is SO important. The Federalist Paper #54 proves their premise wrong. Our founders TRIED to end slavery in their first try in passing the Constitution but the Southern States wouldn’t sign this version of the Constitution. In order to end slavery all the colonies needed to join the union. We could hardly end slavery in colonies that didn’t belong to the union, could we? Read for yourself. 

    The curriculum also claims Lincoln opposed Black equality and that Blacks fought for civil rights all by themselves. All one has to do is look at the history of the Civil Rights movement and you see it was the Republican party, Whites and Blacks, who fought for voting rights and civil rights for Blacks with strong opposition from the Democrat party for a hundred years.  

    It leaves out Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King and the voting history of the Democrats in opposing civil rights. Fredrick Douglas called Lincoln “emphatically the colored man’s President”.  

    It is due to this sort of distorted history being taught our children that has resulted in the tearing down of statues of our founders and renaming schools and buildings. The real goal of this is to erase our history, traditions and culture.  

    This is extremely dangerous and we need to find out if our local and state wide schools are teaching this and get it removed.  

    Below is the entire 1619 Curriculum for those who want to investigate it themselves. 


    Critical Race Theory claims ALL White people are racist and can’t change. It’s in their DNA. It claims that all our institutions, particularly our legal institutions are inherently racist. Due to this they teach that to make up for the discrimination Blacks have experienced we must now discriminate against White people.  

    How do you feel about having your children taught that they, and their parents, are racist?  

    We are seeing corporations have Critical Race training. You might be aware of Coke telling their employees to “be less White”. 

    This sort of curriculum further divides this country. I believe that IS the goal.  

    The reality is that before Johnson’s “War on Poverty” Black children were more likely to be being raised in an intact family than Whites. Most were middle class. It was Johnson’s policies that took father’s out of the home and made government the “Daddy”.  

    We must speak up and actively work to end this dangerous curriculum on our schools.  

    This morning I got the following message from Nextdoor: 

    [email protected] 

    Mon 3/1/2021 8:10 AM 

    To: You 

    Hi Michael, 

    Your group, IS THIS CURRICULUM IN OUR SCHOOLS? Prescott, Prescott Valley , was recently reported by members of the Nextdoor community for 

    – promoting hate speech/symbols, content from hate groups, and hate-based conspiracy 

    theories and misinformation. 

    We’ve reviewed the group and have determined that it violates our group guidelines. As a result, we’ve permanently removed it from the platform. To learn more about the types of groups and group content that are and are not allowed, visit: 

    Thanks for your understanding. 




    I don’t believe I said anything hateful nor was what I wrote a “conspiracy theory” or “misinformation”. I posted links to the curriculum for people to judge for themselves. I posted a link to Federalist #54 that proves 1619 false.  

    Critical Race Theory is the definition of hate speech and racism.  

    Apparently, the truth is now hate speech and parents shouldn’t be allowed to know what their children are being taught. What I find most alarming is that so many are willing to accept this.  


    Case # 06011127: Your group on Nextdoor: IS THIS CURRICULUM IN OUR SCHOOLS? Prescott, Prescott Valley 

    [email protected] <[email protected]

    Mon 3/1/2021 3:05 PM 

    Hi Michael,

    Your case was escalated to me for review. I understand you have concerns about why your IS THIS CURRICULUM IN OUR SCHOOLS? Prescott, Prescott Valley group was removed from Nextdoor.

    As background, Nextdoor prohibits groups that are created with the intention of sharing or promoting content that violates the Community Guidelines and/or that may cause harm to the community. You can read about types of groups that may be removed in our groups moderation article here:


    Welcome to the group!
    Michael Greer Feb 22, 2021 10:03 AM

    THE 1619 PROJECT

    The premise of the 1619 curriculum is that Slavery was responsible for everything that made America exceptional, its economic superiority, its industrial strength and its electoral system. It says that the American Revolution was to ensure the survival of slavery not to form a more perfect union and ensure liberty.

    This is why teaching the COMPLETE American History is SO important. The Federalist Paper #54 proves their premise wrong. Our founders TRIED to end slavery in their first try in passing the Constitution but the Southern States wouldn’t sign this version of the Constitution. In order to end slavery all the colonies needed to join the union. We could hardly end slavery in colonies that didn’t belong to the union, could we? Read for yourself.

    The curriculum also claims Lincoln opposed Black equality and that Blacks fought for civil rights all by themselves. All one has to do is look at the history of the Civil Rights movement and you see it was the Republican party, Whites and Blacks, fought for voting rights and civil rights for Blacks with strong opposition from the Democrat party for a hundred years.

    It leaves out Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King and the voting history of the Democrats in opposing civil rights. Fredrick Douglas called Lincoln “emphatically the colored man’s President”.

    It is due to this sort of distorted history being taught our children that has resulted in the tearing down of statues of our founders and renaming schools and buildings. The real goal of this is to erase our history, traditions and culture.

    This is extremely dangerous and we need to find out if our local and state wide schools are teaching this and get it removed.

    Below is the entire 1619 Curriculum for those who want to investigate it themselves.


    Critical Race Theory claims ALL White people are racist and can’t change. It’s in their DNA. It claims that all our institutions, particularly our legal institutions are inherently racist. Due to this they teach that to make up for the discrimination Blacks have experienced we must now discriminate against White people.

    How do you feel about having your children taught that they, and their parents, are racist?
    We are seeing corporations have Critical Race training. You might be aware of Coke telling their employees to “be less White”.

    This sort of curriculum further divides this country. I believe that IS the goal.

    The reality is that before Johnson’s “War on Poverty” Black children were more likely to be being raised in an intact family than Whites. Most were middle class. It was Johnson’s policies that too the father’s out of the home and made government the “Daddy”.

    We must speak up and actively work to end this dangerous curriculum on our schools.

    The content is a hate based conspiracy and is a violation of our Guidelines. 

    I hope this additional background helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.



    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Michael Greer

    Michael Greer retired from the film/television industry and is the co-organizer of the Santa Monica Tea Party and the Los Angeles Tea Party, on the board of directors of the Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights and was a member of the Republican Central Committee for the 41st Assembly District.  Her website is:



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    P W Robinson
    P W Robinson
    3 years ago

    Trying to convince American whites and blacks that they hate each other is job #1 for the devil.

    Like all his projects, it’s doomed to failure, but we’re going to have to stop accepting these lies and this abuse.

    We’re going to have to establish worthy replacements for all of his media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, etc.

    And we’re going to have to call him out by name–these organizations aren’t run by the misguided; they couldn’t be MORE guided.

    Demons are gonna demon, but we don’t have to pretend they aren’t out in the open and obvious to all.


    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago

    Seriously! Nextdoor is not any type of authority on anything. Now we are told to become responsible for what others misconstrue, think or don’t want to hear. This is a different type of reverse psychology that is Gaslighting.
    Leads on Nextdoor are not VETTED and
    so therefore you have others with a little neighborhood power, bullying and censoring long time residents for control of others who are not “one of them”.
    I would not hold any scientific or psychological weight to any correspondence from Nextdoor or any leads, they are not experts in anything.
    Today, the magic word is OFFENDED and YOU can affect millions now. If I dislike red roses, now none can have them because I’m offended! What happened to mind your own P’s and Q’s and common decency from people?
    If I look at Artwork and see something wonderful another may see hatred. It is THAT person who needs to CHECK THEMSELVES possibly and not try and make everyone fit your rath. “In the land of the blind, one eye is king!”
    Censorship is what Nextdoor and leads are about. It is not a community helpful site when others berate and shame others. It’s great for lost dogs, garage sales and Local Art only.
    Corporate Nextdoor responses also prove they do not know our area, it’s issues and especially CI Harbor Corruption so some can easily hide it. I find Nextdoor is not qualified to judge most conversations when they are lost on knowledge of subjects or area. It also proves when you get a Pop Up for a synonym. Algorithms are unconstitutional and we need Majority Rules, not one I’m Offended, because choices are still relevant at this point. Censorship takes choices away and has others make choices for you.
    We need mentally healthy people who are vetted to be Leads, not angry small people who dislike others and twist words to their cruelty at others’ expense.
    Let have a local website that is informative and the way Nextdoor was INTENDED.

    Dotty Pringle
    Local Artist,
    Here since 60’s

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago

    Seriously! Nextdoor is not any type of authority on anything. Now we are told to become responsible for what others misconstrue or don’t want to hear. This is a different type of reverse psychology that is Gaslighting.
    Leads on Nextdoor are not VETTED and
    so therefore you have others with a little neighborhood power, bullying and censoring long time residents for control of others who are not “one of them”.
    I would not hold any scientific or psychological weight to any correspondence from Nextdoor.
    Today, the magic word is OFFENDED and YOU can affect millions now. If I dislike red roses, now none can have them because I’m offended! What happened to mind your own P’s and Q’s and common decency from people?
    If I look at Artwork and see somethng wonderful another may see hatred. It is THAT person who needs to CHECK THEMSELVES possibly and not try and make everyone fit your rath. “In the land of the blind, one eye is king!”
    Censorship is what Nextdoor and leads are about. It is not a community helpful site when others berate and shame others. One even uses it for self promoting and all the things one claims, but meant to confuse, lol! It’s great for lost dogs, garage sales and Local Art only.
    Corporate Nextdoor responses also prove they do not know our area, it’s issues and especially CI Harbor Corruption so some can easily hide it and have others removed when LEGAL FACTS ARE POSTED. I find Nextdoor is not qualified to judge most conversations when they are lost on content of subjects. It also proves when you get a Pop Up for a synonym.
    Algorithms are unconstitutional….here Majority Rules but not on Nextdoor. They make YOUR words what they think they should be and they always judge in the NEGATIVE. No communication from them, just diversion games from leads that claim they know nothing when they have their local Voting Choices. THEY make decisions LOCALLY, not Corporate as they say. We have one lead that has managed to try and keep people from factual information about our area and CI Harbor. You should see the rants she sends and during elections, just manic!!! Nextdoor would be better off vetting mentally healthy people instead of some manic and maniacs that use it for personal revenge on long time local residents or people they don’t like.
    There are 5 leads intentionally placing bad info and now by FAVORS, will do for some. Dark Money lives on Nextdoor too! Campaigning to get healthy vetted community leads that want the best for our area and not side with developers, bad county employees and crooks that love Oxnard and Ventura County politics.
    With all due respect to those who truly understand the corruption occurring here in Oxnard, Nextdoor could really be positive and more effective to run the way it WAS INTENDED. Clean House !!!

    Dotty Pringle
    Local Artist, here since 60’s and extensive legal research on “Channel Islands Harbor”.

    3 years ago

    Brave one! Either you & friends join Admin at Nextdoor & flip it, or go around them by setting up or joining a simpatico group at Gab or some other online social platform.

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Nicholas

    Thank you Nicholas! We are going to publish facts about each lead like, the one who was fired twice from Scarlette Landscaping for stealing. The others who tells everyone she is a credentialed psych worker….she was actually a PSYCH patient. Nextdoor is a crazy place for them to gather and try to pretend to live another life! These are the types of people that live in their own heads.

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dotty Pringle

    The other lead who tells everyone she is a credentialed psych worker, she actually holds no evidence in NY/CA for any credentials but rather, may have been a patient instead.
    My apologies…

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago


    Texas is no different.

    The only effective way to ‘speak up’ here is to boycott the corrupted schools and anti-1A social media en masse, and build these institutions anew as a separate community. We are on our own. But with help.

    Public Government (and corrupted private) school alternatives:

    Freedom Project Academy
    Prager University
    Hillsdale College K-12 Classical Education alternatives:

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