Friday, September 13, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Biggest Reason to Recall Gruesome Newsom



    By John Jay

    Two weeks ago, I received a “Recall Petition” to recall our idiot governor. It had spaces for five signers. I signed it, my wife signed it, and three of my neighbors signed it.   I mailed it the next day, along with a $25 contribution.

    Why does “Gruesome” Newsom (GN) need to be recalled, other than the way he has handled the Covid 19 crisis?   Here is the main reason: GN, about two years ago, issued an “order/decree” to all cities in California, including those in Ventura County, to the effect that they must, repeat must, build high density housing on ever available tract of open space, leaving no open space without such structures! Now we have too many people, too much traffic, too much pollution, thousands of holes in the roads, and so on!! The population of Oxnard will increase 20 percent in the next 5 years, as a result of this idiotic order.  The truly sad thing is this; most cities, including Oxnard, complied with this dictatorial order (a Caesar-like decree) without, repeat without objections!!! What a bunch of toadies, lackeys, and wimps! 

    Will the recall petition get enough signatures to be placed on the ballot? It has already exceeded the minimum number by a huge amount!!! So, it will, repeat will, be on the ballot for the next election.

    Rah, rah, rah, sis boom bah!

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal
    John Jay, Vietnam Vet.,  Voice of Truth, Oxnard

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    3 years ago

    Cannot wait to go to the polls to defeat these anti-Newsom Trumpers.

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