Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Has Joe Biden Sold Out America to the Mexican Drug Cartels?



    By Wayne Allyn Root

    I told you so. It’s become crystal clear I was right on the money. I’ve said for two years now on my national radio show that the best thing that could ever happen to the Mexican Drug Cartels would be a Democrat presidential victory.

    This is their “rainy dream” (to put it nicely). Mexican Drug kingpins have waited their entire lives for this fantasy. They must be singing, dancing and toasting champagne in the streets of Mexico right now.

    Because Joe Biden is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon the Mexican Drug Cartels.

    Before Joe Biden decided to open up the border, experts estimated the money made on drug trafficking by the Mexican Drug Cartels at around $500 billion a year. That’s half a trillion dollars a year. Trillion with a “t.”

    Who quotes that figure? Republican Senators. See what Georgia Senator Purdue said in 2019:

    “At half a trillion dollars — $500 billion — that makes the cartel business and the drug traffic just in Mexico alone coming across to the United States bigger than Walmart, to put it in perspective. So this is larger than our largest companies.”

    — Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), at a hearing of the Senate international narcotics control caucus, June 11, 2019

    But that figure is bi-partisan. Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein quotes the same figure. Feistein testified, “The illicit drug trade is a business, valued at anywhere between $426 [billion] and $652 billion…”

    That was all before Joe Biden’s lax open borders policies.

    But that’s just drugs. What about human trafficking? Over 117,000 migrants crossed the US border in just the past month. Multiply 117,000 migrants times $10,000 each (the going rate for smuggling humans). That’s well over $1.1 billion for human trafficking in a month for the Mexican Cartels. Now add in child sex trafficking. Days ago, a news report said cartels are selling little children at the border for $3,200 each.

    So, what are the cartels willing to pay to keep the borders open and the dollars flowing? I’m a businessman. I always pay 5% to 10% finders fees to whoever brings me business. I’m sure it works exactly the same way with Mexican drug lords, human traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles.

    There’s a lot of money on the line here. How much did Trump’s strict border policies cost the Mexican Drug Cartels? Tens of billions? Hundreds of billions? By comparison how much extra money will Joe Biden and the Democrat Congress’s open borders policies earn the Mexican Drug Cartel?

    This is like Christmas morning for organized crime.

    Our country has clearly been sold out by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. This is just pure common sense. Someone is getting filthy rich selling us out like this. The only real question is, how much is the Mexican Drug Cartel paying?

    Don’t take my word for it. Just days ago, The UK Daily Mail headlines screamed, “Mexico fears Joe Biden’s immigration policies will help organized crime…Even Mexico thinks Biden is too lax on asylum. Mexican leader fears ‘Migrant President’ Biden will spark boom time for cartels…”

    Arizona border agents report illegal immigration this year has already surpassed all of 2018, and is on track to surpass 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined.”

    Trust me, it’s going to get much worse. Millions more are coming. Maybe tens of millions. With Biden’s Sanctuary policies they can never be deported. And they can easily each bring in hundreds of their relatives and friends. Everyone is on a fast track to citizenship. Everyone gets welfare cradle to grave.

    If this is allowed to stand, America is finished. The entire economy will soon collapse. America will be a foreign country…to Americans.

    Now I ask you. Use your common sense. Why is this happening? Why would any sane president or political party want to encourage an invasion that will overwhelm our country and risk disease and death- let alone in the middle of a pandemic? This is insanity.

    Obviously, someone’s getting filthy rich on this scam to destroy America. We know the Mexican Drug Cartel is making hundreds of billions. This is the dream of a lifetime for them.

    But who’s getting bribed inside the USA to allow this to happen? Who would you pay if you were a Mexican Drug Cartel kingpin?

    I’m guessing it’s the same guy who sold out America to the Ukrainian mob and the Chinese Communists. And the same group that sold out America’s uranium stock to the Russians. And the same group that sold us out to Iran with the world-class terrible Iran treaty.

    It’s Biden, the Biden family and the Democrat Party.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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    holly noel
    holly noel
    1 year ago

    well said. but not said near often enough or soon enough….its too late. there was every reason trump was waging war against the gangs “terrorists” from across the border ….writing this from cartelizona i can say with 100 % certainty. Its too late . we re too stupid too greedy too lazy too manipulated too compromised and so easy to target….. makes no difference whos playing president …or if you disagree.. . its too damn late.

    Concerned Ignorance
    Concerned Ignorance
    3 years ago

    Wow really. The ignorance of the writer for not thanking President Ronald Reagan for making the Mexican Cartel’s who they are to this date. Thank you Republican party for making a multi headed Hydra that everyone is bickering about.

    Angela Latina not Latinx
    Angela Latina not Latinx
    1 year ago

    You obviously did not live in a border town in the 80s like I did. The amount of illegals roaming our school streets and communities while the coyotes stole cars to take the illegals north id say Reagan did a good job to ensure more security in the USA. Now we have this funny clown a democrat who has open border for asylum seekers in the millions what that means is asylum seekers do get social security. And nothing is free all that money that democrats give away is not their money it is our money our tax money. Now we have another crisis the fentanyl crisis. You still think democrats have your best interest?

    3 years ago

    Enforcement is what makes smuggling profitable. Risk premium. BTW the cartels are a government invention. Prohibition. Trump like Obama did nothing about it.

    Leigh Horan
    Leigh Horan
    3 years ago

    Having Trump in the White House was worse than the cartels the covid and the economy collapse.thanks to Joe Biden we no longer have the trumps in the White House no more nepotism violations of the emoluments clause stupid tweets and b******* and lies.You don’t see Biden giving his son Hunter security clearance do you? Hunter’s not a senior advisor to the president. I haven’t seen Joe Biden melt down once. He’s not a whiny little b**** boy

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Leigh Horan

    Thanks for the laugh. “Information” right off the MSNBC script. Russian operatives had a word for folks they could influence. “Useful Idiot” When they were done using them, they killed them. Think about it, ok?

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Going forward we will have to just accept the fact that Joe Biden is unfit. It’s time for all alert American’s to now discover who is really making the decisions that guide our nation. Those of you who bought into the hate Trump at all costs and elect Biden campaign must think deeply about what you have to done to all of us. Do you have a clue? Or, do you continue to believe Biden is competent?

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