Sunday, July 14, 2024
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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    “Next Generation Online” – First Edition. Read and Share!


    Hi! I’m Christy Kind. I’m a fellow high schooler, and I want you to know you’re not alone in life, and that Jesus is the answer!

    2020. What did that year bring you? Fear, loneliness, confusion, maybe growth? Did you lose anything? I did. I lost my school, so I’ve had to transition to homeschooling till I finish out high school. Bummer. I lost the connection I used to have with friends and acquaintances. I, and many people around me, found ourselves on “different sides of the aisle” if you will, when it came to our views on the happenings of 2020. It’s been kinda nasty. It hurts.

    Why am I saying all this to you? Click to read more of my personal note to you.

    Keep Reading
    Every month I’ll try to sponsor young people who are developing skills and talents, and often earning money from their ventures!
    Note: Family businesses can be a great way to get a start in the work force. Here’s one I thought you would like to hear about directly from the owner:

    Crossfield Doodles West is a family run dog-breeding business. There are some wonderful benefits to running a business with the family as well as some challenges! With (Dad, Mom and 5 kiddos), we all learn together, work together, struggle together, and get worn out together. The children see and experience the many hours of work and effort it takes to make a business run well and ethically.

    So as the owner/parent, I must come alongside and consistently train and teach. This can produce a wonderful work ethic, character, skill sets, financial and business sense that will set them up to succeed in their own ventures as they leave the home. They each have different responsibilities that must be done for things to run smoothly. This is probably the biggest challenge as well as the biggest benefit. If they slack in their jobs, it must get picked up by someone.

    A paycheck is not the only tangible reward the kids experience. There is great delight in seeing a family light up with such joy and excitement when handing them a beautiful, healthy puppy. That exchange represents countless hours of care, love, cleaning and training. Our family has provided a wonderful puppy that will give years of companionship, love and smiles to its new family. Now, that’s worth it!

    Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @crossfielddoodleswest!


    Below is an informative “PragerU” video I thought you would like. It’s about the importance of absolute truth and the Ten Commandments.
    Can You Name That Declaration Signer?
    Test your U.S. history knowledge!
    And, here’s where we can each make a difference.
    Combine your prayers with action!
    Prayer: Pray for your pastors to have wisdom and understanding in leading their congregations during these times.
    Action: Write a note to your pastor(s) and let them know you are praying for them, and encourage them with a meaningful Bible verse!


     Proverbs 2:1-5
    “My son, if you receive my words,
    And treasure my commands within you,
    So that you incline your ear to wisdom,
    And apply your heart to understanding;
    Yes, if you cry out for discernment,
    And lift up your voice for understanding,
    If you seek her as silver,
    And search for her as for hidden treasures;
    Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
    And find the knowledge of God.” (NKJV)
    Two Takeaways:
    1. Seek diligently and relentlessly for wisdom.
    2. God will give you understanding if you seek it!
    Salt & Light Council

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