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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    I hate to say, “I told you so.” But yes, “I told you so.”



    By Wayne Allyn Root

    I’m one of the few brave souls in the American media to warn and advise from day one (back in early March 2020) not to ever lockdown the American people, or the US economy.

    I argued…

    1. It wouldn’t stop Covid, because you can’t stop a germ.
    2. There was never a reason to lockdown everyone. Anyone relatively young or healthy never had a reason to fear death from Covid. The survival rate is 99%. But for anyone relatively healthy under the age of 65, it’s near 100%.
    3. Over time, lockdowns would cause more deaths than Covid- from suicide, depression, loneliness, drug and alcohol addiction, joblessness, poverty and stress (from being unsure how to feed your family).
    4. And worst of all, lockdowns would destroy the economy. If grandma or grandpa is sick or dying with Covid, how does it help them if their kids and grandkids lose their business, job, or home? It only makes things much worse.

    I said from day one (back in early March 2020), that grandma and grandpa would not want their kids and grandkids to be jobless, hopeless, or homeless. That doesn’t help grandpa or grandma. They want their kids and grandkids to live life and prosper. That’s how you honor grandpa and grandma.

    I warned the only way to fight Covid and pay for Covid, was to keep the economy open and healthy. And keep Americans employed.

    Don’t look now, but I was 100% right.

    Florida is Exhibit A. Everyone needs to know the Florida story.

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis should be “America’s Hero Governor.” He stood strong in the face of massive pressure to close the state, close the economy, lockdown the people, order mask mandates. He refused. He kept Florida open for business.

    Now look at the amazing results. Florida’s economy is booming, people are happy, the quality of life is high, and very few are sick. It worked!

    Even though Florida has been wide open for almost a year now (without masks); even though Florida has millions of retired senior citizens; Florida still has less deaths and hospitalizations than any of the know-it-all liberal lockdown states run by authoritarian Democrat Governors. Florida’s numbers are better than New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Illinois, or any other deep blue state.

    Read More: The Communist Takeover of the United States- Part II

    Yes, Florida has less death and hospitalizations, AND the people of Florida kept their businesses open; kept their jobs; the kids all went to school; people kept on living their normal lives.

    My friends own restaurants in Florida. Restaurants and bars are jammed. No one is wearing masks. They tell me not only are the customers healthy, all their employees are healthy.

    How is this possible? How can Florida be thriving and prospering, completely open for business, with all the kids in school, while California and New York were shut down for the entire time, businesses dead, jobs gone, schools closed, kids not learning a thing…yet the people of Florida are healthier?  

    The answer is simple. Democrat Governors blew it. They made all the wrong decisions. No lockdown was ever needed. Nor were they ever constitutional. No jobs should ever have been lost.

    This was all a travesty. A tragedy. A farce. Florida is Exhibit A. Lockdowns don’t work. People still get sick. You can’t stop a germ. But lockdowns do succeed at three things- destroying the economy, destroying quality of life and ironically…

    The stress, loneliness, depression and poverty produced by lockdowns makes more people sick and more people die.

    Lockdowns prove the cure is often worse than the disease.

    The only answer is freedom and individual choice- let Americans choose whether to keep their businesses open, or go to work, or wear masks.

    As usual, government was wrong. Government made things much worse. As usual, liberal Democrat ideas failed miserably. Lockdowns are perhaps the worst mistake in America’s history.

    Case closed.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Robert said, “There was only one way to beat Trump after his first 3 years with a booming economy. Destroy the economy.”

    That’s politically accurate.

    But morally speaking, society’s majority foolishly believed life without liberty is worth living. And this dangerous belief predates 2020. Otherwise, how can the (certified) re-election of Obama be explained?

    Had enough Democrats not voted (or voted for Trump), and enough Republicans had, election theft would not have swayed the final result.

    This is the tragedy of losing the Republic last November.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    But, but, but….without the Democrat reaction to Covid we COULN’T have fixed elections with mail in voting. Don’t you get it dude??? Democrats NEVER let a crisis go without padding their favorite groups and finding a way to fix elections.
    As a warning to people, in Latin we say “Numquam Spera Liberales” or Never Trust Liberals.

    Kevin Williams
    Kevin Williams
    3 years ago

    I am currently in Florida and I’m seeing a lot of people wearing masks everywhere. Most businesses require a mask to enter, especially corporate ones. Yes schools are open but the students must wear their masks all day. Employees of restaurants and small businesses all wear masks too. As for outdoor activities it’s wide open. Way better than California where we are from and must return to…

    Michael Miller
    Michael Miller
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kevin Williams

    I am resident of Fernandina Beach Florida. Our island is booming with tourists. It is difficult to park in town or get a table at a restaurant. Employees wear masks. Restaurants and bars with music are packed, nobody is wearing a mask. Many shops still have signs stating that masks are required but nobody is enforcing it. There is one restaurant in the entire town that demanded I put on a mask to walk 10 feet to the bar. I declined and left. Many of the tourists from northern states wearing masks on the streets. In the supermarket the majority of people choose to wear masks. This is understandable due to government and media propaganda/fear mongering.

    I hope this nightmare of government intervention into our freedom ends by the refusal of individuals to accept tyranny.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kevin Williams

    I live in Florida Sarasota County. I have had very few issues of people requiring me to wear a Mask. I do not wear one and have walked out of a few places that said they required a mask. In Sarasota City iy is a little stricter. If you own a Business you are required to have a Mask On. I talked to an owner the other day who is stressed out over the mask rule in the city which was imposed by the city council which IMO are mostly NWO people left wing progressives. . If the business owner does not wear a mask being an owner other business owners who I call communists turn him in. It is ridiculous IMO, I entered his business without a mask and had not problems. It is up to the individual if you want to wear a mask or not.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Wayne

    I would like to add one more thing people lack critical thinking they listen to the propaganda pushed out my the CDC and major news networks. I would suggest listening to Peggy Hall who is here in Calif and Dr Mercola. Wish everyone the best.

    3 years ago

    There was only one way to beat Trump after his first 3 years with a booming economy. Destroy the economy.

    C cummings
    C cummings
    3 years ago

    When this all started I thought the exact same thing!

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