Friday, July 12, 2024
61.4 F

    Matt Lauer of Heritage Action to Visit Ventura County Sept 14, 2014


    Event Announcement

    Matt Lauer (a bright young Heritage guy, NOT to be confused with NBC host)  will be visiting Ventura County Sunday, Sept. 14, 3:00 PM, to discuss issues, such as immigration, guns, corporate welfare, etc… and how we can work together, as well as conduct some training on activist techniques. If you consider yourself a motivated Conservative, or would like to become one, please indicate your interest in joining us, via [email protected], providing name, email, phone, issues (if any).  

    Activist skills portion:

    Session Topics include:

    • Networking: With other local activists to create more effective teams in your area.
    • Print Media Impact:  How to write an effective letter to the editor AND get it published!
    • Understanding and using Social Media: We will discuss blogs, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube
    • Twitter Training: For new and advanced users! Get started, build and deploy a Twitter Army
    • Legislative Training: Using the Heritage Action Dashboard and other resources to Hold Congress Accountable. We will also cover how to arrange and plan an effective meeting with your Congressman.

    Please try to respond  

    Feel free to bring/display literature/signs for CONSERVATIVE causes, organizations/

    The event is FREE, although we recommend donating to sponsoring orgs. and your favorite Conservative candidates!  Please visit sponsor sites (below) …

    Matt Lauer


    Before joining, Matt completed a double major in political science and finance at Washington university in St. Louis. While studying, Matt was the President of the WashU College Republicans, where he publicly debated members of the College Democrats and organized events to advance the conservative movement. Matt also interned in the strategic communications department at the Heritage Foundation and for Senator Mike Lee in Washington, D.C.

    Event venue: 

    Imperial Ventura Mobile Home Park
    5067 Thille Street
    Ventura, CA 93003-0364
    You’ll probably have to park on Thille St.



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