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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Camarillo Recall – Who is really lying? (Petition Deadline April 15)

    Camarillo Recall- Press Release

    Shawn Mulchay and Susan Santagelo have launched a campaign to combat the recall against them. They simply do not want the voters to be given a chance to vote on what they have learned since they have taken office. Namely, that they have become woke, wanted to look for ways to reallocate funds from the police, use dog whistle language supporting BLM in a resolution they put forth, tried to take control by endorsing two of their friends to join them on the city council (they are one vote away from taking control), that Susan made multiple racist statements, etc.

    They claim that the recall is based on a lie. The primary reason stated for the recall is that they have said that they wanted to harm the Camarillo Police by reallocating funds away from the Camarillo Police. In today’s vernacular reallocate funds is synonymous with Defund. Google the term and find out for yourself.  I just did and the first article says this:

    “What does “defund the police” mean?

    It’s a common misconception that “defunding the police” means completely stripping law enforcement of all of their funding. While some organizations are indeed calling for the abolishment or dismantling of police altogether, “defunding the police” simply means reducing police department budgets and redistributing those funds towards essential social services that are often underfunded, such as housing, education, employment, mental health care, and youth services.”,housing%2C%20education%2C%20employment%2C%20mental

    On multiple occasions Susan Santangelo says that she would like to reallocate funds away from the police and shift those funds towards social services. She says it like there is no other alternative to increase social services other than taking funds away from the Police. That is a false narrative from the beginning. First social services are provided by the county and state. If the City of Camarillo really felt that they had a demand for increased social services, there is money in the reserves to address that. They can raise funds in other ways to increase social services specifically for Camarillo.  Susan said that we are asking too much from our police.  All our police receive additional training in crisis intervention. The academy is not the only place they learn things. Susan begins her march towards defunding the police On June 10 by saying we need to look at the funding for the police after opining about the Death of George Floyd and BLM.  It is in the minutes on Page 7 which she approved.  In the resolution that she co-authored with Shawn Mulchay, they claim they like the police but that they have racism, and their racist policies need to be reviewed. Susan Santangelo opines about there is a difference between the movement started by a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter and the organization. Those that started the movement were three self-proclaimed Marxists. Susan is photographed with fist raised in solidarity with her ActBlue BLM friends and wants us to believe that this is different. Her resolution lost and she could not vote in favor of a resolution denouncing racism and discrimination. Shawn at the same meeting said that he agreed with “EVERYTHING” that Susan has said (he seems to say that a lot).

    In the July 8th meeting after the resolution failed with a 3:2 vote they realized that they were in the minority. Two of their Activist friends ran for city council, Heather Schmidt and Tiffany Lewis.  Look them up they have both been, in my opinion, radical activists. They both lost. Schmidt got 23% of the vote and Lewis got 35% of the vote in their respective districts.

    Susan Santangelo posted an article on Facebook entitled, Why De-Policing is not as crazy as it sounds:

    Susan made what many consider racist comments.  She said, “White People are ALL racist because of this world” Notice that is without exception.  She says that she was taken out of context. However, as she well knows, there is a limit to the numbers of words permitted in the recall petition. Furthermore, Susan Santangelo admits in interviews published in both the Camarillo Acorn and the VCStar that she made the comments.  The entire screen shot of the quote is on Let the voters decide if this is what they want as an elected official. FYI: Shawn Mulchay with full knowledge of Susan’s multiple statements based on skin color, thought that Susan would make a great mayor for the City of Camarillo.  Let the voters decide if that is what they want.  If they are confident in themselves then they will invite the vote to affirm their speech and actions.

    Susan Santangelo and Shawn Mulchay say that they voted to increase the budget for police services and show the modest 2% increase that was in the VCStar and evidence that they support the police. However, when you watch the meeting and listen to Mark Uribe explain this 2% increase, he states that it is not an actual increase in spending but a reflection of savings in that category. He goes on further to say that NO new police services were added. Link to June City Council Meeting Have a listen. 

    In February Susan posted an article about Denver, Colorado and what a great job they have done with defunding the police and increasing Social Services. What started last year was not a one and done deal but on going.  They are just one vote away from having control of the Camarillo City Council.

    So, who is lying?

    Look who is kneeling Fist Raised in the air in support of BLM. Is this unifying the community or promoting a political career? You decide.


    Camarillo Recall Website


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    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago

    Thank you for putting this up. Lets kick them out!

    Chris Cheehan
    3 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is an international Marxist organization. Their mission statement is to eliminate all borders and teardown the nuclear family, which are two parent households. The leaders of BLM are SJW activists who believe ALL WHITE people are evil. The term ANTI-RACISM has also been tossed about, suggesting that if you don’t agree with the mission of BLM you are therefore a racist, and must be cancelled. Churches RIGHT HERE IN CAMARILLO have adopted the Anti-racism pledge into their requirements to attend service and be members in good standing of their congregation. These concepts are a direct affront to the teachings of Christ and should never be allowed in a Church, but fear of being labeled a racist by people who base all actions on your tribe(true racism) have brought us to this place.
    Anyone who believes entire demographics of a community are racist due to their melanin has at the least a sinister agenda, and at the most are truly insane.
    Scrub them from leadership, as soon as possible

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Call what it is. It’s left wing, pseudo commie nonsense. BLM and other progressive initiatives need no home in Camarillo or anywhere for that matter. Say goodbye to these two promoters of hate and division.

    Chris Cheehan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A....

    The Lutheran Church in Camarillo actually has embraced an Anti-Racism pledge into their requirements for membership. Scholars have come around to realize the pledge is ACTUALLY racist on its’ face, but cowards on their elder board are still enforcing the requirement, and their pastor is full WOKE and endorsing BLM from the pulpit.
    Complete, anti Christ bovine excrement preached at a church with a daycare

    Mountain Man
    Mountain Man
    3 years ago

    Here’s what happens when radicals defund the police. They see what happens, then beg to restore the services. Portland police should demand raises 🙂

    3 years ago

    Racism is terrible. There is no justification for it and no excuse for it is acceptable.

    It is shocking to know that racism is prevalent right here on our Camarillo City Council. It must be expunged. Immediately. The quickest and most effective way to remove the scourge of racism from the Council is to execute a recall to replace the offenders.

    Current Camarillo City Council member Susan Santangelo has brazenly and beyond any doubt in her own words on social media exposed her offensive and unseemly view proclaiming “White people are all racist” and “the real killers are white men walking among us.” Considering all possible actions and expressions of racism, this universal smear and demonization of an entire race of people ranks among the worst. It means if you are white, Susan Santangelo looks at you with contempt and with an image in her mind that your heart is filled with hate toward people of different skin color and that you are guilty of using your whiteness to oppress those who look different.

    Every person must reject that Susan Santangelo holds all white people personally responsible for the evils of slavery and feels empowered to shame you into repenting for it even though you have never owned a slave, condemn the idea of it, and make no effort whatsoever to prevent any person of any color from taking personal steps toward fulfilling their lifelong dreams.

    The disgusting racist attributions by Susan Santangelo toward all people with white skin is not only wrong, it is inflammatory and dangerous. It is exactly the type of accusations used by radically extreme political groups to pressure and extort communities. That type of racial vilification mirrors the strategies executed by vile tyrannical despots and maniacs throughout history. Do we want this kind of distorted delusional and dangerous mentality representing Camarillo?

    It is alarming that Susan Santangelo and Council member Shawn Mulchay who supports her views, have power and influence over policy in Camarillo, especially when it comes to maintaining law and order.

    It is time for all Camarillo voters to sign the recall petition to remove the racist radicals from Camarillo City Council.

    Mountain Man
    Mountain Man
    3 years ago

    Santengelo ‘s positions on defunding police and BLM are totally unacceptable. Beyond that, she is a far left, hyperwoke critter who is way out of step with Camarillo voters. Recall, RECALL!

    Mulchay looks more like a PC weakling, who might be regretting it at this point.

    Please sign the petition ASAP to get their recall on the ballot- only a week left.

    Last edited 3 years ago by Mountain Man
    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Steve Sullivan asked, “Why has Shawn Mulchay chosen to align himself with Susan Santangelo rather than distance himself from her?”

    For starters:

    Steve Sullivan
    Steve Sullivan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    Thank you Mike

    3 years ago

    Who is the actual author of this article?

    Steve Sullivan
    Steve Sullivan
    3 years ago

    Why has Shawn Mulchay chosen to align himself with Susan Santangelo rather than distance himself from her?

    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Steve Sullivan

    Birds of a feather… flock together!

    Steve Sullivan
    Steve Sullivan
    3 years ago

    Susan Santangelo Loves Universal Income wealth redistribution

    Susan loves income distribution.jpg
    Chris Cheehan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Steve Sullivan

    I say Universal Income Wealth Redistribution starts with Facebook owner, Twitter owner, and Jeff Bezos. Put THEM to the baseline Susan believes makes sense FIRST, and start working down from there. When Susan herself will accept a baseline salary for sustenance to do her job for a year, now we have a commitment.
    Let’s go one better.
    RIGHT NOW, let’s just give someone ELSE her job and her income and her assets she has worked for, because they deserve all her stuff as much as she does.


    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Steve Sullivan

    As an example to all; she has given away all of her money, has fourteen people living in her house, for free, while she sleeps in a tent! She also gave away her car and lives on donated clothes and groceries! What an example she is of what she says! NOT!!!

    Steve Sullivan
    Steve Sullivan
    3 years ago

    June 21, 2020
    It is on her Public Facebook page

    Susan posts an article “Why DePolicing is not as crazy as it sounds.”

    Steve Sullivan
    Steve Sullivan
    3 years ago

    Susan wants you to see her Picture at an ActBlue event

    Chris Cheehan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Steve Sullivan

    ActBlue is a Progressive, Socialist organization. It does not believe in American values. Even the DNC has swung completely Socialist at this point. WAKE UP. Socialism and Communism STARTS at the city level

    3 years ago

    Let them be recalled . It is voters right if elected officials change their positions after getting in office and actions are contrary to voters expectations.

    Chris Cheehan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Martin

    They are Socialists at best, most likely Communists. They are “equity merchants” that believe all decisions by government should be based on redistributing power away from the majority. If you want to see where this is headed, read the teachings of the Nation of Islam on their website. The religion of Noah Green, who just attacked our Capitol, and who the Press is ignoring

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