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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Commentary | We Think Differently


    By Don Jans

    YES, The United State is a divided nation. We have one faction in the United States that believes in the supremacy of the individual; that is that each individual should be free to make their own decisions, live their own live, and be responsible for the consequences of their own decisions. The other faction believes that the group is superior to the individual and those who would deviate from the dictates of the group must be punished and ostracized.

    Societies that favor the individualist approach will be more free and more prosperous. These societies understand that the freedom to prosper and excel is the driving force behind that freedom and prosperity. Prosperity is infinite and the increased prosperity of one will result in a multiplier that increases prosperity for all. Prosperity has brought about societies that are freer, more accepting, more encouraging, higher standards of living with much lower rates of poverty, crime, illiteracy, and unhappiness.  

    Societies that favor the collectivist approach will result in control of the people by the self-designated elite or dictatorship. Individuals who refuse to conform to the demands of the elite will be ostracized, demonized, separated, and ultimately eliminated. As aspirations and dreams are discouraged, indeed punished, innovation and advancement decline as does freedom and prosperity. Poverty, crime, illiteracy, and unhappiness increase exponentially. Families break apart. Alcohol and drug dependency, increase, and as natural order to society declines, order is maintained through a system of arbitrary law imposed by the elite.

    The collectivist movement is antithetical to human nature. All people are not the same. We have different dreams and aspirations. As children we do not recognize different physical characteristics of people such as skin color, we have no idea about differences in nationalities or religions, we are accepting until we are taught to hate. The collectivist movement has proven that it survives based on creating hate between different groups, making one group the victim and the other the oppressor. Racism and hate are critical for the advancement and maintenance of a collectivist society.

    The individualist movement is hindered by racism and hate. Individualists believe that we are all unique and have qualities critical to a free and prosperous society. We champion and encourage any individual who will strive to set the bar higher for all of us, whether that bar is in the field of medicine, exploration, artistic achievements, athletic achievements, business achievements, or achievements in the humanities. Freedom and prosperity abound because when one goal has been achieved, it establishes another goal for somebody else to reach.

    The collectivist movement demands conformity. The individualist movement demands individuality. The collectivist movement insists on indoctrination, propaganda, and intimidation to achieve and control the power over the many by the few. The individualist movement requires education, facts and honesty, and encouragement and recognition.

    The United States was founded as an individualist nation. Those who would call themselves conservatives or Freedom Loving Americans still adhere to the fundamentals of individualism. Those who have proclaimed that the United States must be transformed, are telling us that the United States must become a collectivist nation. Which movement prevails will determine the future course for the United States. The results of the different philosophies are inevitable.

    Choices and decisions must be made. Those who determine to take the course of least resistance and do nothing are in fact making a choice. Freedom and prosperity, or individualism is the more difficult road to follow because it requires positive action. Enslavement or collectivism is a simple road to follow because it requires no action or negative action. What will you choose?

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Don Jans is a national acclaimed author and speaker.  He is also a lifelong student of history, with a special emphasis on Russian history.  His study of Russian history led to 1917 which led to the study of the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  Don has written five books on the topic of Collectivism (Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Progressivism). 

    Don has been a guest on numerous nationally and regionally broadcast radio programs.  He is a weekly guest on a nationally broadcast radio program where he discusses collectivism and how it is impacting the United States, relating current happenings to the collectivist agenda.

    Don has spoken to numerous groups across the nation on the topic of who and what is the United States and who and what is collectivism. The collectivist movement has called for a transformation of the United States. What is critical for all to understand is what is the transformation; what are we now and into what will we be transformed.  

    Don’s speaking approach is the same as his writing approach, and that is to be direct and straight forward with no regard for the current mandated approach of political correctness. 

    Samuel Adams said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” If we are to remain free, we must be about setting brushfires of freedom.

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    The United States Republic was created as a federation of free and independent states.

    Washington, D.C. was to be a federal city with few, well-defined powers. And for a time, it was.

    To say neither is true today is a bloody understatement.

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    3 years ago

    Thank you for publishing this important treatise…
    If we continue to suffer the overreach of the third Obama administration, I predict CW2 is an inevitability….

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