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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Commentary | Salk Institute Scientific Paper: Spike Protein Are in All Covid Test Vaccine by Design, Causing Deadly Blood Clots and Cell Damage


    By Capt Joseph R. John
    The European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for experimental COVID-19 Vaccines, “EudraVigilance”, list 5,365 deaths and 238,949 injuries following test injections. 
    According to The Epoch Times published report of April 15, 2021, the CDC stated to date 7,157 fully test vaccinated people in the US have contracted the Wuhan Virus. 
    With less than 1% of the test injection sites reporting, the US National Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS), reported 50,861 sick reactions from the test injections, with 7,726 serious sick reactions requiring hospitalization, and 4,178 fatalities following test injections.  By comparison, an experimental test vaccine rollout in the USA in 1976 was permanently halted after just 25 deaths!
    If 99% of the test injections sites that have not been reporting, were reporting, hundreds of thousands of recipients receiving test injection would be reported as having sick reactions and fatalities would also increase substantially from the test injections.
    There is a much more sinister agenda underway with the aggressive push for all American Citizens, and now their children to get the Communist Chinese spiked protein in their system with the test injection.  The Biden/Harris/Obama administration is threatening Americans, saying they may not be able to fly, go to sporting events, attend school, or go back to college without proof that they have been injected with the test vaccine.
    The FDA intends to expand the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s COVID-19 experimental test vaccine, in order to enroll America’s adolescent children and grandchildren, ages 12-15.  Scientists around the world have noted that it is extremely dangerous to inject the Communist Chinese spiked protein into children, and believe the danger is even greater for young people due to their stronger immune systems.
    The lives of millions of America’s youth are now at a very grave risk from the injection of an experimental test vaccine for the Wuhan virus spiked protein which is 99.97% survivable.  For the last 17 months, children have not been affected by Wuhan virus in Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Iceland, Vietnam, Communist China, the USA, and every country in Africa, so why are Dr Fauci, Biden, Harris, Gates, and Obama pushing for America’s youth to be injected with the experimental test vaccine with the Communist Chinese spiked protein?  
    Salk researchers and collaborators demonstrated in their Scientific Paper how the spiked protein in the test vaccine damages cells and causes blood clots, while confirming that the Wuhan Virus is a vascular disease “by design”.

    All Covid vaccines are risky medical experiments, yet the oblivious masses are brainwashed by the disastrously dishonest Biden/Harris/Obama administration, corporate media, and Leftist Mains Stream Media claims that the test vaccines have all been “approved” as completely “safe”, effective, and have harmed no one.  That it is not factual; the test vaccines have not been approved by the FDA and have killed thousands of test injection recipients.

    “The number of Americans who died after taking Covid vaccines is already in the thousands, and realistic estimates put that number at tens of thousands (with more dying each day).  The mechanism is now well understood: The Covid vaccine injects the patient with spike proteins, the spike proteins proceed to cause vascular damage and blood platelet aggregation, this leads to blood clots which circulate around the body and lodge in different organs (the heart, lungs, brain, etc.), causing deaths that are attributed to “strokes” or “heart attacks” or “pulmonary embolism.”  The common cause is the vascular damage stemming from the spike protein.  In essence, millions of people are being injected with artificial blood clotting factors and then dying from blood clots.” (quote from the Salk Institute Scientific Paper)

    The study suggests that vaccination-generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity, but also inhibits S protein-imposed endothelial injury.

    On April 30, 2021, The Salk Institute called for all Covid test vaccines to be “immediately halted and recalled.”

    You can read the summarization of the Salk Institute Scientific Paper listed below and read the complete Salk Institute Scientific Paper by clicking on the below and more listed links:
    Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62 Capt. USN(Ret)/Former FBI
    Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
    2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
    San Diego, CA 92108
    Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8
    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    3 years ago

    Provide a link to the specific communication in which the Salk Institute called for a recall of all covid vaccines, as you claim in this story. I can’t find this anywhere.

    3 years ago

    No proof on usefulness of hydrochlorquine preventing or treating Covid19. Frontline docs spreading false info don’t take care of Covid patients. Other than that?

    3 years ago

    What is the real agenda for pushing these experimental vaccines? As early as late 2019, American Frontline Doctors have asserted that simple prophylactic medicines such as Plaquenil with a zinc supplement and Ivermectin are successful in treating Covid 19 patients. Why are they bombarding us with propaganda extolling the merits of a dangerous experimental vaccine? Obviously, their agenda is not health-oriented.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  papasha408

    Won’t catch me taking Ivermectin, let alone that Dem-created Plaquenil drug. Ever. Do you REALLY trust profit-loving Big Pharma with your life?

    Go put that poison in your body if you want, but you’ll NEVER force it on me. Stop worshiping drugs and put your faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

    Brandon Finister
    Brandon Finister
    3 years ago

    So, are Doctors killing people for profit While being held as heroes?

    3 years ago


    Please do not harm yourself with Ivermecton or Plaquenil. Big Pharma created BOTH of these drugs, and did so with the objective of making MONEY.

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