Monday, July 15, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Commentary | Proven Nationwide Ballot Fraud


    by Naomi Fisher

    It turns out EVERY State should be audited.

    We all felt disgust when we first learned of ballot fraud. (Please note there is a huge difference between election fraud verses voter fraud.) Many of us suspected fraud of some sort but were not sure how, or rather what method was used. Disgust quickly turned to anger when we realized ballot fraud was widespread. But we still did not realize the extent of the subterfuge.

    Just recently another bombshell was revealed by Justice Malonson of The Federal Inquirer. In California 3,000 votes were recorded, having come from — Empty University Dorms!

    University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) was in lock down due to covid. None of their dorms had students in residence when those ballots arrived. One of two things happened. Whoever was monitoring the dorms forwarded those ballots — which is illegal — or — someone illegally filled out the ballots. Either way isn’t that a jail-time offense?

    Also, in Nick Moseder’s video regarding “bubbles”, the bubbles in the ballots in NH.  Do these bubble patterns in Ventura California match the offset bubbles in this video? It’s a little hard to believe this is just random.

    Unbelievably, with all of the complaints, the proof rolling in, the Federal Supreme Court is ignoring the evidence, most States’ Courts are ignoring the evidence, and other than a very few lawsuits the whole debacle is considered non-existent. How could this be? There’s only one answer: Our Justice system is broken and the cold war has turned USA Political Operatives and intelligence personnel against each other along with our Judicial Branch.

    This means we now have to face reality and ask: Are all State and Federal Judges corrupt? Have they been threatened so they are afraid for their family and own lives? Has to be one of the two. Nothing else makes any sense. What happened to our American values? If this had occurred back when JFK beat Nixon you better believe people would not have sat back quietly. The whole USofA would have been screaming and marching on D.C. Oh, wait. That wasn’t marching on January 6th that was breaking and entering. Two very distinct differences between marching and protesting vs. breaking and entering. One has to wonder why they thought breaking and entering would go unpunished.

    Where or when did our National Pride go missing? ALL of us, EVERY ONE OF US should be calling our State and Federal Congresspersons and asking them to have all States’ ballots audited.  Because it really is up to us. We The People have to make our voices heard. But then again many people are being investigated just for calling in and voicing our concerns….. right? So we will have to be extremely careful how we word our requests. Because our Freedom of Speech is no longer so free!

    Below is a list of links dealing with examples of ballot fraud:


    Nick Moseder: Audit Tampering;

    Nick Moseder: NH Demand Statewide Audit – Foldgate and Bubblegate Exposed, how and why:

    EVERY State Should Be Audited – In California 3,000 Votes…

    by Justin Malonson,

     June 6, 2021

    Note: The Gateway Pundit has been know to exaggerate so I backed it with others. Also the legitimate Federal Inquirer is spelled with an “I”, not “E”.

    3,000 Votes COUNTED From Empty Dorm at CUSB…

    It’s Clear Every State Should Be Audited After 3,000 Votes…


    A FEW OF OTHER VOTER FRAUD — there are so many

    Woman Alleged to Have Intimidated Seniors to Vote for…

    Confessions of a voter fraud: The Whistleblower, “I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots”, By Jon Levine August 29, 2020

    TX Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins…sending unsolicited vote-by-mail applications to more than two million registered voters.

    Judge rules absentee ballots from Fulton County can be unsealed for examination. ; — and —

    ballots must remain in the custody of local election officials


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Naomi Fisher is a local resident

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    3 years ago

    Wow. This is absolutely amazing. You should take all this evidence and give it to the Kraken lady, she’ll ram it down the throats of those libtards. Although as she explains it, I guess she’s already amassed more than enough evidence. But maybe with your redundant efforts, Naomi and Debra, this article in Citizen’s Opinion will be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Yes, I’m certain with your additional efforts Sidney will be successful in getting Trump reinstated by August.

    “If Sidney Powell says it, I believe her.” — Citizens Opinion

    3 years ago

    Californians know that Trump won the state of California and 48 other states. I feel that Ventura County, L.A. County, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County needs to have a full forensic audit of all the voters ballots cast in the 2020 election. We know that the elections in our state were rigged and we need total transparency & to do that it would work through a full forensic audit. I can’t trust our election system, our government and neither can the American people. The way to win back our trust is to allow us to have the forensic audit, if there wasn’t any voter fraud great, but if their was voter fraud we need to find out how it happened so that we can fix the system so that can never happen again

    3 years ago

    Commentary THERE IS NO GRAVITY

    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    3 years ago

    Of course there was election fraud. When the CRAP national media AND organizations like FACEBOOK all agree then its GUARANTEED to be the OPPOSITE of whatever it is they are trying to obscure. Besides that, Zuckerberg paid lots, and lots of money to achieve his fraudulent dreams. Combine that with the fever hot hatred of President Trump and you have a stolen election. No matter how many times I say it, its true. NEVER TRUST LIBERALS.

    Last edited 3 years ago by Michael A...

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