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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    China Threatens To Begin World War III

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>CCP video describes the response if Japan defends Taiwan Video Screenshot<span>

    A video has appeared online that reportedly is circulating among Chinese Communist Party channels in which the repressive regime on the mainland there threatens to unleash a “continuous” nuclear war on the world.

    “When we liberate Taiwan, if Japan dares to intervene by force, even if it only deploys one soldier, one plane and one ship, we will not only return reciprocal fire but also start a full-scale war against Japan,” the statement threatens.

    “In 1964, when our first atomic bomb was successfully detonated, we promised the world that we would not use atomic bombs against non-nuclear countries and that we would not be the first to use them. Nearly 60 years have passed. Although the strength of our nuclear deterrent has been somewhat affected this decision has been a success, and has safeguarded our peace when we built our country.”

    But it warned the international “situation” now is changing and “our country is in the midst of a major change that has not been seen in a century and all political policies, tactics and strategies must be adjusted and changed in the midst of such a major change.”

    The video threatens, “In order to protect the peaceful rise of our country, it is necessary to make limited adjustments to our nuclear policy. We solemnly put forward the ‘Japan exception theory.’ In modern history Japan has taken the initiative to harm the Chinese people many times, including the first Sino-Japanese war in 1894-1895, when it took over Taiwan and made us pay more than 230 million taels of silver in reparations. And the world invasion of China of 1931-1945, when more than 35 million Chinese were killed and wounded.”

    It accuses Japan of failing to be serious about acknowledging atrocities and “if Japan goes to war with China for the third time, the Chinese people will take revenge on the old and the new scores.”

    A report in the U.S. Sun pointed out the threat comes on “the eve of the Olympics.”

    “It comes after earlier this month, China vowed to invade Taiwan and explained how it would do it,” the report explained. “An article in a state-controlled publication offered a glimpse of a terrifying three-stage plan to pave the way for an invasion force to storm the breakaway island. President Xi Jinping pledged a ‘complete reunification’ with Taiwan as he delivered a speech to mark 100 years of the Chinese Communist party.”

    Regional allies including South Korea and Australia also could be drawn in, as could NATO forces such as the U.K. since the U.S. is an alliance member.

    The video later was deleted from some platforms.

    The Sun explained Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso has affirmed, “We must defend Taiwan, under our alliance with the U.S.”

    SkyNews noted the threat concludes, “There will be no peace talks.”

    It would be the second major attack on the world since just last year if the evidence suggesting the COVID-19 virus came out of a Chinese research lab dealing with bioweapons research is accurate. That pandemic has killed millions worldwide.

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    Daniel Roberts
    Daniel Roberts
    2 years ago

    We must not forget that the US and Japan has a mutual defense pact. China nukes Japan, the USA will step up to defend, and we two trading nukes is gonna be bad all around for the whole planet.

    2 years ago

    You all don’t get it, kill XiJinping and you eliminate the cancer in the world. He is a mentally ill man child who is so mentally corrupt, he believes his own propaganda, and can only have tempertantrums because he is beaten, and his leadership has failed. He can only catlike a terrorist because he believes this is all that works in the world. The CCP is dead and illegal in China, no one wants it but him and his ‘Brown nose’s’ if given the chance he would be dead now but he hides and uses doubles in public. He caused the all terrorism in China, Thailand, Haiti, and more planned. He leads the dull minded Germany just as Hitler did took over France, and through documented bribery all the Belt&Road nations, but failed as usual except now he owns BNY Mellon bank, but even that will fail.

    Paul Bucci
    Paul Bucci
    2 years ago

    What is it with these politicians, all over the world . ALL LIVES MATTER to every person on earth. Stop all this talk of war.

    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    2 years ago

    Many thanks to the greedy goats that thought it was a grand idea to bring big ‘ole polluting Communist China into the World Trade Organization (Bill Clinton esp). Those greedy Sophfistco’s actually believed what the ChiComms were spewing. Now look…..ha haha. They’re threatening Japan with nuclear war!
    It’s too late for the Western world to corral these criminals. Biden has (through his derelict son) already has been bought off. So don’t expect the USA to do anything. The worlds only hope is India. Neighbors to criminal China. With enough people and will, India will have to fight this battle to contain the monster the Bill Clinton’s of the world created.

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