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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    California Needs A Course Correction And Newsom Must Go!

    The Grey Man

    Politics in California seem to follow large urban centers.  The Bay Area and Los Angeles appear to be overwhelmingly Liberal in their views and because they are large population centers, they typically guide the politics in the state.

    In areas like Los Angeles where multiple social issues are prevalent such as poverty and homelessness, government aid program participation is huge.  This in turn make those recipients beholden to the hand that feeds them.

    The more affluent areas in and around Los Angeles are home to celebrities and those from old money who never really had to work for their riches.  These folks seem to be afflicted with some type of upper-class guilt and a yearning to champion a cause, like feeding the poor or clothing the homeless.  These would be fine if they wanted to donate their own riches for these causes but instead, they vote for policies that take money from those of us average working people to pay for programs that ease their upper-class guilt.

    As a result of these and other factors, California has perpetually been a blue state.  Democrat Presidential candidates know that they will be spotted 55 electoral college votes before the polls close.

    Many of us in California, especially those from Northeastern California, are sick of the liberal politics in California.  California is a beautiful state with a rich history.  The Democratic strong holds however are declining into urban sewers.  Los Angeles and San Francisco have become such disgusting places to visit that it is starting to affect tourism.

    The recall of Gavin Newsom is a pivotal time for California.  We have the opportunity to send the crown Prince packing.  One reason the Democratic Party is fighting so hard against this recall is that if Gavin Newsom gets recalled, it kills his chance to ever run for president.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif>Larry Elder is the front runner in the 2021 Recall election for governor of California<span>

    The front runner for governor of California if the recall passes is Larry Elder, a well known black conservative talk show host.  At first, he did not get much attention but as he gained momentum, the Democrat assault began.  Much of this has been fueled by the Los Angeles Times calling him “the black face of White Supremacy”.  CNN reported that a woman accused him of hitting on her. He dismissed the allegation inferring she was too unattractive to “hit on”.  They have investigated his finances to no avail as well. Typically, the more fearful the democrats are, the more fierce the character assassination is.  Yesterday Senator Elizabeth Warren campaigned with Gavin Newsom and spoke of all the evils that this black man will bring to the governor’s office.  She went as far as to compare him to former president Donald Trump.  If you think of this comparison, you have to think that during Trump’s four years as president, unemployment went down, and he kept alot of his campaign promises.  This does not sound like something that would hurt California.  On the contrary that may be exactly what California needs. Oh yeah, Kamala is in town to help him campaign today as well.

    Elder’s platform includes gaining some sort of control on the housing prices, reducing unemployment, bringing industry back to California. He seems to be the guy who can correct the course that California is on. If so, it may just save this state from itself.

    I believe it is time for Gavin Newsom to go.  He can take his aunt, Nancy Pelosi with him.  Their liberal views and policies have damaged California perhaps catastrophically.

    During the pandemic when he was locking down California and shuttering businesses,  we must not forget that his winery stayed open, and he had a really nice dinner with friends at the affluent French Laundry in Napa.  This is an important issue for everybody that lives in California.

    On or before September 14 make sure that your ballot is submitted, and your vote is counted.  Find an alternative candidate you think is right and vote for them.  This power was granted to us in the Constitution, and we must be good stewards of it and exercise it toward the betterment of our state.

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    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    2 years ago

    VOTE IN PERSON, so you know your vote is properly processed…
    Do not trust the drop off boxes as they were shown to be compromised in 2020…
    Vote integrity in CA is super important to prevent vote switching and miscounting like we saw in 2020…
    Black pens, NO SHARPIES…

    Eric Dee
    Eric Dee
    2 years ago

    Larry Elder is a louse, asserts his innocense in sexually assalting a woman, he IS just like Drumpf…..vote No on the recall to prevent further abuses and continue with preventative measures which will assure a reduction in COVID cases in CA. Your serve.

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Eric Dee

    Says one affected by terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, Covidiacy and bad spelling to boot…

    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Eric Dee

    Newsom was a mistake. Larry Elder is the fix.

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