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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Covid Vaccines Harmed And Killed More Teens In 2021 Than All Other FDA-Approved Vaccines Combined


    (Natural News) Are Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” really saving lives? Not exactly. According to the latest data, the drug injections are actually destroying lives at an unprecedented rate.

    New figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that teenagers are being hit especially hard by the jabs. Many of them are now severely ill, disabled, and in some cases, dead.

    As of Aug. 27, 2021, nearly three million injury symptoms from Fauci Flu shots have been recorded in VAERS, along with 76,160 emergency room visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 18,098 permanent disabilities, 14,327 life-threatening events, and 13,911 deaths.

    Just the deaths alone from Chinese Virus jabs amount to twice the number that have been recorded in VAERS for all vaccines administered over the past 30 years. This means that more people have died in the past nine months from Fauci Flu shots than have died from all other vaccines combined over the past three decades.

    “From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines,” reports Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News.

    “And yet, the CDC continues to push everyone to get a COVID-19 shot.”

    Compared to all other FDA-approved vaccines currently on the market, teens who take covid jabs are 44 times more likely to be hospitalized, 15 times more likely to develop a disability, and 7.5 times more likely to die from these particular injections.

    Babies are also suffering because of covid shots

    Not just teenagers but also babies, both born and unborn, are likewise incurring harm from Chinese Virus injections – which were proudly delivered to the world at “warp speed” by Donald Trump, by the way, who continues to call himself the “father of the vaccine.”

    The latest CDC data shows that 1,490 unborn babies have died in the womb because their mothers foolishly chose to get jabbed with the experimental gene therapy cocktails.

    Comparatively, only 16 fetal deaths have been reported in conjunction with flu shots over the past several years, suggesting that covid shots are considerably more deadly for little ones.

    Instead of “Operation Warp Speed,” they probably should have called this thing Operation Genocide because that is what it is accomplishing. And the worst part is that the death and destruction has only just begun since the long-term “side effects” have yet to fully kick in.

    If deranged adults want to commit pharmaceutical suicide because they were dumb enough to believe the likes of Tony Fauci, then so be it. But to force these things on children in exchange for them being allowed to get an education and try to make a life for themselves is just plain evil.

    Young people today are going to have a really tough time getting by once their vaccine-induced injuries fully manifest. Many will develop autoimmune diseases and other paralyzing conditions that leave them disabled and unable to work.

    Will the Branch Covidians who forced them to get injected in the first place ever be held accountable? Who will care for all these children damaged by the Trump Vaccines, not to mention all the other vaccines they are being forced to get?

    “These COVID-19 shots are having a devastating effect on our teenagers, and yet not only does the CDC and FDA continue to promote them for teenagers, they are set to approve the COVID-19 shots for infants and children next,” warns Shilhavy about how little kids are next in line to be eradicated by the shots.

    The latest injury and death tolls for Wuhan Flu injections can be found at

    Sources for this article include:

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    1 year ago

    I couldn’t even make it through the article because of you slanted, biased, political viewpoints that, for some reason, you felt compelled to include the very beginning. If you truly want to make your point, then do so without interjecting your political agenda. It shouldn’t matter who you support or who you oppose. Stick to the facts and lose your agenda. Otherwise, you are no different than the rest of the mindless dribble out there.

    The Mass Psychosis of Liberals - ThinkCivics News
    2 years ago

    […] COVID vaccines work beautifully and anyone who opts to not take this experimental drug (that has more documented bad side effects than all the other vaccines combined) is an ignorant Neanderthal, unworthy of medical care. […]

    1 year ago

    you are a moron and a shill. There’s nothing beautiful about this.

    The Mass Psychosis of Liberals – ConservativeNewsBriefing
    2 years ago

    […] COVID vaccines work beautifully and anyone who opts to not take this experimental drug (that has more documented bad side effects than all the other vaccines combined) is an ignorant Neanderthal, unworthy of medical care. […]

    YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx Activists & Anti-Vaxx Content – The Trend Buzz
    2 years ago

    […] to the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) website, nearly three million injury symptoms from the COVID shots have been recorded worldwide, including 76,160 emergency room visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 18,098 permanent […]

    YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx Activists & Anti-Vaxx Content | We Are Change TV.US
    2 years ago

    […] to the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) website, nearly three million injury symptoms from the COVID shots have been recorded worldwide, including 76,160 emergency room visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 18,098 permanent […]

    YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx Activists & Anti-Vaxx Content – NewsWars
    2 years ago

    […] to the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) website, nearly three million injury symptoms from the COVID shots have been recorded worldwide, including 76,160 emergency room visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 18,098 permanent […]

    1 year ago

    of course youtube bans it. they are owned by google who pretty much owns the internet. everything you “google” is tainted and manipulated. wake up.

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