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    Happy Holidays! An Invitation from LPVC – Dec. 11


    Happy Holidays! An Invitation from LPVC – Dec. 11

    Happy Holidays

    malady times;”>Annual Holiday Party with LPVC

    ailment times;”>Celebrate the holidays with your liberty-minded friends! Come join us at Money Pancho Mexican Restaurant in Camarillo on Thursday, unhealthy December 11, at 6:30 PM. Enjoy abundant entrees and delectable drinks (the Raspberry Margarita for one)!

    Our special presenter for the evening will be

     Lynn Gray Jensen, Executive Director of the Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business, Ventura County

    CoLAB VC is a group of agricultural and other business people who work with public agencies and decision makers in Ventura County to provide regulatory solutions for business and private property owners. The organization formed out of frustration over poorly conceived regulations that hamstring businesses, stifle job creation and increase government bureaucracy which, in turn, cause constant pressure for tax increases. CoLAB VC strives to be informed and credible as they analyze new and revised land use and other regulations proposed by the agencies.

    When you hear what Ms. Jensen has to say about the issues affecting the food that reaches your table, you’ll be amazed…and grateful that someone is watching the farmer’s back!


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