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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Boy Scouts Slide Even Further Left With Latest Merit Badges

    By Wes Walker | ClashDaily

    The Boy Scouts of America have drifted a long way from their original mandate. Now they’ve added yet another layer of ‘woke-ness’.

    As an institution, Boy Scouts of America is completely unrecognizable to anyone who may have gone through it a generation or two ago. Superficially, some things are the same, but if you look under the hood, it’s been hijacked by a philosophy absolutely hostile to the original mandate.

    Just like what we have seen done with so many other institutions that fostered patriotism, merit, traditional masculinity, and traditional values.

    ClashDaily had previously reported about their slide into politics and decadence. One story was they first announced their transgender policy. Considering the threat of bankruptcy looming over them because of the wave of sexual abuse lawsuits they were facing, a reasonable person might think they would less of an emphasis on sexualizing Scouting, rather than more. But we are not dealing with ‘reasonable’ people we are dealing with activists.

    If anyone still held out hope that they would pump the brakes on that woke train, we have some bad news for them. Their emphasis is pivoting from sex to other aspects of identity politics.

    What did you really expect from a ‘diversity officer’?

    The Federalist‘s Spencer Lindquist — an Eagle Scout — unpacked what exactly this shift would mean for scouting. Here are a few excerpts from a longer piece well worth reading in full.

    The Citizenship in Society merit badge is the latest initiative as part of BSA’s ongoing commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Developed by BSA’s Office of Diversity and Youth Development Office, with input from a dedicated group of Scouting volunteers, BSA youth and professional staff, the merit badge pairs Scouts with merit badge counselors who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery and facilitate discussions as Scouts seek to further understand the diverse world we live in.

    “The Citizenship in Society merit badge is an important initiative to help Scouts learn about the diverse identities we each possess, understand different perspectives and experiences, and promote good citizenship in society,” said Elizabeth Ramirez-Washka, chief diversity officer and vice president of diversity & inclusion, Boy Scouts of America.

    The new merit badge complements existing merit badges, such as the American Cultures, Citizenship in the Community, Disability Awareness and American Heritage merit badges, which require Scouts to learn and grow their understanding of diverse perspectives and spur positive action. —Scouting

    What did you really expect from a ‘diversity officer’?

    The Federalist‘s Spencer Lindquist — an Eagle Scout — unpacked what exactly this shift would mean for scouting. Here are a few excerpts from a longer piece well worth reading in full.

    At the very beginning of this month, the national organization announced a new merit badge entitled “Citizenship in Society,” that will become a required merit badge for those pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout in July 2022. Citizenship in The World, Citizenship in The Nation, and Citizenship in The Community are already required merit badges, each of which I quite enjoyed. So what’s Citizenship in Society? —TheFederalist

    They aren’t being overt in their embrace of CRT concepts. Even some of the usual buzzwords are absent from the official materials. But Lindquist looked a little closer.

    Enter the official Merit Badge Counselor Guide. While the content that’s openly advertised to children remains rather tame, the content for the adults who’ll be guiding Scouts through the process reveals the radicalism of the ideologies of those who worked to make this a requirement for prospective Eagle Scouts.

    …One such resource is the “All My Relations” podcast, which focuses on the Native American experience and features episodes titled “Decolonizing Sex,” “Celebrate Indigenous Peoples, Not Columbus,” and “Indigiqueer.” Flag folding is so last year. What we really need are Eagle Scouts who understand the Native American LGBT sexual experience!

    There’s also Learning for Justice’s “White Anti Racism: Living the Legacy” a transcription of a series of interviews that parrots the critical race theory talking points we’ve become all too familiar with. —TheFederalist

    A big red flag is how they take a stand AGAINST MLK’s vision of racial equality.

    When one participant is asked “What do you think of the concept of being ‘colorblind,’” she responds with “I hate it.” Another participant describes one of the stages of becoming a white ally as “Realize the meanings behind privilege, racism, and whiteness.” The organization is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that profits from spreading racial and religious animosity, and creates curricula that intend to “dismantle white supremacy” and “strengthen intersectional movements.” —TheFederalist

    How often have we heard the Left finger-wag us with some version of ‘if you don’t like (x) part of society, build your own’.

    Meanwhile, they have shown themselves a fundamentally parasitic movement. They find cultural institutions and hollow them out until they have no resemblance to their original purpose and are little more than a vehicle for their latest political dogma.

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    C E Voigtsberger
    C E Voigtsberger
    2 years ago

    I guess MLK JR was out of step with modern “awokeness: when he said: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    I am not sure how the Reverend would address the current “awokeness” that seems so rampant in our confused society today. I won’t make a guess at what he would think but I suspect that he would find himself out of step.

    Phred Jones
    Phred Jones
    2 years ago

    Get a clue.

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