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    Idiot Democrat Of The Month- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

    Greg Albaugh- Citizens Journal

    The competition was fierce and has been since January but he idiot of the month for the democrats is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. In a recent interview he claims that bridges in New York were intentionally created to keep blacks and Puerto Ricans from going to the beach. The brazen stupidity of this comment has earned him the “Idiot Democrat of The Month” for Citizens Journal.

    Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg claims that there is racism ingrained in the U.S. transportation infrastructure. An unfounded claim but because he used the “R” word and he is in a position of power, all the news medias have jumped on this like a bitch in heat.

    The Daily Caller News Foundation reported “Some people were surprised when I pointed to the fact that if a highway was built for the purpose of dividing a white and a Black neighborhood, or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids … was designed too low for it to pass by, then that obviously reflect the racism that went into those design choices,” Buttigieg said Monday. But if the Blacks or Puerto Ricans had cars, they seemingly had no problems getting to where they were going.

    Buttigieg is referring to Robert Moses, a former New York official who was responsible for developing the transportation infrastructure in the New York metropolitan area, Bloomberg reported. Moses was a Jewish American from Connecticut and the architect of the greater New Your City that we know today.

    In addition to the racist claims by Buttigieg, he was also responsible for expanding the state’s inventory of parks to nearly 2,600,000 acres (1,100,000 ha). By the time he left office, he had built 658 playgrounds in New York City alone, plus 416 miles (669 km) of parkways and 13 bridges.[57] However, the proportion of public benefit corporations is greater in New York than in any other U.S. state, making them the prime mode of infrastructure building and maintenance in New York and accounting for 90% of the state’s debt.[58]

    In Robert Caro’s 1974 biography of Moses titled “The Power Broker,” the author says that Moses instructed his engineers to build bridges on the Southern State Parkway low enough to keep buses from New York City away from Jones Beach. These buses were typically filled with black and Puerto Ricans, who Moses allegedly disliked.

    Beyond allegedly building lower bridges to keep buses filled with minorities away from Jones Beach and other areas, Moses enforced bridges with stone and cement to allegedly prevent expansion methods, according to Bloomberg.

    Data from the New York State Department of Transportation confirms Shapiro’s theory, according to Bloomberg, reportedly showing that the average clearance of bridges and overpasses built by Robert Moses was significantly lower than those on other New York highways. Moses was born in 1888 and was active until the mid-1960’s. The average clearance of bridges would need to take into account the year they were built and the regulations in place at the time of construction.

    In October when the parking lot of cargo ships was noticed off the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, speculation was that the Biden administration policies of enhanced unemployment benefits and COVID-19 vaccine mandates combined with California Governor Gavin Newsom’s climate change policies were somehow derailing the off loading of the cargo ships.

    Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg was quick to insert his opinion. DCNF reported “Demand is off the charts. Retail sales are through the roof,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said during an interview Sunday. “And if you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the West Coast – every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying because demand is up because income is up because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession.”

    More than half of American adults said an item they recently shopped for was out of stock while 54% encountered the same issue online shopping, according to a Morning Consult survey published Friday. The problems facing the supply chain have been most apparent in California, where busy shipping ports have seen delays and cargo backlogs, The Wall Street Journal reported.

    Buttigieg explained that the U.S. supply chain “can’t keep up” with surging demand for goods and services across the economy. Supply chain delays would continue into 2022, he added.

    For those of us who live in the real world and feel the pinch of the inflation that the Biden administration is creating, it seems as if the Transportation Secretary is describing a different situation that we are living every day. It is as if he is as out of touch with reality as the commander in chief is.

    This kind of effort is what is needed to be crowned the Idiot Democrat Of The Month for Citizens Journal. That kind of effort needs to be rewarded.

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    2 years ago

    I vote for that! He is the biggest idiot of all, next to of course, Joe Blow. Despise them all, particularly those two for the fact there is nothing between those ears but thin air, and oh, rampant systemic racism!

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